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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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>Banning users requesting loli porn
>Requesting any banned material will result in a ban on par with posting that kind of material. This means that requesting gore, cp, loli porn, or any other banned content will result in a perma. Requesting people draw loli porn also counts for this.

>users seeing this behavior should report it, jannies seeing it should offer a ban and a delete

>1 minute ago	admin	Global ban,Delete	138467,138477	requesting loli porn
>2 minutes ago	admin	Global ban,Delete	138466	requesting loli porn
>3 minutes ago	admin	Global ban,Global delete by IP	134281	requesting loli porn
>3 minutes ago	admin	Global ban,Global delete by IP	140480,140479	requesting loli porn
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>saging your own thread
This i dont understand lute sometimes.
Everything is going well and gemmy and PPH is increasing and the site is fun and then WAIT WE NEED MORE RULES OR SOMETHING TO THAT EFFECT...UHM BECAUSE IMAGINARY GLOWNIGGERS ARE PERSECUTING MY SOY SITE
smh... she needs a good deep dicking to cure her feminine hysteria (preferably by a BBC)
kys schizo
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>kys schizo
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>>kys schizo

Requesting any banned material will result in a ban on par with posting that kind of material. This means that requesting gore, cp, loli porn, or any other banned content will result in a perma. Requesting people draw loli porn also counts for this.

users seeing this behavior should report it, jannies seeing it should offer a ban and a delete

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LOOK AT PIC RELATED FOR INFO. NO infighting. Discuss new tactics and report any sightings of new enemies.
REMINDER: We will only see more immigrants joining the jarty in the future. This is just the tip of the iceberg, so START FIGHTING.
58 replies and 15 files omitted. View the full thread
meds we still havent failed anything, the operation begins this june as i autisticly start spamming new forced soyboywojaks
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>ITT: We discuss the war against coal
>LOOK AT PIC RELATED FOR INFO. NO infighting. Discuss new tactics and report any sightings of new enemies.
>REMINDER: We will only see more immigrants joining the jarty in the future. This is just the tip of the iceberg, so START FIGHTING.
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@admin @stratogem @lordofthejarty @ragefag you are actually coalers of the jarty btw 

>pic rel
geeeeeg stratotard couldn't even figure out unregistered deletions = user deletions, and that's when he's a mod a jarty for over a year
>he claimed that he never hide username on the log  
geeeg another lie, he does that all the time (especially when deleting his own posts)

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date of operation: this summer because i still have finals and a yearly homework to complete

plan: everyone force a certain meme, mostly your own OCs if you can. like variant:unkown guy and yardajak guy

goal: a site kept artifically alive trough unfunny forced memes

what i will do: force some old memes, perhaps an adventure thread too for this summer

considering soysphere is slowly eroding this is one of the last chances we can revive the last bastion of free speech (expect 'litanigger, get fucked RED)

ok thanks for coming to my talk now you can leave
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stratogem isn't dead I pinged her in the lutecord earlier today
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>(expect 'litanigger, get fucked RED)
failed plan award
Succesful plan demerit

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why the science are the only funny posts on this site this month the anti-jarty ones?
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>you are not funny 
>randjaks are not funny
Sorry but the last time I posted something funny here it got flagged as hate speech so I lost all my carbon points right when I was about to earn enough for a real steak. So I've decided that from now on I'll just reply to every post with trans rights, regardless if the post has to do with trans rights or not since that seems to be a safe way to build back my social credit. Trans rights btw.

dead site kek is no longer just a meme
we call that comfy here, you must be new
Replies: >>11228
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>dead site kek is no longer just a meme

>we call that comfy here, you must be new
how is NAS coal comfy?

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soup why you no fix soyquotin
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>soup why you no fix soyquotin



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>actual 'p trading and 60+ contextless necrobumps le good, muttposting la bad
7 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
kys nigger dick obsessed muttmerican
Site: is doing ok
Not a soul:
Not thanos with the stones:
Soyteens: omg it's literally over
it was actually those loli porn audios  not real life 'p
So true
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>Site: is doing ok
>Not a soul:
>Not thanos with the stones:
>Soyteens: omg it's literally over

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>The Soylita Avatarfag problem 

>More often than not, the "soylita" wojak is used by a spammy, disruptive poster as an avatar. Jannies should check the post history of anyone posting this variant or advocating for the variant in particular and see if it is that poster (most images in their post history will consist of various self-inserts of this nas character along with rather disturbing comments wishing to sexualize the character as well). If an IP's post history is nothing but soylita self-inserting, then feel free to remove their entire posting history along with a ban for their disruptive behavior. I would suggest maintaining this vigilance for at least a month.

>Avatarfagging is against the rules and this user in particular has been rather troublesome on the site as of recent.

>note: this is not an outright ban on this image or type of image, as the character itself violates no rules of the site (even if the more recent posters of it are deplorable). Users using this for proper soyquotes, using the image in passing, or not posting in a disruptive, attention-seeking style should not receive any harsh treatment. If there is doubt, jannies should global report the post for further review.

>further clarification about this post may be found here:
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More often than not, the "soylita" wojak is used by a spammy, disruptive poster as an avatar. Jannies should check the post history of anyone posting this variant or advocating for the variant in particular and see if it is that poster (most images in their post history will consist of various self-inserts of this nas character along with rather disturbing comments wishing to sexualize the character as well). If an IP's post history is nothing but soylita self-inserting, then feel free to remove their entire posting history along with a ban for their disruptive behavior. I would suggest maintaining this vigilance for at least a month.

Avatarfagging is against the rules and this user in particular has been rather troublesome on the site as of recent.

note: this is not an outright ban on this image or type of image, as the character itself violates no rules of the site (even if the more recent posters of it are deplorable). Users using this for proper soyquotes, using the image in passing, or not posting in a disruptive, attention-seeking style should not receive any harsh treatment. If there is doubt, jannies should global report the post for further review.
further clarification about this post may be found here:

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