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lute if you want to monetize the site like you’ve said so in the past don’t do a goyerch (goyim merch) store because those are cringe. You could like put up bitcoin mining captchas or something instead. Or just do a donation link. Or make a cripplingly addictive web3 soyjak phone game where you buy funko pops with lutecoin. Just don’t do a le merch storaroo. 

And before you ask noooooo I’m not saying its bad because le sharty is doing it (le evil bad website) although the sharty doing it is what prompted me to type this all out I just think that stuff is soy in general because you’re le buying a mass produced product delivered by the post office instead of heckin making something yourself. You don’t have to write a long reply to this that’s just how I feel about the issue in general.
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
'jaks to them are just new rage comis
>if you want to monetize the site like you’ve said so in the past don’t do a goyerch (goyim merch) store
if there are wares that 'teens would buy, I would sell them. However, as an environmentalist, I dislike most modern consoomer crap and wouldn't want to sell something of poor quality and of no actual value. So, if I did open a shop, it'd hopefully sell items of medium to high quality and of some utility rather than cheap plastic tat. Think plushies, jewelry, comfortable clothing, and other items of high craftsmanship or high resell value.
Since I don't have anything to sell (that would be soyjak-themed that is) I am confident users of my site would want, I won't be opening a store like this any-time soon.
Personally, I think banner-ads by private individuals on this site would be better, that or a type of donation system.
>You could like put up bitcoin mining captchas or something instead
I rather take donations in crypto, since most respectable browsers automatically block these.
>make a cripplingly addictive web3 soyjak phone game where you buy funko pops with lutecoin
AIDs somehow worse than a merch store.
Replies: >>9985
you'll wish you'd taken my advice when soytan dress up gacha is making 6 figures and none of them are going to your bank account
>soyjak merch
no just no
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>>if you want to monetize the site like you’ve said so in the past don’t do a goyerch (goyim merch) store
>if there are wares that 'teens would buy, I would sell them. However, as an environmentalist, I dislike most modern consoomer crap and wouldn't want to sell something of poor quality and of no actual value. So, if I did open a shop, it'd hopefully sell items of medium to high quality and of some utility rather than cheap plastic tat. Think plushies, jewelry, comfortable clothing, and other items of high craftsmanship or high resell value.
>Since I don't have anything to sell (that would be soyjak-themed that is) I am confident users of my site would want, I won't be opening a store like this any-time soon.
>Personally, I think banner-ads by private individuals on this site would be better, that or a type of donation system.
>>You could like put up bitcoin mining captchas or something instead
>I rather take donations in crypto, since most respectable browsers automatically block these.
>>make a cripplingly addictive web3 soyjak phone game where you buy funko pops with lutecoin
>AIDs somehow worse than a merch store.

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lute are we just your little meat puppets you use for your libertarian internet experiments under the guise of being users of an obscure soyjak filesharing forum
i often feel like we're being used to test your software like with the AI cheese pizza identifier
Replies: >>9982
>>9980 (OP) 
shut up and respond to stimuli
While I do use this site to experiment with tools, this is not my main goal.
>He really thinks the j*rtyCVCK admin has the know-how to do that.

9 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
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>'atekeeping 'site from nametroons is bad ev&oe the moment they avatarfag even when there are no name fields
Replies: >>9920 >>9966
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just woke up and your response makes no sense
Replies: >>9956 >>9966
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>no arrow 
therefore you look like that
Replies: >>9962 >>9966
>he wasn't on /qa/

can u ban the dfnt nigger? his signature troonjak image is an avatar and he shits up every thread he can find to bring attention for his shitty nulee persona
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>can u ban the dfnt nigger? his signature troonjak image is an avatar and he shits up every thread he can find to bring attention for his shitty nulee persona
Replies: >>9957
apply the rules equally or the only selfish little fuck here is (You)
Replies: >>9959 >>9964
Replies: >>9963
erm what did xe mean by this
Erm no just no

@Lute @Board Staff @Stratogem Why was I banned then unbanned? I don't understand. Please explain to me. Thank you guys
22 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
You have me.
ironic @lute even emails?
Replies: >>9946
Ironic lute even doe he's selfishlittlefuck
deep, post-modern cobkek metatoss
Replies: >>9949
postmodern samephilosopher

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Check /views/includes/yourefucked.txt for a suprise!
spooked me and made me look, there was nothing there. i kneel trollGOD.
Replies: >>9918
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>i put GOD at the end of thing like my favorite admin, froot

delete the trending threads section. most of them are old threads and outdated

this is a test thread
@Admin The red ban text disappears when I refresh the page. Is that intentional?
Replies: >>9911 >>9915
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Replies: >>9904
Start shaking your head violently for the hallucinations to go away. I merely asked to see if the site is breaking down. Editing posts on jschan has always been weird and this could very well be a bug.
Replies: >>9911 >>9915
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are you ever going to take accountability for what you did?
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>are you ever going to take accountability for what you did?
>am i ever going to stop turning the jarty into the furry site? no

the way I know the shartycord woke up and is when the report queue has posts that violate no rules in it and the report reasoning is just "Pedo".
I would like to remind everyone that is submitting reports that they should read the rules of the site and report posts that violate them rather than just reporting random shit for your own, arbitrary reasons.
2 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>11266 + 1 earlier
>they showed ongezellig girls sexually. the girls are in high school. why is that not pedo shit
the characters aren't drawn in a way to mimic prepubescent children, thus, I tolerate it. Any character, no matter their "canon" age (which doesn't matter at all, since it's a fucking drawing and can be set to anything), if drawn in a way that's pre-pubecent would violate the rule. Content of character's that's depicting a post-pubecent character, doesn't violate the rule. Fictional character's don't have real ages, since they're not real, it's about the content they depict, and if it's of a pre-pubecent character or not.

>safe from degeneracy
what kind of high-horse are you on? this is a soyjak forum and it was posted on /b/, a literal dumping ground for garbage content. it's not like you went to some "LE BASED FASHLARP SAVING THE WHITE RACE" board, you went to a bald cartoon man with glasses website's trash-can. 
The post you reported, while nas brimstone coal from the depths of hell itself, isn't rule violating. that doesn't mean that it needs to be removed by a moderator. You can personally just hide the post if you dislike it. If you dislike this kind of content so much, then I would suggest filtering it on your machine with an extension, I suggest this FOSS one:
Message too long. View the full text
reportGODs will continue filling up your shitty queue and there is nothing you can do about it
Replies: >>9903
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this. literally so much of this. get this man a golden medal.
reported for being a batshit insane randroid who hasn't played bioshock
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>the way I know the shartycord woke up and is when the report queue has posts that violate no rules in it and the report reasoning is just "Pedo".
>I would like to remind everyone that is submitting reports that they should read the rules of the site and report posts that violate them rather than just reporting random shit for your own, arbitrary reasons.

>>>9886 (OP)  (OP) 
>the way I know the lutecord wakes up is when loli and cub porn is posted KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK

Is catalog flooding allowed outside the boards that matter? (/soy/, /sharty/, /meta/, /comtech/)
Replies: >>9895
>>9885 (OP) 
catty flooding should be avoided on all boards, except /b/. Even then, excessive spam that harms the site's integrity may be stopped (i.e, flooding that results in a denial of service).

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