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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

Over the last 3 months, the quality of jakparty.soy has dropped greatly, primarily due to an influx of pedophillic posts, but also because of Administration's overreach due to the non-clarity of certain rules. To remedy this, I have a rule rewrite proposal:

0. Content Illegal under United States law is banned.
1. Loli, shota, cub, jailbait, and child abuse content is banned. Posts advocating for pedophillia or its normalization are banned. Posts lusting over or sexualizing children are banned.

Of note, an update to the "Rules for jannies" section will prescribe the American Miller Test be used to judge if a post violates rule 1 (or 0 in regards to CP) or not. This effectively means that lewdness and provocativeness will be measured for if something is banned. 

Users may be unhappy with this change, but there are plenty of places on the internet for this kind of content. https://8ch.moe exists, I would  suggest you go there. 

Of note, this is not an outright ban on soylita or any other child character, the lusting and sexualization posts around those characters however is. If you want to draw fan art of this character that isn't in any way sexual or lewd, then your posts are permissible.

I am trying my hardest with these changes to constrain the actual problem posts and users without stepping into being the coal police on site culture itself. 

2. Creating posts that come with any type of signature or avatar is banned. Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification. Style of writing in posts generally will not be used to decide rather someone is or isn't using a signature or avatar.
This rule will be completely removed from the global rule set and will be moved to being a /soy/ specific rule
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70 replies and 24 files omitted. View the full thread
your time is running out kike
Replies: >>12200
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>>shows rage comic from le reddit
>opinion discarded
>since when did i say that schizo admins
since you went on tirades against anything anthro.

>i dont even get turned on to disney dogs 
meds, no one mentioned this.
why do you have to deny something no one even mentioned. do you get turned on my disney dogs?

>if you truly care about forgiveness can you just help me make a self hosted jschan instance step by step on this fixed computer pic rel why cant i just code jack shit properly?

you can create your own board if you're too retarded to create a jschan instance as well.

>he even enabled the name field just to make fun of me that one time
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Replies: >>12387
give my /pol/ BACK!!!!!!!!!

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Lute, if you are gonna delete this image
because it is considered as "cub" even though there was nothing seual about it, the text was just "dead site" at least remove 'litaniggers too, since not only they depict underaged characters too (just like the image your nigger janny deleted and banned me for) on top the sexual / inapporirate comments accompanynig them
41 replies and 13 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>12295
i wasn't even meant to pretend to be differentfag but whatever
>>12202 (OP)  w7-890
i was the one who reported that thread originally and JEWT just disregarded my complaint fucking kike bending ovevr to zoophiles and now we have people sharty /g/ wanting to spread thier furshit somewhere else ITS NOT FAIR

WHY IS RAGEFAG EVEN ALLWED HERE faggot literally drew the the male soylita as a furfag dog isnt that considered pedo bait?
ALSO YOU HAVENT REPLIED TO MY OTHER POST YET i wanted that scullymaxxing comment about SEA people removed

ill get this guy doxxed asap until more evidence is given with my friend erwin wermacht
Replies: >>12302
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>@ragefag why are you deleting my posts? what rules does it break?
>ragefag has had his permissions on /meta/ removed  for this.
>have you read my email?
>i'm trying to prevent something bigger here
>@ragefag why are you deleting my posts? what rules does it break?
>This email sums it up. 
>I don't think Lute will read it. It's a matter of time before one 'litafags (btw there is a 'litafag who post here that is apart of qafe) alarms nu 'qafe i'm here. I didn't want to 
>talk about this gay ass drama in jarty but i have to if i don't want to be seen as power trippy. It's so over. Lute delete this thread just for the safety of the site.
>that's not me you idiot i never posted porn on jarty
>it's your own fault for leaking my messages instead just relying to my mail
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geeeg jartycuck

name a more cringy race than indians
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Replies: >>12307
>>12305 (OP) 
thread winner
reply loser
hanGODS and pinoyGODS are both keyed, stfu
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>hanGODS and pinoyGODS are both keyed, stfu

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>board registration is open to the public, may the trillion board plan commence.
>The rules for this can be found in the rules section of the site. Users must register an account to create a board.
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>board registration is open to the public, may the trillion board plan commence.
>The rules for this can be found in the rules section of the site. Users must register an account to create a board.

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unban discord invites
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>unban discord invites

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not only is she removing the based CP and soylita threads she is also highly problematic and not someone who should be allowed to represent the jarty
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Replies: >>12296
not me who has to disable his adblocker just to post on the site
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>>12184 (OP) 
>shit talking about mods
stupid question but does the jarty actually care about freedom of speech or is this another one of those "repressive" imageboard regimes where tranny jannies have full reign while pretending to be a democracy
Replies: >>12299
Pretty much any mod is free to act as they wish
Whether it be ignoring rule breaking posts or banning non rule breaking ones
Replies: >>12300
which one do you prefer though? i prefer the first one

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Replies: >>12297
makes @admin's clitty leak
go back to kohlchan
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>go back to kohlchan
>>12289 (OP) 
The real question is why would you want to post that kind of matierial in the first place?  It says something more about you than it does anything else.
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>The real question is why would you want to post that kind of matierial in the first place?  It says something more about you than it does anything else.

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hey ragefag do you look like this and if yes do you take BWC or BBC

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Fire ragefag/adam for deleting my sfw little girls thread and banning me. stupid fucking kike nigger.
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xe will ban you for "being part of da cord" despite xim being a cord user himself
Replies: >>12283
fr fr. Adam should really fucking hand himself.
Replies: >>12284
i meant hang*
apparently stock images of girls in swimsuits is "jailbait" to him
he really is a projecting pedophile

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i will not stop until i necrobump the entire catty day and night

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