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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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Lute I’ll like for you to know that I sent you a email. Please read it.

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@soot you said you would shut down the site if pedo problem couldnt be solved last summer
We expected you to act on your words.
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>that filename 
be honest, how many kvetching have you done on soygem.party?
Replies: >>11873
not much, I only really ever post here unless I have some absurdly dusty bait, which I then will post on the coalzone of the sharty if I want instant (You)s or let slowburn on the shemmy if I want long term seethe. Though, I noticed people copied my frootcord agitprop filename which is cool.
Replies: >>11876 >>11899
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Now screenshot this post and send it to the sharty with a humorous caption and watch the replies come in
Replies: >>11879
at least cobson bbc spam was funny, you are just acting like a retard on purpose

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How is this illegal content? I didn't make this thread btw I found it on https://archive.ph/6hnpg
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No, i am serious. Then why would you visit this place if it runs by jews? I calculate this rather dangerous choice. Is there any proofs?
>hurr durr, spamming CP is LE TROLLING.

>why would you visit this place if it runs by jews
jews won.
he's talking about trolling/joking by openly supporting cp spam.
Saying something isnt the same thing as doing something psuedofrootist kike faggot.
>jews won
Ok, goobye then. I hope you die a horrible death, kike. I will tell everyone I know that this place is run by a jew.

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oompa loompa how do i see what page a thread is on?
Replies: >>11749
I RTFM but found nothing
the catalogue shows it
Replies: >>11862
how do i do it without opening the catalogue

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The purpose of this thread >>11563 was to bring up the avatarfag rule and its enforcement having a negative impact on the site. However that thread was locked (due to too much discussion?) so this is a "formal" and thread requesting the change of the rule as per >>11685
>If you actually care about the state of the site and believe the rule goes too far or its enforcement has been too harsh, then make an earnest thread about it.

The avatarfag rule, and the way it is being enforced, is fucking up the site.
Starting with the basics: on a soyjak imageboard, people post 'jaks and other memes. Some people post the same 'jak over and over again or several variants. This has always been a cornerstone of soyjak culture; people post content they like to see. The border between excessive spam and just posting the same thing a few times is a grey thing, and not something I want to get into here as it's not germaine to this thread.
Anyway, people post what they like to se. If they are into a specific variant for a given period, they may post almost exclusively using that 'jak.
Normal users cannot see the IP addresses of who is posting what, they just see an increase in the appearance in a certain type of 'jak. They might interpret this as a single user (as seen in how people are claiming there is one single soylita poster 
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>clean it up
>bad actors
>rule violations
>"You're not allowed to cover page 1 with anti-jarty memes by necrobumping" was never addressed in your "excessive spam" rule, and you're doing it mainly because you didn't like it. 
because what's excessive isn't defined, which is something I want to do in that thread but haven't gotten around to finalizing and updating the rules with.

>slopjak spammers might produced more actual ias oc than jarty users did since they started spamming.
they do produce OC sometimes and what they do is in the spirit  of what the jarty is about, but their overbearing presence on the catalog can be a problem on occasion (in the same way that someone spamming any one jak on the 'log would be). So I try to consolidate them.
the ai parodies are some of the funniest stuff to come out of the sharty/jarty in awhile btw.

>That's what I've been trying to tell you, you are selectively deciding what kind of threads are "quality posts", what are allowed to be necrobumped based on your own preferences.  
again, it's not necrobumping thats the problem, its taking up a large amount of space on the limited sized catalog. 
and I don't believe I ever said that this place would be any kind of judgement free website to post whatever you want, its a soyjak website about soyquotes. These things will get special treatment in comparison to nas spam. I think the j*rtycvck memes are closer in line with the sites point, so I go light on them when they start catty wiping, but catty wiping is still catty wiping. 

>No please go away just let people do whatever they want if users (you) actually cared about certain threads being burried by slopjaks they would've bumped them back.
if users alone were capable of managing the site without any moderation, then 4cuck's /b/ and the nusharty during its admin inactive eras would be good places to post. Unfortunately, this isn't the case and the janny, despite the hate for them, is a necessary evil. Ideally we'd be on peerchan and choosing our own jannies, but peerchan isn't ready.

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Replies: >>11854
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damn what a shame. this could've all been avoided with /soylita/ containment board. now instead of being able to come here and argue over who is the darkest jartypedo we have an endless debate over the virtues of which specific cartoon drawings of little girls must be allowed. i am so grateful to be part of this important discussion. may we reach a resolution soon.
Being allowed to spam /soy/ and having new forced memes fighting each other everyday is what kept the original 'party funny and fun, you are literally running this site like some sort of big chungus subreddit with less than 10 users, and not even a good subreddit because porn is allowed and most replied threads on /soy/ are either porn dump or the same 2 years old unfunny shit that everyone has already seen before. 

The idea of having quality control for a shitposting forum is inherently soy, and allowing necrobumpers to outnumber the new posts on the catalog with dead threads and oppressing new memes is why jarty was never active in the first place. Jarty users were so creatively bankrupt that they even made a thread discussing how to protect "jarty culture" by doing nothing but necrobumping >>10402

My point is you're obviously triggered by seeing the first few pages getting covered with necrobumped coal despite there're literally 90 pages and you could just bumped whatever threads you considered to be good back to page 1 like the ones who bumped coal threads did, but instead you choose to abuse your power and try to justify what you did in the name of "quality control" is what made this site feels more like your personal discord server than ever.
Replies: >>11858
>blame jartycucks of doing nothing but necrobumping
>do nothing but necrobump same 4 j*rtycuck images over a hundred times

WTF is embedding CP?
Replies: >>11736
>>11735 (OP) 
those babyjaks with the filename "babyjakNUMBER.png" have embedded child pornography archive.ph codes in them
Therefore ban
i'm assuming you're genuinely ignorant about this:
if you open the babyjak{NUMBER} images in something like gimp and do edge detection, a link to CP exists in the top left hand corner. It's a way of distributing CP that was used by spammers on soyjak.party. I would suggest removing these images from your computer.

If this is intentional, I will be reporting every instance of this to NCMEC.
Replies: >>11741
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If there wasn't a post explaining how they're hiding the links and what they do, how did you know this without browsing the sharty... Unless you've been a shartycuck yourself.
Replies: >>11742
big happens like that get around, I think someone made a thread about it here awhile ago on /sharty/.
I personally haven't used soyjak.party since the end of the early kuz reign when he started banning the letter E. the few times I check in on the place all I see is self-insert dust and nas coal.
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>I personally haven't used soyjak.party since the end of the early kuz reign when he started banning the letter E.
nice vent xister

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Change rule 2 to "Don't be annoying" or "Don't post too much about things I don't like".
Since apparently you can't make non rule breaking nas threads and bump them once in a while.

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why did you consolidate jartycuck threads with soylita threads?
i thought bumping dead threads all at once is allowed? >>11205
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Shes trooning out and having a janny tranny episode for some reason. Just when the sites gettint a lot of users she feels the compulsion to go on a dilation rampage deleting random shit and alienating the new users
Replies: >>11708
the site is coalier than its ever been tho
Replies: >>11709
its lutes fault, janny trannies are a cause, not a cure
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>necrobumping one twinkjak thread gets you banned for "avatarfagging" 
you don't know what avatarfag is

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We need to be able to add custom lgbtq2axyz+- flags to our posts to celebrate pride!

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soot check ur 'mails
soot does not read jakparty.soy/meta/
Replies: >>11724
xe does tho

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