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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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the jarty needs (You)r help to fight the CP spam menace and help improve image boards as a whole.

This will be achieved through an automated anti-CP dedication system that is capable of sharing CP hashes with other websites so, when CP is posted, everyone is able to block it from their servers.

A link to the specification for how this work can be found here:

This thread will serve as the main discussion point for the project. Namefagging and tripfagging has been enabled on /comtech/ for this project and other projects like it.

Code Repo:
Last edited by admin
First things first, deciding on a language to use. I have a couple in mind:

>Retard-accessible language, anyone with mild programming experience can contribute
>Robust Libraries generally, especially for API work
>PDQ already has a python implementation
>VPDQ already has a python implementation
<TMK does not have a python implementation
<Slow as fuck
<Ass-backwards retarded dependency and deployment system

>Retard-accessible language
>Built for networking work
<Weaker on libraries
<PDQ has no implementation
<TMK has no implementation
<VPDQ has no implementation
<I personally do not know it

>Retard-accessible language, python-like syntax
>Capable of using C++ libraries using a native foreign function interface, which PDQ, TMK, and VPDQ is wrote in
>Has decent networking and API libraries
<Obscure hipster lang that no one knows
<Not as stable as the other languages due to being rather new

>PDQ, VPDQ, and TMK has native implementations in this
<Terrible networking and API libraries
<Retard inaccessible language, less people can contribute
<Unfun to write in, in my opinion
Last edited by admin
i kneel
um... wouldn't you need to use java script since jschan is written in java script? or am I just retarded?
Replies: >>543 >>1663
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>>538 (OP) 
lutey sootey stop LARPing as a random nobody schizo techtuber
only mildly retarded. the goal is to make a server that runs independently of JSchan so that other platforms can use the tool on their own platforms (i.e, if kiwifarms decided to adopt it, then all they'd have to do is modify their form software to communicate with the system).

I'll have to do some work on JSchan to add integration though, but for now I just want to focus on the CSAM-buster server itself as that's the core of the whole operation.
Replies: >>544
lutey sootey get 4chins on board
Replies: >>545 >>1664
im expecting bigger sites to be weary of the project until it's more battle tested; it's likely best if we start with the soysphere, then move to help out other altchans, then get bigger guys on board.
lute unban me i will save the jarty
.netshills... its showtime
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Replies: >>549 >>554
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Replies: >>550
hi lee
Replies: >>552
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Replies: >>552 >>555 >>557
you'll be taken out when you're tasty mises chicken
not him but the fnf bait is coal
Replies: >>556 >>557
Replies: >>557
Don't you think other chans or bigger sites would find your Luke impersonation kind of weird and suspect?
Replies: >>563 >>573 >>1665
tiny eye sucks and never works though and I doubt you could have a database of CP pictures unless you're the FBI
Use rust, xister
Replies: >>573 >>1665
Why note JS/Node
Replies: >>573 >>1665
Facebook's PDQ and TMK are better algorithms than phash and dhash.
>Has a PDQ implementation
<Has no TMK implementation
<Has no VPDQ implementation
<Weaker on libraries
<I personally do not know it
<looks horrific to write in
>A lot of people know it
<total soyware, slow as fuck
<No TMK implementation
<No PDQ implementation
<Has no VPDQ implementation
<I personally do not know it

In other news, I have discovered that facebook also has another video hashing algorithm other than TMK called VPDQ that just dropped:

VPDQ is able to match clips to other clips more easily, so hiding 'p in dancing swedes, if we use VPDQ, would become harder.

I'll likely update the spec to use VPDQ.
Last edited by admin
Replies: >>574 >>582
Does the language need to support all 3 algorithms or would VPDQ be enough?
Replies: >>575
it must support PDQ in some fashion, and either support TMK or VPDQ. Ideally, PDQ and VPDQ supported together. The implementation need not be native, but merely be possible (i.e calling a separate program from within another program is valid, but not ideal).
very interesting, i'll keep an eye on this and i'll be sure to offer my help if i see anything that i'm able to help with
CP is free speech though.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST All child abuse content is banned. Don't make another joke like this again.

