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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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Please rulecuck the site. Its for the good of the children and its based and anti 'cord. The more rules the more we can get rid of bad actors and pedos and have a 'jakking utopia. Please add more rules. Thank you for your consideration.
The best thing we can do is just not give stupid threads attention. It's not too much effort to just hide the odd fetish thread on /soy/.
Replies: >>11402
I want rulecucking NOW. Let's ban all the rulebreakers.

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GEG get in here
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the lutecord approved narrative has been dispensed. now move along.
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>a classic jarty cobkek /meta/ thread, oh how I've missed you.

>I went on the overboard on mobile and the site could barely load, that was because some asshole was spamming every emoji at once, attempting to break the site. I'd consider that excessive since you can't even load the site if this happens, hence the removal.

>You can spam other garbage though, I think the guy is now just spamming the moderator log in the thread and that's fine since you can hide it (since it doesn't break the site).
l*te actually replied to da cob GOD GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG
geg i used to get so many Yous posting this gif on sharty
gentoo nigger won btw

How does it feel knowing one the greatest gems ever produced by 'jakker culture, the Aryan gemson and pregnant 'lita i the forest:
Is now BANNED from the sharty, shemmy, booru, and even the jarty (smh).
Replies: >>11378 >>11392
>>11377 (OP) 
i remember seeing that shit on the old 'party, teens used to be chill about her and generally treat her as a joke. that is until the traced 'p incident.
Replies: >>11392
nas coal banned
Replies: >>11392
ias gem banned
Replies: >>11392
nonsensefag dust. the only thing gemmy about it is how retarded it is.
Replies: >>11392
>>11377 (OP) 

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>talk to me in meta words words words im an esl leftfaggot

so being a pedonigger is allowed? as expected of j@rtycvcks
also borderline nsfw 'litanigger post if thats what you goon to

@thread nobody cares about
>necrobumping isnt against the rules
most important thing to note ^^vv
fine i'll just make 1 mutt thread every few days and necrobump them all once a month since that isnt against the rules
Right? Right??

also since the topic is spamming:
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22 replies and 6 files omitted. View the full thread
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>what is nucoal and how does it differ from normal grade coal?
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>>talk to me in meta words words words im an esl leftfaggot

>so being a pedonigger is allowed? as expected of j@rtycvcks
>also borderline nsfw 'litanigger post if thats what you goon to

>@thread nobody cares about
>>necrobumping isnt against the rules
>most important thing to note ^^vv
>fine i'll just make 1 mutt thread every few days and necrobump them all once a month since that isnt against the rules
>Right? Right??

>also since the topic is spamming:
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why was that troonjak spammer banned for spamming the soytan diaper general? >>>/soy/141813  i thought it's allowed because you can hide it? >>>/soy/140096
Replies: >>11382
marge am i banned or not banned

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please stop rulecucking
Your new policy (that literally nobody asked for, is root giving you tranny janny aids from across the pond?)
Now if i was to say 'unban gore' that is now asking for gore and i can be banned? We cant troll now by asking for gore and loli? (Even though trolling is allowed explcitly in the rules) Stop adding gay rules let people fuck around and have fun ffs.
24 replies and 9 files omitted. View the full thread
Lute with the back to back keyed rulings, nice nice
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lute react to your personal theme song
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soylita was around before kuz doe
your just another dilating nusoilarper
Replies: >>11376
hes referring to this site you fucking sped

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looooot I want an /a/ board
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>looooot I want an /a/ board
Replies: >>11375
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>stupid westoid thinks manimeGODS shhould share a board with degenerate western entertainment
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>>stupid westoid thinks manimeGODS shhould share a board with degenerate western entertainment
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luut nuke south korea

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lute here

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make the chess captcha harder i know what "solid filled" means when there is like 1 alternating layer of .bmp meme clarity on  every piece also it means more soytoddlers from shart.part can post here

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make the chess captcha easier i dont know what "solid filled" means when there are like 5 alternating layers of deepfried meme border artifacts on  every piece
Replies: >>11349
>>11347 (OP) 
ok I made the captcha easier just for you
Replies: >>11351
make it harder it's too easy now
thanks chuddy <333

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>Banning users requesting loli porn
>Requesting any banned material will result in a ban on par with posting that kind of material. This means that requesting gore, cp, loli porn, or any other banned content will result in a perma. Requesting people draw loli porn also counts for this.

>users seeing this behavior should report it, jannies seeing it should offer a ban and a delete

>1 minute ago	admin	Global ban,Delete	138467,138477	requesting loli porn
>2 minutes ago	admin	Global ban,Delete	138466	requesting loli porn
>3 minutes ago	admin	Global ban,Global delete by IP	134281	requesting loli porn
>3 minutes ago	admin	Global ban,Global delete by IP	140480,140479	requesting loli porn
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
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>saging your own thread
This i dont understand lute sometimes.
Everything is going well and gemmy and PPH is increasing and the site is fun and then WAIT WE NEED MORE RULES OR SOMETHING TO THAT EFFECT...UHM BECAUSE IMAGINARY GLOWNIGGERS ARE PERSECUTING MY SOY SITE
smh... she needs a good deep dicking to cure her feminine hysteria (preferably by a BBC)
kys schizo
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>kys schizo
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>>kys schizo

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