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>this is banned for avatar fagging
Its a frog variant nigger. Don't make the same mistake the sharty did. Whats the line between avatarfagging and selfinserting ala pepe etc
6 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>11285 + 1 earlier
Alright, its nice to have a janny that actually explains themselves and is reasonable. I will not post the sonic pepe from now on
>ban lifted
<proceeds to avatarfag again but with sashley bait
fuck off and KYS with this double standard? its not fair why is anime banned on sight yet self inserts like renard are fully normalized
Replies: >>10100 >>10101
The renard poster gets banned for avatarfagging doe
Replies: >>10101
the sashley schizo is a separate poster from the sonic schizo
i havent seen the renard poster recently i think he touched grass
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>>>10060 (OP)  (OP) 
>I don't know if you were the original sonic avatar poster, but using avatars is not something that's allowed either way. Forcing your persona down everyone's throats ruins part of what makes this site fun for a lot of people, so we try to prevent that as best as we can.
>Xe is a metacoaler who get a boner every time the janny lifts his hammer. Your ban was only 3 hours long and only applicable on /sharty/. I really don't understand what the problem here is.

>Since you must get the point by now, I have lifted your ban. Please don't use that image or others like it to create an identity. It's really not necessary at all.
>Last edited 5 months ago by stratogem

what's the definition of avatarfagging? is there an official list of the memes that you are allowed to self insert as?
11 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
I would argue that the third and fourth rules need to be more clearly defined instead. The second rule is pretty clear.
Chud ## Board Staff
I would also like to note that yes, the rumors are true - I am trans. This isn't relevant to the discussion at hand, however this may matter to some.
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>you mean you actually take the time to explain things to my undeveloped chuddy brain??
Replies: >>10077
Oh my soot era this is just like that one /sneed/ thread from 200 BC!!!!!
she said it herself though

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>you look like a bot
f*cking kys.
4 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>9456
>>9265 (OP) 
DO THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!
gem idea
relevant thread luther please do this
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>soyjak.party is out. jakparty.soy is in.
<the sharty is a foodist discord playground now? better switch to the jarty
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Errrrm you know we aren't all that bad right sis? Besides, the only faggots coming here now are the ones who hate the same discord foodists you hate. If a few of them do inevitably end up here you can just bully them off of the site and janny them to death.

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loooo add an option to turn off gifs autoplaying for our epileptic friends
Replies: >>10059
>>10057 (OP) 
It's called natural selection, epilepsy nigger

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jakclitty.shitty is healing

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I want to own this website
how many goybux are you willing to pay tho
the site isn't for sale, but if you would like to embark on some kind of business deal together, my email is open.
Replies: >>9987 >>10039
sellout kike
no different than soot
Replies: >>10041
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another user offered him like 500-1000 goybux so that the sharty wouldnt have a competitor and he said no

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@Admin I keep seeing anonymous deletions in the log with no message. This has been going on for months now. Please clarify who is responsible and ask them to stop. Examples of this I can find were in the replies of >>>/soy/115808, which I was blamed for (>>>/soy/115833) despite not even being online at the time.

None of this is my doing. I never hide my name from the log and I rarely take action without leaving a message there. I may have been less responsible in the past, but I'm trying to be more forthcoming and fair now.
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>Xe's really crying over this
This is literally just one schizo who keeps deleting his own replies, it happened on /meta/ as well. You can tell by the lack of a "user" doing the deletion that it's self imposed.
Replies: >>10037 >>11286
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This is all clearly cemmy kabal tricks done to dismantle jarty infrastructure, stay vigilant brothers and sisters
So you actually haven't fixed the self-deletions being logged in a full year? That's very interesting.
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>Excessive unwarranted deletions
>@Admin I keep seeing anonymous deletions in the log with no message. This has been going on for months now. Please clarify who is responsible and ask them to stop. Examples of this I can find were in the replies of >>>/soy/115808, which I was blamed for (>>>/soy/115833) despite not even being online at the time.

>None of this is my doing. I never hide my name from the log and I rarely take action without leaving a message there. I may have been less responsible in the past, but I'm trying to be more forthcoming and fair now.

>>Xe's really crying over this

>So you actually haven't fixed the self-deletions being logged in a full year? That's very interesting.

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lute when upload

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17 pph

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so me and lute worked out a little deal and I am now the owner of the jarty. We're just waiting to warm up the servers for a transfer and then I'll officially don my capcode.
5 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
don your tripcode then
Replies: >>10001 >>10002
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Checked and based fren
I just did as you can see here >>9989
But really we're waiting for the server transfer before I take "official" ownership. Just think of me as the guy upstairs making sure lute is keeping everything in the plan running smoothly. WWG1WGA. MAGA2024.
Replies: >>10020
soikekka meltdown incoming
will you replace the jannies?

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