Replies: >>583 >>585
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>USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST (All child abuse content is banned. Don't make another joke like this again.)
you have to make sure the hash isn't reversible doe or you're storing CP
Replies: >>586 >>598
Even mods know which jokes are not funny.
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>Even mods know which jokes are not funny.
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>i reported this guy a minute after he posted
>he actually got banned
None of the hashes are able to be reversed since they involve destroying the image to get the hash
Replies: >>590
>banned for a joke
Yup this place sure is much better than the sharty...
Replies: >>588 >>589
There is no cord inbvasion this place is better than the party
Reciting arguments used by pedophiles isn't funny and only invites pedophiles to the site. 
If you disagree, feel free to post on another site that permits pedophile "jokes".
photoDNA claimed this but was reversible.
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>>banned for a joke
>Yup this place sure is much better than the sharty...
Why tf do we need an anti-CP system?
Its not like anyone is spamming this site with the stuff?
Replies: >>594 >>595
CP is a problem that plagues all small independent forums and imageboards and all solutions to it are closed source and from big corp
lute wants to make something opensource
we often have bots that come to the site shilling child pornography links, this is something that effects all alt-chans, even Some bad actors use this as some type of smear against us as a "pro-CP website". Not only do I wish to stop the CP spam here and also put an end to the endless slander against us, but also I want to stop it on other websites too by making an easy-to-implement, decentralized CP hashing database. 

CP spammers, for far too long, have held a lot of power over innocent webmasters by abusing the retardation of most western laws as it comes to what constitutes CP distribution. A pedophile uploading CP to a website is capable of reporting the site to the feds to get the site either taken down, or the webmaster arrested for distributing CP. The only way around this is to go through a strange mandated reporting process that exists for no other crimes if you live in the USA. You have to actively harbor the CP on your servers and only share it to the feds, who will totally do good things with the copies of CP you provide them#Shutdown_criticisms), and make a mandated report to the wholefully inept NCMEC (and all of their privacy disrespecting, statist glory) so they can "act" upon it, which in reality they do basically nothing about since they're overwhelmed with reports and cases. Dealing with real pedophiles doing real damage, and creating real CP almost always comes down to contacting local authorities with evidence rather than going to these massive reporting hubs. Even then, local police forces are almost always incompetent when it comes to tech, and can rarely ever do anything right.

All of these rules and laws is to stop the distribution of CP, which it usually doesn't do and just lets pedophiles who horde this vile garbage take down whoever they like by going on a CP spam raid. Nowhere in this process does this stop real children from being raped, groomed, and pornographered, and it's all one big moralizing farce to pretend "we're saving the kids!" while children are groomed online by pedos on more restricted applications like Discord (that should, with their resources, have a grip on the situation). 

All of this is something I could forgive if it was just easy to implement anti-CP systems on websites. Ideally, since the government is the one putting webmaster's lives at risk, they'd provide a database of known CP to use that's subsidized by taxpayer money so the problem is just a matter of implementation. This won't happen since no government actually cares about stopping child pornographers, and instead just wants to moralize for votes and attention. American politicians care more about virtue signaling about attacking "pedo harboring platforms" than they do about protecting innocent children from being violated. Almost all anti-CP systems are siloed in big organization repositories that you need permission to access, and sometimes that means forking over a fee, or getting approval from someone who can just revoke it from you. This is not ideal in our highly politicized climate, where just being a chud online can have should-be neutral protective infrastructure systems (such as anti-DDoS systems) revoked from you. If attacking your anti-CP mechanism can get you offline, some politi-ghoul would be more than happy to do it.

So, the only reasonable acting group to fix this is the webmasters themselves. Thrown out by big government and big corpro to die from endless CP spam attacks and fed reporting, we must come together to stop this shit from being proliferated, for both ourselves and for our users. The pedophillic reign of terror simply has to come to an end if we wish to remain free. While most webmasters cannot solve the CP creation crisis, as that's a subject of law enforcement and good parenting, we can at least solve the CP distribution crisis by using the internet as it was intended: A decentralized information sharing platform. CSAM-Buster intends to be that platform.
This seems to be a python implementation for TMK
Replies: >>597
thanks for the library suggestion, is there one for VPDQ? It's the more robust of the two, but this will certainly come in handy.
Replies: >>598
These algorithms work by converting the video to a serie of vectors and then using a distance function on the resulting dimensional space to see how similar different videos are. I don't think it's possible to have the video back with only its vectors as it does not provide enough information.
I have not tested them to know they work properly but there's this one.
Replies: >>599 >>603
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Thanks chuddie. I'll try these out to see if I can get a prototype working. If I can, I'll publicize it for the start of work. While python was not my favorite pick since it's build system sucks, having it exist at all would be of great utility.
Replies: >>600
Cool, python is the only language I know so I'd help if you decided to use it.
Interestingly, this VPDQ library actually supports raw images as well as videos. I may be able to simplify the spec using this fact. Less algorithms to support, easier to implement and maintain.

