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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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lute how do i make a board
the section about it in the faq seems to be non-existent
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>nonsense liberty nigerr faggot
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nevermind lute i figured it out
you're doing a great job
anyone who wants to create a board can ask me how
Replies: >>12914
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Replies: >>12915 >>12916
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you willl never be a fucking frog
froogy gettin maddy

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This cordtroon left cp  and aftershitty invites up for 6 hours and he dares give himself the permission to delete soylita images he doesn't like
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are you trying to say that you didn't make all these posts defending @ragefag?
btw @ragefag loves cartoon sitcoms such as "the simpsons" and "king of the hill"
that's one way to identify him
Replies: >>12905
You keep talking to me like I'm him, and yeah, I guess I'm defending him. Not 'cause I like him, but 'cause he actually puts in the effort to moderate this site, unlike those other jannies. If he gets fired, you'll see illegal stuff hanging around the catalog longer every day. He's not perfect at it, but he's pretty much doing it all by himself with the admin jumping in sometimes.
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You have schizophrenia
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>3 minutes ago	ragefag	Delete	150558	linking loli porn
how is it rule-breaking? 
does that mean i can't even link https://boards.4chan.org/b/ on this 18+ imageboard now now?
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>we have to be like 4chan
no i was referring to soot's sharty since @admin likes idolizing soot so much too bad he doesn't have the balls to allow catty duel and soot doesn't even give a fuck about his failed sharty clone. 

ok redditcuck, but loli content and its controversy is the only reason why /soy/ has more than 50ppd from users outside of modteam whether you like it or not.
Replies: >>12892
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>catty duel
stuff like this?:

>Chud 1 hour ago 6ad033 12880 
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>>3 minutes ago	ragefag	Delete	150558	linking loli porn
>how is it rule-breaking? 
>does that mean i can't even link https://boards.4chan.org/b/ on this 18+ imageboard now now?
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Replies: >>12893
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holy retardation
i was talking about dueling with new threads rather than replies 
@admin banned it somewhere in october just because he had to bump months old "jarty culture" threads i think, what a sperg he was 
and he banned spamming the same text/image for some reason? i think it's because some cob spammer made him seethe to the point he added a rule for it. idk about this one cause i didn't browse jarty that much back then.
Replies: >>12896
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Yeah that was unreasonable on his part.Probably the only thing i'll agree with you on.
Replies: >>12897
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you haven't seen anything yet, he banned people for avatars and consolidated non-spam threads as he wished from the beginning of jarty to june 2024, at least he stopped banning people for avatars. 
but from what i can tell, he would never ever withdraw his rules not matter what happens. even when he removed the no avatar rule it's still on >>>/soy/103498 because it's just so well-written and everyone has to see it. that tranny loved his rules kek.

Hello everyone, I think It's finally time that this site discusses opening board registration, so 'teens can host their own boards about their own topics with their own moderators, however I would like to discuss some rules for these boards, both in content allowed on them and permitted subject matter:

Global rule changes
Rules 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will all remain in effect as they are now and will apply globally.

Rules 2 and 4 will be moved to be local board rules on every board that I currently manage (/soy/, /qa/, /sneed/, /art/, etc.)

These changes should give board owners more flexibility in their style of moderation and the community they wish to create.

Improvements to the "What is allowed" section of the rules to note specifically protected content that may appear on all boards, i.e, soyjaks. 

failure to enforce global rules will lead to the board in question being suspended or seized.

Board Topic Rules

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115 replies and 50 files omitted. View the full thread
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Replies: >>12589
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>5 whole users in /mare/
>/meta/ ppd approaching /soy/
shartycucks must be getting really hecking scared
Replies: >>12590
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/dielutedielutedielutedielutedielutedielutedieluted/ won
/kuz/ lost
/mare/ lost
/liberty/ lost
/gemparty/ lost
/rape/ lost
/twk/ lost
/int/ lost
/karaboga/ lost
/uk/ lost
/lennon/ lost
/sayori/ lost
/v/ lost
/caca/ lost
/qa2/ lost
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>>>/mare/ and nothing of value was lost 
@admin i told you that pony porn spammer is probably a sharty janny but you didn't listen

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why was this deleted? what rules did it break?
it's even on twitter https://x.com/JPNWMN/status/1539304706874408960
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>20 minutes
@everyone and this is when we supposedly have 2 jannies online 
they're probably browsing sharty/shemmy or watching some goyslops on youtube right now
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Stfu skayjos. How about you go eat a chocolate chocolate chip.
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>Stfu skayjos. How about you go eat a chocolate chocolate chip.

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>/lita/ and /uooh/ taken down in less than an hour
>actual ‘p still up and hour later
Replies: >>12829
@jewt make me a janny
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>>12827 (OP) 
this was deleted by @ragefag in less than 3 minutes 
even if it's nsfw on blue boards 4chan jannies would usually let it up for 1 hour for an oc like this, someone simply just hates people having fun

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>"You don't need /pol/ to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"
>"You don't need /int/ to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"
>"You don't need /b/ to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"
>"You don't need a name field to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"
>"You don't need to post avatars to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"  
>"You don't need to post gore to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"
>"You don't need to sign your post to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"  
>"You don't need to complain about sharty to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"
>"You don't need to post sfw lolis to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"  
>"You don't need to spam emojis to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"
>"You don't need to spam catalog with the same variants to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"
>"You don't need to bump coal to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"
>"You don't need catalog dueling to have fun on a soyjak imageboard" 
>"You don't need to joke about pedophilia to have fun on a soyjak imageboard" 
>"You don't need to sexualize underaged fictional characters to have fun on a soyjak imageboard"
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15 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
not even sharty jannies would go as far as making a false report to authorities. only trannies do this.
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up jartyfail
Replies: >>12826
t series fail

