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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th
report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival
Due to CP spam attacks, the DNSBL will be re-enabled.

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Marge what is this? it's joel?

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Hey I just saw child porn on /b/ can you delete it, thanks
ever heard of reporting
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>ever heard of reporting

>9 hours ago	admin	Global ban,Delete by IP	133707,133152,133109,132684,132607,132466,132728,132729,132798,132462,133115,133116,133166,133712,132600,132465,133708,132448,132451,132467,132456,132458,132460,132497,132533,132586,132588,132592,132595,132597,132611,132887,132927,132928,132930,132978,132979,132726,132789,132690,132727,132730,132919,132977,132976,133108,133113,133114,133154,133714,133713,133666,133711	"joel" brown troonjak avatarfag

Why do you assume every brown troonjak poster is this joel guy? There're at least 3 browntroonjak posters on this site and I can tell none of them are joel
2 replies omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>10971 + 1 earlier
>>10965 (OP) 
A Muslim 14 years old booru janny who call everyone ESL (ESL derangement syndrome diagnoser) but also ESL himself and also owning CP
the posters you've banned were either from booru or that omori dfnt guy 

joel is the kind of poster who quotes literally anything with brown troonjaks, ugly black people, amerimutt, etc. and he does not use "joel" as filenames because that would be too easy to identify.
Replies: >>10975
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>noooo ban everyone who makes fun of me they're all one guy I made up

relevant xkcd
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dont dodge the question above JEWT so why did you delete my files? getting blackmailed by ghey furries eh?

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I'll probably start working on making JSChan better some time in the next couple months, do any of you 'teens have a wish list for site improvements?
137 replies and 36 files omitted. View the full thread
is admin the slf poster
Replies: >>9323
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loooooooooooooooooot add apng support

i tried to use one just now and got hit with the

<Mime type "image/apng" invalid for file "image.png"
Replies: >>10969
would need to add support upstream as an alternative to gif for it to happen.

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sook soyquoting broken
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>sook soyquoting broken

Good day all, it seems that there's an uptick in absolutely abominable posts on jakparty.soy from nuteen immigrants, who are bringing over their """culture""" of posting gore, animal abuse, and other violent, NAS content onto the site. In an effort to avoid this place turning into another nu-/b/ foodist hurtcore dumping ground, I would like to propose a new global rule for the site:

Content depicting excessive violence, gore, or animal death is only tolerated on the site when it is both spoilered and in a thread where such content is relevant to discussion. All threads dedicated to the sharing of excessive violence, gore, or animal death is not permitted.

The goal of this rule is to restrict the distribution of excessively violent content, without impeding on genuine discussion of relevant topics. I.e, A video of a man killing an animal would only be permitted to be posted on threads where such content is expected (i.e: a homesteading thread, where the content is educational on how to kill a chicken, or a thread discussing urban crime, where a user uploads a video of urban crime). 

I do worry that the current conception of this rule will just lead to people making "front" threads to use them as gore spamming ground, i.e, making a "homesteading" thread that just devolves into baby monkey torture spam because it's tangentially on topic. 

User input on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
35 replies and 7 files omitted. View the full thread
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>permaban anyone who posts a soyjak without an arrow
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permaban anyone who posts a soyjak without an arrow
the rule for this has been added
Replies: >>10938 >>10939
shit nobody cares about enthusiasist
everybody liked that

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the jarty is the only place i can post freely without getting banned
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
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>Maybe you're the problem
Replies: >>10901
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Even though you can't post dnb
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>the jarty is the only place i can post freely without getting banned

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Looty is it true that you joined the NSS and this is now a kolyma site?
1 reply and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>10750
>>10748 (OP) 
This site has always been a kolyma honeypot
Replies: >>10751
awesome, kuzzy kuz suck my pecker
kuz is and will always be a shitter.
Replies: >>10795
You sound 16.
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>>Looty is it true that you joined the NSS and this is now a kolyma site?

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>Chud ## Admin 13 minutes ago 506361 10764 
>kuz is and will always be a shitter.
14 replies and 11 files omitted. View the full thread
>having ebola is better than having vih
>doll... LE GOOD
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>>having ebola is better than having vih
>>doll... LE GOOD
Replies: >>10824
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>] (8.4KB, 301x364)

>>>having ebola is better than having vih
>>>doll... LE GOOD
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>>] (8.4KB, 301x364)

>>>>having ebola is better than having vih
>>>>doll... LE GOOD
>] (8.4KB, 301x364)

>>>having ebola is better than having vih
>>>doll... LE GOOD
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>>] (8.4KB, 301x364)

>>>having ebola is better than having vih
>>>doll... LE GOOD

Lute, please make more YouTube kino. I don't know how much longer I can go without watching a bald luddite ramble about Linux or Tor for half an hour.

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