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they are basically glorified discord servers where people play shit videos and chat for hours
eventually they move the discussion to actual discord servers and a cancerous clique is formed
ban it NOW
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>incest NOT le funny
>you need to back or sum shiet
Find your jannitorial place at 4channel.org oldtroon neggroid
Replies: >>9621
Me Bigot even though you’re the ones trying to get a diverse community of queens banned. You’re the one who needs to heck off.
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oldGODS own you
>do they engage in forcing coal or coordinating raids on the site? If not, then I do not care.
thats what they lead to
>can you provide evidence of this happening?
well shit if you dont know how a namefagging chat that's hosted once a day can lead to discord cliques then you must be dumb

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lutey sootey wordfilter pph to cp
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>cp jokes
Replies: >>9575 >>9576
erm dont yuck someone elses rape
Let people enjoy things chud
this would be funny, but word filters, especially ones that replace text, are kolyma-tier shittery that just makes using the site harder for no reason. the only word filters that are used are shit related to advertisement and CP spam.

make me admin
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yeah, lute should make ME admin instead, or maybe make me share with OP a day after day
Replies: >>9597
erm establishment is bad, jarty should be heckin marxist state without bigoted admins abusing the posting class
Replies: >>9598
while I agree with what you said sister, we should still have a furher to force-transtition selfish little fucks that want to remain c*s
ban every admin

Delete this website
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Replies: >>9588
differentcord woke up
>>9582 (OP) 
erm no just no
oh yes unfairly yes
Lute, I will stop using this website if you didn't do this

Chud ## Admin, can you please ban that stupid Lute namefag? he has been coaling up the jarty since it's start and posting links to his discord server, everytime I talk to him he tries to shill me his retarded crypto-currency, just ban him already
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The next time you see him violating the second rule report his post so we may ban him.
tsmt do it NOW

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recently lute (without asking anyone) ordered the 'cord to import every sh*rtySHIT page to the soypedia
>what is the gemmification initiative?
im glad you asked rookie. we infiltrate the wiki's brimmiest pages and draw a cross mark on them so undercover gemmers in the lutecord cabal can execute them. pic related is an example
14 replies and 8 files omitted. View the full thread
okay I concede I didn't know it wasn't just templates like OP was complaining about but a gorillon of pol pages
I know people are concerned with pages getting deleted from the other wiki, but surely we don't need to save literally every single one of them
ok then just don't look at them if you don't want to fix them
Replies: >>9562
but you can still edit freely and none of the jarty made pages are gon so soypedia isn't ruined
what would ruin it is some gay ((( content policy ))) like what you want
Replies: >>9562
sweaty the admin just debunked you
Replies: >>9567
erm no just no

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Add /a/
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who let mpv on the jarty
projecting much? arent you from /cub/ or blackedgov /zoo/ take your sinophobia back to /trash/
Replies: >>9556 >>9561
nooo dont coal up /ent/ with tranime

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soooooooot its time we federate the jarty with thefrogpond.org
Replies: >>9504
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>>9501 (OP) 
based xi jinping getting along with the memes but in all seriousness we need more north korean themed anti furry content rather than swastikas
Have the owner email me and set up a webring, I'm sure that frogposters would like a home of their own.
Replies: >>9560
even tho you can email xim yourzelf

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you WILL fix this right fricking now
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>random lolcow (person that only a 'cord cares about) article
how do i gem this up exactly?
Replies: >>9529
I think you should mark it for deletion/add a coal template, maybe create a "shit only discord/sharty cares about" category. Or you could apply the strikethrough formatting to the text. Or replace the page to say "shit nobody cares about". Or just make shit up entirely. Go crazy.
Replies: >>9530
what i think we should do is make a thread on /meta/ meant for the deletion of wiki pages
users can post the pages/categories/templates they dont like and lutey sootey can remove them if no one objects
Replies: >>9531
Yeah, that's how marking for deletion basically works. We can start with this one because I'm pretty sure it's not relevant to anyone outside a few people on soyki https://wiki.jakparty.soy/index.php?title=Template:Chud50002
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@lutecord officers
remember that /soy/ is a NSFW board, and people posting porn there without spoilers is permitted.
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Replies: >>9494 + 1 earlier
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>>>9464 (OP)  (OP)  w7-890
>aww sweet i cant wait to see people flooding the catty by dumping thier scat/bara furfag commics one page per thread this is gonna be amazing but does that mean i can post lewd tranime too?

>every time someone furfag shit can you just move and contain everything to a singluar /b/ thread? we dont want furniggers coaling up the boards with /trash/ quality content

>cringe and disgusting your place is on >>>/sharty/ qa go back there before dylan shits up /awsw/ with his custom made kiwifams spambot
>btw thanks for fixing the captcha it now works on my shitty WinPE opera browser
Replies: >>9496
White hat operators are triangulating your position furscum
shut the FUCK UP JANNY
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>@lutecord officers
>remember that /soy/ is a NSFW board, and people posting porn there without spoilers is permitted.

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