Also, given how VPDQ works (comparing frames to gather similarity scores), we may need to have administrators clip areas where CP appears in videos as a way of decreasing false positives.

What I fear is that the CP spammers could embed videos of CP in often posted, normal videos, have the detection system learn that CP is associated with actually innocent videos, and then ban the innocent videos. Perhaps some adjustment for the triggering amount of overlap could be done to prevent this, but that'll be something that will need experimentation (I have some fun board events planned for experimenting with this tool when it becomes more functional).
Replies: >>613 >>620 >>974

apparently TMK and PDQ has a lot of natural collisions
Replies: >>606 >>760
also consider Dlang
Replies: >>606
Unfortunately, that does seem to be the case, but it's still the best current tool there is out there, to my knowledge, that doesn't use deep learning (as using deep learning would require training an AI on CP itself, which is beyond illegal). As a silver lining, most of the article focuses on TMK rather than PDQ or VPDQ, so maybe those fair better. False positives will still be able to be voted on in the software as a way of checking if something is CP (though, innocent collisions may still come in as a problem)

If any other users have better algorithms with similar accuracy, then be my guest and suggest them. Phash, from what I know of it, is unfortunately limited (PDQ is based on Phash after all), and SHA-like algorithms are trivially easy to circumvent. Perhaps a mix of the two could be of some marginal utility? A PDQ hash for perception, and a SHA hash for file contents? The more identifiers for a file there are, the less likely a false-positive is (unfortunately however, false negatives will become more common).

Considered DLang heavily for the project, but Dlang unfortunately doesn't have any bindings for PDQ, TMK, or VPDQ (to my knowledge). If it has a foreign function interface, that may make it worth using, but at that point, I might as well use Nim, since I at least know Nim.
Replies: >>618
Very early test software just created and pushed to the git. Currently can run a web environment using FastAPI and compare hashes at the PDQ suggested hamming distance of 31. Video and images work. I suggest users interested in the project give it a go by cloning the repo, pip installing the requirements.txt and running uvicorn src.main:app --reload.

make sure you have uvicorn installed, however. If you're using a virtualenv, then run pip install uvicorn in your virtualenv, and then run ./bin/uvicorn src.main:app --reload.
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Replies: >>613
>What I fear is that the CP spammers could embed videos of CP in often posted, normal videos, have the detection system learn that CP is associated with actually innocent videos,
NOOO fuck you i was just about to merge luxureTV content to furfag spam and autoban 
the sashley spammer screw you faggot

Can you add a setting for specifically blocking furry looking images I HATE THIS SOULLESS CANCER ITS UNREAL
Replies: >>615
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<NOOO fuck you i was just about to download zoophillia porn to my computer, watch it, then edit it in with non-law violating posts
you are the most annoying furry hater i have ever met.
>>538 (OP) 
glad to hear someones doing something about this, would offer assistance but ive never worked with file hashes in programming or any of the aforementioned hashing algorithms, could be a learning experience. do you have any volunteers yet offering help? looking at the specification it looks pretty good. and, what would you do if someone made a bunch of instances of CSAM-Buster and declared everything as false-positives?
Replies: >>621
yeah dlang has probably the best FFI there is since it has a C and C++ compiler, you can just drop it into the project, otherwise it's compatible with any other C interface
Replies: >>621
>What I fear is that the CP spammers could embed videos of CP in often posted, normal videos, have the detection system learn that CP is associated with actually innocent videos, and then ban the innocent videos.
maybe I am retarded but wouldn't an innocent video and an infected one have diffrenet hashes?
also why does the captcha sometimes keep reloading by itself until there is no captcha?
Replies: >>621
>would offer assistance but ive never worked with file hashes in programming or any of the aforementioned hashing algorithms
hashing algorithms really are not that hard to learn, and I would suggest just toying around with the current code and reading facebook's specification (it's really short for the utility it brings).
>do you have any volunteers yet offering help
I have people interested, and some loose promises of help, but nothing has materialized. 
>what would you do if someone made a bunch of instances of CSAM-Buster and declared everything as false-positives?
Nothing, as the spec covers this. Only instances you are subscribed to will influence the moderation of your site by providing hashes and votes, this is a double-edged sword as it means there's no way for new instances to easily get into the network, which can be bad for overall hash distribution, but likely good for quality.

