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Could nonoko be added?

I can tell with sh*rtySHITS invade the site when they're banned by the report queue. They report anything that hurts their feelings and its funny geg.
jews won btw.
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post the report queue
Replies: >>9305
already cleared it, but some user was reporting stuff for "tranny shit" or "homosexual tranny cp", when it's content that's months old, and permitted on the boards its on. Some users just refuse to read the rules before reporting content, or hide threads they dislike.
Replies: >>9306
>stratonigger loves double standards
many such cases KEK also why is blatant pornographic troon bait welcomed on /b/ and /qa/? its almost like froot's siblings moderate this board since he himself got caught redhanded as an undertale furfag.

jewt please put a permanent "captcha and block bypass" on my jschan account i may schizopost once a while but i never intend on flooding the site with dotspam like the other chuds

>>9305 dont dodge the question
btw who is this new user named [ jewswon ack skajyos ] care to explain all of this? i know you have something to hide there JEWT
funnily enough a month ago ziggerchan admins installed new moderators named [ ikapon undefined invadersmustdie ] and i got perma'd for trying to call out the tranny jannies on /b/ under the guise of keeping shills out.
btw i hate to say this but kemono went rogue after the admins deleted the "schizo" comments exposing Exhentai shills
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>new coal blogpost 
>I can tell with sh*rtySHITS invade the site when they're banned by the report queue. They report anything that hurts their feelings and its funny geg.
>jews won btw.
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>0. Content Illegal under United States law is banned.

>1. Loli, shota, jailbait, and child abuse content is banned.

>2. Creating posts that come with any type of signature or avatar is banned. Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification. Style of writing in posts generally will not be used to decide rather someone is or isn't using a signature or avatar.

>3. Invites to discord servers for chan-culture of any type are banned due to the threat they pose to their upsteam communities. However, discussion of these places, while discouraged and in bad taste, are not banned.

>4. Excessive spam is banned.

>5. NSFW content on SFW board is banned except in cases where the content is spoilered and the NSFW content is on-topic.

>6. Rules are enforced by intent, not letter, therefore loopholes in the rules are disallowed.

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stratonigger if you are going to ban me everytime you see me at least ban the other avatarfags as well, you literally named your bot after a namefag KEK
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>stratonigger if you are going to ban me everytime you see me at least ban the other avatarfags as well, you literally named your bot after a namefag KEK
>booru filename
>forced nusharteen variant
at least try
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>>booru filename
>>forced nusharteen variant
>at least try
Replies: >>9298
I do say this but I don't really resemble that 'jak therefore fail
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>I do say this but I don't really resemble that 'jak therefore fail

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loor fix post numbe

soot the 'pedia is getting raided
Replies: >>9285
finally someone to make it not be entirely dead
>>9283 (OP) 
the maintenance script fixes those now
Replies: >>9286 >>9287
it's still going
it didnt though
Replies: >>9292
it did though

>Early 404: When a new thread is posted, delete any existing threads with less than 5 replies beyond the first 1/3 of threads.
Would 'teens be interested in this? This, in theory, would clean coal off the 'log more often, as low-reply count posts are removed to make way for new threads.
8 replies omitted. View the full thread
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btw funkGODS won
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This doesn’t sound like a good idea. I think something like this would open the door for jannys to become the heckin coal police

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admit it furries
lute won,
reddithammer won,
w7 won,
anti zoophliies won,
jarty is saved from your plague,
trump won,
thefrogpond won,
sharty(froot's personal discord server) won,
'p posters won,
lutecord won,
lutegram won,
lutesapp won,
neutralplier blogposters won,
GODnime won,
Message too long. View the full text
4 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
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Get this man a [True]
So what you're saying is discord won
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>So what you're saying is discord won
shit bait
Replies: >>9272

Please move /sharty/ threads to >>>/sharty/ instead of deleting them

yikes who let the shartcord out
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>yikes who let the shartcord out

dear new janny,

posting /sharty/ threads on /soy/ is not rule-breaking and definitely not ban-worthy
if you feel like theres too many /sharty/ threads on /soy/ then you are free to move them
if the user persists after youve moved the thread THEN you can ban them because thats spam
i appreciate your initiative but please dont waste your efforts on non rule-breaking posts
15 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
gemmy schizobabble
Because a player's gotta play, homie. These streets are (metaphorically) hard!
>>9252 w7-890
speaking of jannies mind if i get mod access to /nofur/? ill be sending an email as i wake up
also stop being an impatient selfish impatient fuck and unban me on /b/ already
whoops misdragged my text
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>letter to new janny
>dear new janny,

>posting /sharty/ threads on /soy/ is not rule-breaking and definitely not ban-worthy
>if you feel like theres too many /sharty/ threads on /soy/ then you are free to move them
>if the user persists after youve moved the thread THEN you can ban them because thats spam
>i appreciate your initiative but please dont waste your efforts on non rule-breaking posts

>but the point of this thread is that the janny bans anti-sharty bait you moron
>new janny recruits often do too much and screw up in places just give them time to mellow out
>always remember that the most lenient punishments are usually the best unless if the content is too morally reprehensible

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