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@admin What's considered extreme violence and what's not?
Don't you think you're going beyond reddit for banning someone over a non-abuse animal gore? 
Posting these here because captcha on /meta/ is broken for me.
>What's considered extreme violence and what's not
If someone is harming, maiming, or killing something I would consider this excessive violence, and possibly in violation of the sites rules.
>Don't you think you're going beyond reddit for banning someone over a non-abuse animal gore? 
It's not a blanket ban.
If you want to have a farming and husbandry thread on this site, perhaps on /qa/, and photos of on-topic gore or violence are shown (and spoilered), that is permissible since the topic relates to violence.
Similarly, if you want to have a thread discussing self-defense situations and post videos of people using excessive violence, or even having gore involved, it's permissible.
However, if you just want to have a /b/-style "REKT THREAD", I am not interested in hosting it since the type of user this behavior tends to attract is hurtcore fanatics.This is a site that is generally orientated towards light-hearted shitposting, primarily with soyjaks and /qa/ memes.
There are places for you to congregate, post, and discuss these types of videos, but this place is not one of them.
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>>What's considered extreme violence and what's not
>If someone is harming, maiming, or killing something I would consider this excessive violence, and possibly in violation of the sites rules.
>>Don't you think you're going beyond reddit for banning someone over a non-abuse animal gore? 
>It's not a blanket ban.
>If you want to have a farming and husbandry thread on this site, perhaps on /qa/, and photos of on-topic gore or violence are shown (and spoilered), that is permissible since the topic relates to violence.
>Similarly, if you want to have a thread discussing self-defense situations and post videos of people using excessive violence, or even having gore involved, it's permissible.
>However, if you just want to have a /b/-style "REKT THREAD", I am not interested in hosting it since the type of user this behavior tends to attract is hurtcore fanatics.This is a site that is generally orientated towards light-hearted shitposting, primarily with soyjaks and /qa/ memes.
>There are places for you to congregate, post, and discuss these types of videos, but this place is not one of them.

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w7-890 after many many months and months of sleepless nights and countless hours of painstaking research i finally have the irrefutable much-needed concrete proof that the lutecord AFTER ALL exists as evidenced by this screencap highlighting your furry spamming degeneracy inb4 zooquoting + dotspam
DAMN! all these years of hard work and sweat plus Adderall meds is finally paying off i cant believe it man tears NOW HOW DO I DESTROY THIS CANCEROUS SOURCE FOR GOOD? ANSWER THE QUESTION JEWT WE KNOW youre hiding something fishy there dont even think of deleting this thread calling you out
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Ok there is actually some truth about the so called "lute 'cord"
first of all the main reason this site exists is some sort of filter, secondly its not really a jarty or furry focused discord group and more about FOSS and cemmy art (to enter you also need to pass a test form to prove you are not a slf at @Liberland Embassy )

Also it's not fair to compare this to other 'party related discoals such as QAFE and zelligparty's own discord because lutecord members are handpicked from long time OC and gem posters and those who are knowledble in Linux&open source software.

Though i understand your concerns about what we are posting in the server I assure you there is nothing illegal or fishy going on because we arent like shitty.clitty and shemaley when it comes to moderation

If you have any more questions i would like to handle this to my fellow @Department of Agriculture

.                 -kekr1zma
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Replies: >>11036 >>11038
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no this was me 8 hours ago in genting skyworlds thanks i hate it pic related fortunately its just your generic movie mascot not some custom designed shit by elite furfag cons other than that the rides were good
Replies: >>11037
watch 0:08 retard SEAmonkey its your channel you stupid neo nazi fuck nobody claiming you are a furfag
she's kina cemmy doe...
can you blame wGOD??

I have officially caged my whiteboi clitty.
I'm happy for you

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Banner thread
77 replies and 51 files omitted. View the full thread
loooot add this
coal so low that it almost wraps back around to becoming a gem
if it was a little higher effort and had a bit more cancer to it, I may throw it on /qa/.
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dead site kek
Replies: >>10991
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>dead site kek

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1. install trumpflare
2. automatically ban any or all coalers from this great aryan website
3. bring back all the gemmers
4. kill the sharty
5. make chudtoss a 'jakker
6. get trump to tweet a soyjak with #GamerGate2 so we can win the culture war
7. kill kuz
8. bring back soot from the dead
9. make jakraft active again
10. fix images
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Replies: >>10972
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>>calls other people coalers
>dont throw nooses at people while hanging off the ceiling tranny
>>10954 (OP) 
You forgot "Fix wiki template" albeit
Replies: >>10976
soot do this too
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>(x)oot do this 
Replies: >>10984

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Mods, hide /b/. It destroys our reputation and is coomer central
Replies: >>10870
Mods, delete every board except /b/. It's our only good board and is gemmer central
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>>10826 (OP) 
>porn le bad
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>xhe actually did it
i think this is it, one last jarty culture has finally gone

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Marge what is this? it's joel?

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Hey I just saw child porn on /b/ can you delete it, thanks
ever heard of reporting
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>ever heard of reporting

>9 hours ago	admin	Global ban,Delete by IP	133707,133152,133109,132684,132607,132466,132728,132729,132798,132462,133115,133116,133166,133712,132600,132465,133708,132448,132451,132467,132456,132458,132460,132497,132533,132586,132588,132592,132595,132597,132611,132887,132927,132928,132930,132978,132979,132726,132789,132690,132727,132730,132919,132977,132976,133108,133113,133114,133154,133714,133713,133666,133711	"joel" brown troonjak avatarfag

Why do you assume every brown troonjak poster is this joel guy? There're at least 3 browntroonjak posters on this site and I can tell none of them are joel
2 replies omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>10971 + 1 earlier
>>10965 (OP) 
A Muslim 14 years old booru janny who call everyone ESL (ESL derangement syndrome diagnoser) but also ESL himself and also owning CP
the posters you've banned were either from booru or that omori dfnt guy 

joel is the kind of poster who quotes literally anything with brown troonjaks, ugly black people, amerimutt, etc. and he does not use "joel" as filenames because that would be too easy to identify.
Replies: >>10975
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>noooo ban everyone who makes fun of me they're all one guy I made up

relevant xkcd
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dont dodge the question above JEWT so why did you delete my files? getting blackmailed by ghey furries eh?

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I'll probably start working on making JSChan better some time in the next couple months, do any of you 'teens have a wish list for site improvements?
140 replies and 36 files omitted. View the full thread
is admin the slf poster
Replies: >>9323
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loooooooooooooooooot add apng support

i tried to use one just now and got hit with the

<Mime type "image/apng" invalid for file "image.png"
Replies: >>10969
would need to add support upstream as an alternative to gif for it to happen.
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>what do you selfish ltitle fucks want 
>I'll probably start working on making JSChan better some time in the next couple months, do any of you 'teens have a wish list for site improvements?

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