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I really don't see how a 'lita themed board violates rule 3 or any other rules as long as it's owner deletes suggestive and pornographic images of that variant (which is what I did)
23 replies and 17 files omitted. View the full thread
annoying samefag stay banned pedo nigger
Lmao wtf this pic circulated more than I thought it would
I know I should hit legs more but you didn't have to crop them out thoughbeit
Replies: >>12823
>jardeejelqers really look like this

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>it's just a broken nsfw filter >>>/x/294
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>everything i don't like is either pedo or child porn 
this is you and @stratogem's mindset btw (he called that varda poster "vardapedo" simply because he hates his variants)
take a good look at these sites 
tell me how much child porn you can find?
Replies: >>12819
>if you actually cared about your shitty csam buster project you would've tested since like forever ago
the project took a back burner after everyone left to go back to soyjak.party and the CP waves were mostly over. I had other priorities mostly having to do with making money, so it was my focus.

>but you've been obsessing over froot
i use this site to fuck around on when i find it fun. i hope others do the same thing and don't take it too seriously.

>i'm only talking about saving the jarty (self pro-claimed free speech site) with minimal rules because the rule against talking about ways to rape children is le bad...
you only really started making a problem after I started cracking down on the pedo shit. even the gore shit you didn't get as spergy with. do you like jerking off to soylita?

>do i have to remind you again that even soygem.party doesn't ban you for spamming gore no more? 
then go there if you want to spam gore.

>btw i can identify you and your jannies post style on soygem.party as well
i don't actively use that site. I think I went there once or twice to post bait and that was it.
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>the project took a back burner after everyone left to go back to soyjak.party and the CP waves were mostly over.
more excuses for the fact that your only motivation is pph

>i use this site to fuck around on when i find it fun
then jarty is officially a sharty obsession site that doesn't deserve any culture of its own, since @admin himself does it 

>muh pedo muh gore 
i said i know this site's users more than you do, they don't get triggered by pedo and gore shit like soyjak.party's users (since most of them are underaged) take this thread for example https://archive.md/jVa37 half of the posters in this thread were just jarty users, and the ones who were spamming were raiders from soyjak.party and soyzellig.party (their opinion doesn't matter since they don't post here and means nothing to me)

>then go there if you want to spam gore
the problem is not gore, it's about freedom. you can't just ban everything you don't like and expect people to still post here. the purpose of jarty and why would anyone to use this site to begin with is post content that isn't allowed on sharty. 

>i don't actively use that site. I think I went there once or twice to post bait and that was it.
you made a lot shitty frog/cobson posts with the same files and writing style, stop lying.
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>gets BTFO'd in every way possible >>12127 >>12065 >>12372 >>11524 >>12591 >>11906
>still thinks every ban on his own users he ever made was justified and it's all shartyshits fault >>12459
>still unironically thinks banning more thing will save jarty and not just make it even deader >>12498 

is this really what you wanted? just admin and 2 of his jannies necrobumping and samefagging and maybe like 2 ~ 6 other actual users?
Replies: >>12824
actual obsessed faggot

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I sent 2 emails to you Lute. Can you read them? it's important.
14 replies and 12 files omitted. View the full thread
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>this is a dirty lie he posted his discord account twice on this site like 3 months ago
>i wouldn't have exposed you on jarty if @admin never leaked my mail about you but he just couldn't hold the urge, and so am i
>imagine first banning gore posters to protect some discord tranny's drawthread
>and then hiring the said discord tranny as a janny to ban your own users again
>i'm only doing what has to be done, fuck you lute, eat shit and die
>3 months ago.
Yeah I wanted to keep in contact with a online friend. Big deal? You're trying to imply I was in soy discord servers. I moved platforms to chat so it doesn't matter anymore.
>I wouldn't have exposed you on jarty if @admin never leaked my mail
Litreally nobody cared about that,you shouldn't have made a big deal about it.
>imagine first banning gore posters to protect some discord tranny's drawthread.
Says the other discord user to the other discord user. What a spook.
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>>3 months ago.
>Yeah I wanted to keep in contact with a online friend. Big deal? You're trying to imply I was in soy discord servers. I moved platforms to chat so it doesn't matter anymore.
>>I wouldn't have exposed you on jarty if @admin never leaked my mail
>Litreally nobody cared about that,you shouldn't have made a big deal about it.
>>imagine first banning gore posters to protect some discord tranny's drawthread.
>Says the other discord user to the other discord user. What a spook.
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>>>3 months ago.
>>Yeah I wanted to keep in contact with a online friend. Big deal? You're trying to imply I was in soy discord servers. I moved platforms to chat so it doesn't matter anymore.
>>>I wouldn't have exposed you on jarty if @admin never leaked my mail
>>Litreally nobody cared about that,you shouldn't have made a big deal about it.
>>>imagine first banning gore posters to protect some discord tranny's drawthread.
>>Says the other discord user to the other discord user. What a spook.
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>Says the other discord user to the other discord user. What a spook.

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