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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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Redpill me on lute's collaboration with sharty.
why is the post mentioning kuz? i thought he left the internet
Replies: >>13092
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he came back. and here is the more relevant part cut out.
Replies: >>13096
I don't know if doll is just retarded or lying here but the jarty never joined in any kind of initiative to share CP hashes. I wish we did however, but the CSAM-buster project was effectively deprecated in favor of Ronald's CLIP-based anti-CP system that I reimplemented on the jarty side.

>I need access to your server to set the bot up stupid goy
I actually recently sent Ronald's original anti-CP implementation he made for vichan to Angeleno as an act of good faith the other day. I'll give it to any else who asks for it as well if they want it as well. If the swedish win guys want it they can email me for a copy, i'll happily provide. Though, it would be better for them to make a vichan hook into my project so we can share code on the core. I think every splinter would benefit then (even the sharty). muh dead site kek solitary or something.

I don't know why they're so stingy with the source code since all it is is a program that downloads images from a vichan instance, tosses them through an AI image classifier called CLIP, and then runs some hard-coded checks to test if something is or isn't CP (and because Ronald is Indian, he had the computer god image detector run as a web service because it was the needful or something). Software freedom benefits everyone involved and I see no reason to gate-keep a tool for removing CP.

You have been allowed to post this past year because it's not against the rules to post furporn and it makes w7 have schizonigger spergouts, which makes Lute laugh. But if I see you posting any characters that can be considered underage in the slightest, or if you start expanding outside of >>>/b/, then I will personally ensure that no furry related content stays undeleted.
People come to this site to see soyjaks, not porn.
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>Despite my warning, you continued to post NSFW drawings of underage looking characters, and I just saw someone posting cub porn again. The year old furry porn thread has been removed as a result.
bumping this gem of a thread
>skajyos was just a projecting furkike and a lolicon

erm... 'litagods? this doesnt paint a very good picture for us
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>You have been allowed to post this past year because it's not against the rules to post furporn and it makes w7 have schizonigger spergouts, which makes Lute laugh. But if I see you posting any characters that can be considered underage in the slightest, or if you start expanding outside of >>>/b/, then I will personally ensure that no furry related content stays undeleted.
>People come to this site to see soyjaks, not por-ACK!!!!

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lute maybe you should just ban lita just because its so low quality and no one wants it
make a thread about it and see how many people want it removed
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is the jartycvck lita spammer a janny? lute remove him immediately
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>the 1 lita spammer voted no on the poll
its unanimous agreement then
ban lita
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this gem will never get old
kys op
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this is your admin
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this is your admin

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>mfw j*rtycvck.goy has been renewed for another year

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@Admin how is this rule 1 violation? 
banned from all boards.. for this? you are just looking for shit nobody cares about to delete at this point (btw i didn't make that comment)
>muh sexualizing children 
she's a drawing you retard
lute is a fucking faggot tranny who thrives off the attention and endless debates caused by pissing off and alienating his users >>>/dielutedielutedielutedielutedielutedielutedieluted/
Replies: >>13008
attention whore^
back to the sharty froot

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I think you're too paranoid about some rule or lack of rules fucking up the site in the future, while that may happen on rare occasions its no big deal and can even be fun sometimes, and trying to micromanage every feature about the site will just lead to more fuck ups long term than just leaving it alone somewhat, tweaks to the site are suitable on rare occasions though.

Other than that you're doing a great job, and if you want more feedback and user input maybe you should do a quarterly /QA/ at a semi-regular date to maximize both your time and the users time.
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>>geeeg you are literally praising someone who jerks off to furry porn and bans you for posting animal deaths
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I appreciate the honest feedback.

I try to keep people in on decisions as much as possible (hence my wordswordswords changes) so that they can critique them. I think the last big set of changes will be fine for awhile though (unless something massive comes up).
Replies: >>12950 >>12956
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>last big set of changes 
nobody's gonna read that shit nigga. but i bet you are still proud of every rule you wrote despite this massive failure of a website
Once your estrogen levels dip youre going to have another meltdown and IP wipe a few active users though.

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i got banned and ip reported by your bot for posting speech bubble meme 
20 replies and 8 files omitted. View the full thread
so youre just baiting lys dishonest shartycoaler
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>so youre just baiting lys dishonest shartycoaler
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>much more light on punishment if it detects CP.
wouldn’t you want it to be more strict if it’s CP your dealing with?
Replies: >>12954
false positives do damage tho
Replies: >>12955
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then don't implement your shitty filter at all if you don't got what it takes

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Banner thread
79 replies and 51 files omitted. View the full thread
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dead site kek
Replies: >>10991 >>12925
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>dead site kek
add this one but only on boards.html

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