Instead, someone in the network must subscribe to your hash listings, and that person who subscribed to you must be subscribed to someone else. This builds a very robust web of trust when it comes to obtaining information. Webmasters do have an incentive to add websites as trusted if they happen to find a lot of CSAM on their site, thus leading to high quality hashes. 

There will likely be quite a few central and focal instances that are widely trusted and well connected to other trusted instances that will provide a lot of high-quality hashes to the entire network. This would be a great place to subscribe to for people who merely want to reap the benefits of the network, but not necessarily contribute. 
Interesting, but would Dlang obtain contributions easily from the outside? If not, then I think that a Dlang implementation of the software would have to be someone else's job (which, I would gladly support since more well-maintained implementations is of high utility to all).
>maybe I am retarded but wouldn't an innocent video and an infected one have diffrenet hashes?
Yes, they would have different hashes, but VPDQ is based off perceptual hashing. If the videos are 70% alike, (with the 30% difference being 'p), a false-positive could occur where a banned 'p video accidentally harms an innocent non-'p video. I think this occurrence is bad enough that I'm going to add multiple different hashing algorithms of different types to detect different things as to more granularity identify false positives from the system. 
>also why does the captcha sometimes keep reloading by itself until there is no captcha?
Likely just a resource constraint issue, (and its wiki) is ran on a cheap server with very few resources. Currently, I have no plans of upgrading the website's server due to the lack of funding.
Replies: >>625 >>641 >>649
can you like? just do yourself a favor and use this AI to issue automatic permabans on anime posters? i thought this board is against CCP why are we even allowing this troon bait to begin with?
Replies: >>624
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>can you like? just do yourself a favor and use this AI to issue automatic permabans on anime posters? i thought this board is against CCP why are we even allowing this troon bait to begin with?
Niggas here love sum drama
if i had the time id write a dlang one but busy atm.
one also shouldnt rule out ai so fast, no p is needed to train. its as simple as a model that checks age, and then one that checks nudity or explicit content
never seen it happen here, but the 'p that is spammed everyday on the sharty has a lot of blue lines drawn over the video, probably to bypass the hashban. will the anti cp system be able to block these types of videos?
Replies: >>627
in theory, it will deal with it. however, proper testing will likely need to happen to ensure it works.
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Shockingly, the collision problem described in >>621 was not a problem with comparing video hashes to each other, but only specifically when comparing video hashes. When every hash is taken individually, there are matches. To me, this means that there needs to be discrimination between video hashes and photo hashes in the system itself, which I will update the spec to accommodate. 

These two videos that I have uploaded are the ones I tested, and do not match when compared directly using the C++ implementation of vPDQ.
Replies: >>642
lootie sooty why did you adopt the luke smith is lute forced meme made by prizzy sissy
lute did prizzy sissy pay you to force it together with him
did he pay you through sexual means
>lootie sooty why did you adopt the luke smith is lute forced meme made by prizzy sissy
>lute did prizzy sissy pay you to force it together with him
>did he pay you through sexual means
Replies: >>644
your sins will not be forgotten by the Lord, lute
he knows
I've updated the spec to use vPDQ rather than TMK. I have also added stuff for SHA256 sums as well as a way of reducing false-positives. I hope to implement video-to-video comparison the next time I work. Once that's done, I want to get started in setting up the local cache database, then the network distribution system, and after that  running a proper test on the site.
Replies: >>646
Thanks Lute
>would Dlang obtain contributions easily from the outside?
probably not, OpenMW switched from D to C++ because of how few people know D
this was 10 years ago but i doubt the situation has changed much, OpenMW is the only project i've heard of that was written in D
Can this theoretically be used to block winnie the pooh images and other political memes at will? i genuinely wonder what jarty's version of an upload filter looks like i wonder if you'll use it to instaban perceived NAS coal in the near future something legit tells me this is plausible deniability so kuz can start over clean besides what stops jewt from making a plugin that parses web server logs behind everybody's backs
Replies: >>651 >>653
this is a political website though
can facebook's hash be used to recreate an image? if so the anti-CP database could become a CP database
Replies: >>653
holy fail
>Can this theoretically be used to block winnie the pooh images and other political memes at will
yes, but you'd need someone to hash those, and ideally other people to share hashes with. 
>i wonder if you'll use it to instaban perceived NAS coal in the near future
I am not interested in banning non-rule-breaking content from being uploaded to the site, but in the future I do want to implement a system so users can better curate posts by subscribing to a type of block-list hosted by other users.

