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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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Lute your site is gonna die again if you can’t rape soygem like last time 
If I were you I’d try to get those newgens back by doing something unique like last time but it lasts longer instead of just board creation maybe get sharty to know about it instead of shemmy idk
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Replies: >>12748
the most obsessed frog award
Replies: >>12747
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he banned a jarty oldfag and the privilege of posting gore just because of your cemmy soyjak comic threads, how does that make you feel adam?
Replies: >>12749
>>12715 (OP) 
you can say faggot here
come home aryan
board creation was gemmy for a few hours until xe had a tranny dilation episode for no reason and deleted random boards and fucked up the database and destroyed the vibes and the pph

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Lute can you let jannies have permission to moderate other users boards. I know they are supposed to moderate their own board but there is about to be a cp post staying up for 1 hour because I can't do anything about it.
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>successful multibillion dollar corporation won against irrelevant schizo altchan spinter
that's so crazy who could've seen this coming?
this is how discord faggots and glowniggers infiltrate the moderation positions btw lutefag. you have hypochondriac (its the jewish blood) fear of glowniggers yet you fall for their easiest trick in the glownigger imageboard subversion playbook
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the cp should stay up forever like the good old days.
Replies: >>12744 >>12745
Yes we need 50 discord trannies and glowniggers circlejerking each other off and rulecucking the site and datamining the users to reduce the cp deletion time from 20 mins to 15 mins for the first week until they get lazy and devote all their energy to circlejerking, rulecucking, and datamining.
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this is why he miss @stratogem
he would never question @admin's bans and rules as long as he has his janny powers, just like @ragefag

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stop spamming kc or else
Replies: >>12719
>>12718 (OP) 
Bbc slut
Replies: >>12726
thats not the bright blue cat though

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Holy shit stop doing backups I can't get my two boards back when you do that
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>Kek is a being of pure chaos. That means anarchy is part of his nature. That means do what though wilt is his law. White power. Sieg heil. Hail Trump. Based. Kek.
Overboard is broken plz fix
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>>12375 w7-890
friendly reminder elect an animal expect a zoo let this be a reminder for future imageboards not to allow furfags into janny positions you have been warned
Replies: >>12677 >>12714
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they need to see this again
furnigs? wtf is this can some of you care to explain?

Lute, have you ever tugged your willy to yiff on this site?
Hey it’s lute, yes I have. I especially like yaoi cub yiff too.

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jarty culture back then
>making OCs
>making fun of soyboys
>quality over quantity

jarty culture now
>reddit tier board system with "unmoderated" subs getting auto banned and no "le bad" stuff like politics and animal feeding videos
>kitten crushing videos
>"unironic" pedophlilia
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i never called you a moralfag because i know what you really are
Replies: >>12709
one of those drawings aren't even mine
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>just fucking ban soylita already wtf all of these problems would go away if lute just somehow figured out how to murder max since hes the only one posting soylita and shitting up the si-AAAcK!!!!
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just fucking ban soylita already wtf all of these problems would go away if lute just somehow figured out how to murder max since hes the only one posting soylita and shitting up the si-AAAcK!!!!
sup PACKGOD how is the youtube going

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>/b/ gets deleted twice due to jannies own incompetency 
>implying the cp bot won't strike again on /soy/
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the new janny will probably pin the cp posts

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The reputation of the jarty as everyone knows consists of us being referred as a pedophile website because 1 falseflagging faggot uses soylita to make the website look bad while complaining about rulecucking, please fucking ban this dogshit variant and NEVER fucking unban it ever, someone found the nest of the shitlita nigger at 8ch and it is exactly as you expect. This should be enough of a reason to just fucking ban it, it's a variant that is used and was created with pedophilic sexual intentions and there's nothing to redeem it. Soyjak depiction of a child should be a banable offense no matter what.

Sincerely, a concerned jartycuck.
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anti-litafags... you lost
Replies: >>12682
I wish but lute is a tranny who's going to ban 'lita anyday now
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Soylita is the reason why this site has such a problem with foodists
See here for support against p’ >>12631
Replies: >>12687
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>stop laughing at my failure or else you are supporting cp 

typical j*rtytranny logic right there, that's how laughing_cobson.png got banned in the first place
Replies: >>12689
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it's evn funnier because newfags don't realize the admin gave up after people just evaded and kept spamming it.

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delete >>>/b/ there was child porn on there for over a hour, also lute hire more global jannys
The p’ is still there
The p’ is back

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I was thinking that maybe boards with lower ppd should merge with bigger ones

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