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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at https://invite.joinjabber.org/#lute@xmpp.party
or at least for the next month: admin@jakparty.soy.

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We need to be able to add custom lgbtq2axyz+- flags to our posts to celebrate pride!

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soot check ur 'mails
soot does not read jakparty.soy/meta/
Replies: >>11724
xe does tho

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lute make jartycuckbooru NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
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signing this petition.

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shemmy and sharty have unbanned gore. are you gonna follow in their footsteps with reverting your rulecucking?
screenshot it

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what is avatarfagging anyway? if i self insert as someone else's jak with original filename attached does that make it an avatar? because it sure looks like i am if you couldn't see my post history and confused me with someone else
>what is avatarfagging
"Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification."
it's literally in the rules, please read them.

>if i self insert as someone else's jak with original filename attached does that make it an avatar
If you're using it as a form of self-identification or signature, even if it's another person, yes.

>it sure looks like i am if you couldn't see my post history and confused me with someone else
yes it would, but I check the posting history before an avatarfag ban. Often times I see multiple instances of someone using the same thing and assume they're ban evading, so I ban again.
Replies: >>11688 >>11690
>can be linked back to a singular poster
Define this.

>Often times I see multiple instances of someone using the same thing and assume they're ban evading, so I ban again.
Sounds just like a 4cuck janny lmao
Replies: >>11691
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>"Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification."
it's literally in the rules, please read them.

you might want to check global reports, i just reported all the avatarfags by your rules on /soy/

>If you're using it as a form of self-identification or signature, even if it's another person, yes.
but i don't look like that though, if i self insert as gapejak holding a heart does that mean i look like a gapejak holding a hear in real life?

>yes it would, but I check the posting history before an avatarfag ban. Often times I see multiple instances of someone using the same thing and assume they're ban evading, so I ban again.
if some one wants to post nothing but neutralplier on your site it's their right to do it, normal users wouldn't notice because it's such a wide spread reaction coal that anyone could use.
>Define this.
if someone is using it as a way of identifying themselves, then it counts. I.e,
if you consistently sign most of your posts with a specific image that no one before posted, then you're avatarfagging. This is especially the case when you're not using it to make fun of someone and you're just self-inserting. 

>i just reported all the avatarfags by your rules on /soy/
no you didn't:
6. Rules are enforced by intent, not letter, therefore loopholes in the rules are disallowed.

my intent for this rule is to prevent people from creating an identity, most of the people you've posted are actually soyquoting (or at least nasquoting) people with their image. They're not just posting their opinion with an obnoxious avatar as a way of identifying themselves.

Many of the users you did post are shemmy immigrants, and im sure that some of those really are avatars, but they haven't been on the site enough for me to confirm them as such. If they keep posting, they'll be removed.

>if some one wants to post nothing but neutralplier on your site it's their right to do it
no it's not. I own this place and pay for the servers. If you want to have that then contribute to peerchan so you can do it on your own computer while still networking with other 'teens. I want us to get to that point so the janny problem can permanently be solved.
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are you ever gonna bring back post deletion?

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There is more meta discussion about the site and rules itself than actual jakking. Lutey loot i think your anti avatarfagging crusade is partly to blame. Spamming the same jak over and over is deep soyjak culture, not le bad cord avatar offsiter etc. Ye intervene in the natural organic process of meme evolution.
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>You are the "newtranny"
i'm acutally a mid 2021 sharty newfag and august 2022 jarty oldfag

>You caused it
no, @admin caused it by publicly announcing that he's officially buck broken by one soylita poster, this is something i've never seen on other soyjak sites and makes soylita posting infinitely more justified. 

>He is keep getting banned for avatarfagging
what about your neutralplier with descriptive filenames? wouldn't that be avatarfagging as well?
Replies: >>11680
>assraping sites le good
DNB broke more bucks than your wojack could ever dream of (except traced 'p that is). Go ahead, post it.
>DFNs and neutral avatarfagging
The only threads where i used neutrals in a indentitflyable way were the threads with IDs already enabled inbred kike
You shitted your shitty wojak meme in every street possible like a true poojeet on top of posting them 7/24
Replies: >>11681
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holy esl spergout
Replies: >>11682
Shit tier wojak
I'm not interested in going around in circles in this thread anymore. If you want to change the avatarfag rule, then make a thread requesting for its change and give good reasoning for it. Just insulting the site on /meta/ is the same shit the cobson laughing (also known as fatcat/MarMar, a /qa/fe pedophile) spammer did. It's unproductive and does not belong on /meta/: a serious board related to site quality.

If you actually care about the state of the site and believe the rule goes too far or its enforcement has been too harsh, then make an earnest thread about it. This concern trolling is not helpful. Until a rule change goes in, I will continue enforcing the rules as is, meaning that soylita avatarfagging is not protected and will get you banned as does every other type of avatarfagging.

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>locking thread creation whenever the website isn't dead like usual
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>i'm actually one of the oldest jartycucks that's still posting on this site besides @admin. 
you basically did nothing to improve the site but adding more rules, banning more posters you don't like, and generally making this site less fun to use after september 2023. why? do you hate us? will this site be shut down anytime soon?
1. Nice job trying to impersonate me with my neutrals
2. >Im one of the oldest jartycucks
your claims on how 'lita was "jart kultur" some time ago says otherwise
3. >You basically did nothing to improve the site but adding more rules
avatarfag bans werent an issue until you came.
>generally making the site less fun to use after september 2023
HMMM I wonder why...

<acksually you're wrong im just a neutral poster and not a soylitaGO-
i mean avatarfag that proves avatarfag rule is le bad
you are the only one crying about rulecucking
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Replies: >>11670 >>11673
fixed formatting so tha you can read
>i'm actually one of the oldest jartycucks that's still posting on this site besides @admin.
>you basically did nothing to improve the site but adding more rules, banning more posters you don't like, and generally making this site less fun to use after september 2023. why? do you hate us? will this site be shut down anytime soon?
1. Nice job trying to impersonate me with my neutrals
2. >Im one of the oldest jartycucks
your claims on how 'lita was "jart kultur" some time ago says otherwise
3. >You basically did nothing to improve the site but adding more rules
avatarfag bans werent an issue until you came.
>generally making the site less fun to use after september 2023
HMMM I wonder why...

<acksually you're wrong im just a neutral poster and not a soylitaGO- i mean avatarfag that proves avatarfag rule is le bad
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Replies: >>11673
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why are you so defensive towards every one of his decisions? are you a janny? 

i'm not trying to impersonate you @herbs_all_fields i just use whatever neutralplier i have on hands and your oc happened to be one of them, also because @admin hates nusharty memes like neutralplier and muttjaks. 

i'm against the rulecucking because that's why i joined jarty in the fist place, people used to cry about kolyma jannies banning them over one nas meme on /soy/. this is exactly what lute is doing now and he's slowly turning this website into sharty 2.0 (but way more dead).
Replies: >>11677
>are you a janny
No im just tirex of obnoxius trannies like you.
>muh rulecucking again
Wasnt an issue before you came in, obnoxius tranny.
>this place turning into sharty 2.0
You might leave then that will surely end this drama taking half the pph
Replies: >>11679
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>obnoxius trannies like you
so pointing out admin's misbehaves is obnoxious now? as expected of nushartycacas.  

>wasnt an issue before you came in
jarty always had this issue of powertripping jannies, it's especially true when stratogem was still active

>You might leave then
no, i don't think i will

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>troon doxx gets posted
>domain goes down

You should add /sharty/ to the top bar because j*rtyCUCK.soy is literally just an obsession site.

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