no, the PDQ process is destructive in nature. One of the first steps in the process is removing all RBG data, and the next is using a blurring filter on it that destroys pixels. I suggest reading the actual paper if you're interested.
Replies: >>654
>I am not interested in banning non-rule-breaking content from being uploaded to the site, but in the future I do want to implement a system so users can better curate posts by subscribing to a type of block-list hosted by other users.
This is just going to bring more coalers on the site and fragment 'jakking further. Some universal standard needs to be applied by soyjak ((( experts ))).
SOOOT dont make this site curated social media subscribe coal
Replies: >>655
>Some universal standard needs to be applied by soyjak (((  experts  ))).
the goal would be that individuals wishing to become curators will be allowed to, and so long as users subscribe to their block list of content, they'll be respected.
top-down authoritative curation will just lead to kolyma-coal, total anarchy will lead to discord forcing whatever nas they want, but if there's opt-in moderation (past the global rules), then users will be allowed to curate their 'jakking experience to their liking. no one would have to see what they don't want, and people will be allowed to post (mostly) whatever they want.
Replies: >>656
>the goal would be that individuals wishing to become curators will be allowed to, and so long as users subscribe to their block list of content
>top-down authoritative curation will just lead to kolyma-coal
Kolyma is coal because it was kuzzy's intention to force coal to the site from the start (refer to the leaks) THOUGH.
We just need to go back to gemmy soot era where images that were objectively coal like BBC/porn trash and forced discord 'jaks like sidson were banned. A user-curated filtration system would only confuse everyone and scare away new users that don't know what filter is the right one.
Replies: >>657
>scares off newfags
isn't that /comfy/ though?
Replies: >>658
Gemmy soot era was comfier doe. After the disaster that is the nusharty, a lot of 'teens will want to return to something more familiar. 
A crazy untested nostr idea will just make this site more dead. I strongly suggest you reconsider.
>>538 (OP) 
the creator of vim died
what will you do now??
Replies: >>669
use notepad++ like a sane person I hope
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>'p le bad even doe lolis are cute and sexy
Replies: >>696 >>697
Evanglion edit gem
Evangelion edit coal
>>538 (OP) 
even if the hashes cant be reverted back to the original image, arent they still illegal?
Replies: >>699 >>722
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nope, specifically because they _can't_ be reverted back to the original image
iirc even the fbi (or some other alphabet agency) maintains a list of cp hashes that people can use to block cp spam
Replies: >>701 >>722
they cant, but they could be used by nefarious actors to find p faster, they could scrape the internet and compare the hashes to images, finding p much faster
Replies: >>702
>they could scrape the internet and compare the hashes to images
even if this is true the whole point of filtering 'p via hashes is giving them less places to find 'p 
bringing us one step closer to an internet with no child abuse content
CP is free speech though.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST 1. Loli, shota, jailbait, and child abuse content is banned.

Replies: >>708 >>714
The worst type
So is zoophilia! WHITE LIVES MATTER!!
CP is not free speech here, sister. Perhaps you should visit a site where CP is free speech like the sharty.
>this one sentence will absolutely destroy seething chuds
Replies: >>719
looty ban this 'p spammer
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>i am defending pedophilia ONLY TO MAKE YOU SEETHE
>If a client finds CP on its site, then the client may upload a copy of the CP itself to CSAM-buster to be documented. This will entail hashing the CP, saving it to the local cache, and then submitting a message to the local Nostr node to alert the rest of the network of the event.
is this even legal?
Replies: >>722
see >>699
federal organizations will let you get your hands on hashes so long as they ((( approve ))) of you. 
Yes, all of this should be totally legal.
uploading a copy to CSAM-Buster is perfectly permitted so long as CSAM-Buster never receives any information from over the internet. Most commonly, this means CSAM-Buster will be locked away from touching the internet, and only get internal web-requests from websites capable of communicating with it.
Alerting people of CP is not a crime, nor is archiving hashes.
Replies: >>723 >>726
>Alerting people of CP is not a crime, nor is archiving hashes.
But saving CP in said process of "alerting" people is
Replies: >>724
all images uploaded to any site are saved, that's how websites work. Users upload images, websites save them, and then distribute them. This system, however, makes the site save the image, scan the image, and then decide if it's okay for distribution.
If not, I ideally want to quarantine the post for human review. If a post is deemed 'p at this point, then an alert to the feds can be sent automatically, and an announcement made to the network of an incident (if this is a new piece of CP).
sites that report CP uploads gain immunity to any crimes involved in holding CP.
>CSAM-Buster never receives any information from over the internet
>and only get internal web-requests from websites
do you realize how retarded you sound? you can't be cut off from receiving information from over the internet and also getting information from over the internet from websites.
this whole idea is fucking retarded by the way, you can already ban hashes with current imageboard software and there are hundreds of ways to circumvent said banned hashes.
one imageboard in the past even tried auto banning images by automatically scanning them and this resulted in countless false positives (for example completely unrelated innocent meme images getting banned) and could also be circumvented by rotating the image, cutting parts of the image out etc etc. you will never be able to defeat humans who really want to post certain material.

TL;DR: you're wasting your time and you have no idea how the internet works.
Replies: >>727 >>728 >>744
This, i doubt the actual value these hash-based systems have too greatly, from all the pedo shit i've seen on the sharty, they do one thing consistently and that is to change up the hashes, trying to hook up one algorithm to match these hashes is pointless. 
And individual hashes can already be banned on the sharty since a long time, hence, all the pedo shit posted there is obviously bypassing it, so what makes you think this is at all worth pursuing?
It's a shame that they don't provide some small time admins with the ability to match and ban said hashes, or to automatically report it, maybe there is some technology upcoming that will rectify this but alas i may also be ignorant about how all of this works
>you can already ban hashes with current imageboard software
kikeflare has a hashing system that filters out 'p but its kikeflare
>and there are hundreds of ways to circumvent said banned hashes
@Lute is there a way of making it so similar 'p images (ie can a pedo add one image to his 'p so it can bypass the filter) are filtered out?

>lets just wish them away even though the pedos have been with the sharty for almost 3 fucking years
meds now
Replies: >>729 >>744
cloudflare is shit and doesn't work, it's already in use on the sharty
Replies: >>730
>cloudflare is shit and doesn't work
Then explain how 4cuck filters out 'p.
>it's already in use on the sharty
Kolymafags are retarded and can't even ban TOR. Lute can protect himself against DDoS  attacks better than them lol.
Replies: >>731
theres still occasionally p on 4cuck
Replies: >>732
>theres still occasionally p on 4cuck
if it wasnt for their filter system you'd see 'p on 4cuck all the time
4chan developer here - I'm willing to contribute to your anti-CSAM system, provided you meet the following conditions:
1) You need to have a "zero-knowledge" policy, meaning that we (the several developers) never see any pictures of the kids in question - only their GPS locations. All images should be completely obfuscated and hidden from both staff and 4chan users. If there's a technical way to see a photo, it should be impossible, like a cipher or something. (As a side note, I would like to recommend you look into using cryptography-based anonymity, rather than IP hiding - IP hiding is useless, and does not protect your users from the NSA.)
2) There must be a way for your system to block newcomers and/or certain categories of users.
3) You need to hire me as a full-time developer, along with my programming associates. We are fully able to develop our own anti-CSAM technology, but we will not be able to do so if we don't have guaranteed work and can't earn a living from it. The job offer can't be just "we're willing to contribute," it must actually say "we're willing to contribute and you will hire us as developers." If you do hire us, you will receive no patents and will not have access to the code - all code is to be given to us as a way to encourage us to take the job. We need to know the company is going to be around for the long haul.
4) You need to pay 4chan to host the technology for you, instead of hosting it yourself. If it's hosted on our site, then we will be able to use our full range of development resources, and any profits from the project will go to us. We have our own hosting services and can handle it - we need a way to host it.
5) You need to use 4chan's technology.
6) There should be no limits on the technology, or "safe mode" to restrict it, beyond that which would naturally restrict child pornography.
7) We need to be able to change anything about the system we wish - you cannot modify the code or make it "unhackable," we need to be able to tweak it to our specifications. 4chan needs to be able to customize the system to its own liking - to use your own language, or to run at your own host. There should be no other restrictions placed on our use of the system.
8) We need the full and final technical rights to the anti-CSAM system, and we need to be able to completely decommission it at any point. For example, if the anti-CSAM system was abused for other purposes, we need to be able to turn off the child pornography filtering feature at any time, and we need to be able to remove the code. No "kill switches" allowed.
9) The child pornography-filtering technology can only be used on its own - it cannot be used in conjunction with other sites, such as dating sites, or the images must be hosted somewhere other than 4chan. We will not "share" technology with other sites that also filter out child pornography (though, in theory, it would be nice to be able to share anti-CSAM technology with all websites, not just one website).
you should probably talk over email instead of this public forum
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How did a 4cuck dev reach out to lute out of all people instead of like doll or someone over at the sharty who surely has much more infrastructure to deal with issues of this size
Replies: >>736 >>737
>falling for a larp
>who surely has much more infrastructure
yeah uh he has a vichan site and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
he uses cloudflare and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
wait i found a piece of infrastructure... kuz made captcha software that broke down
>The job offer can't be just "we're willing to contribute," it must actually say "we're willing to contribute and you will hire us as developers."
Replies: >>739
nooooo you can't just get paid for your efforts, you have to do it for free
Replies: >>741
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your penis is tiny
>you need to pay to use 4chan's technology
>you need to use 4chan's technology
>you need to hire me and my team
massive scam
im pretty sure 4cuck is doing just fine with kikeflare's CP filter
Replies: >>743
Has 4chan no such functional anti-CSAM system of their own? Why would you come to the j*Rty of all places to inquire
Cloudflare is kiked... how?
do you realize how snarky you sound?
>you can't be cut off from receiving information from over the internet and also getting information from over the internet from websites.
yes you can you dumb gorilla nigger. A web service sends an HTTP POST request to the CSAM-Buster web service running on localhost on a specific port, perhaps port 8001, and then receives information back without ever touching the internet. This in no way involves touching the internet as the traffic containing CP never leaves the machine or intranet itself. 
>you can already ban hashes with current imageboard software and there are hundreds of ways to circumvent said banned hashes
hashes in what sense, your being vague here you double gorilla nigger: do you mean bit-for-bit SHA hashes or are you talking about types of perceptual hashes? If the former, then i'll grant you that, it's rather easy to circumvent. For the latter, while it's possible to circumvent, it requires changing much about the image composition to do so. Ideally, the changes require to circumvent the filter will require so much damage to the image that it's indecipherable as CP. 
I plan on doing a pragmatic test of this software on a single board at some point and ban a specific soyjak variant using it to allow 'teens to penetration test the tool (like how can they get around the filter itself intelligently).
>you will never be able to defeat humans who really want to post certain material.
no, you can't, but the goal isn't a 100% satisfaction, the goal is to reduce CP posting. Jannies are always necessary, but reducing the amount of content they have to be exposed to is both good for the site (less to moderate), and good for the mental well being of the janitorial staff. 

you seem like a defeatist, unwilling to work towards fixing the problem and rather just throw real humans at it, which is expensive, time consuming, and unsustainable. The system will have some bugs, but the bugs can be fixed, if it's too sensitive, extra checks can be added. The technology this is using comes from Facebook and their threat-exchange program, which is just a centralized implementation of what I am already attempting to do. 

>is there a way of making it so similar 'p images (ie can a pedo add one image to his 'p so it can bypass the filter) are filtered out?
Yes, this is the entire point of perceptual hashing. We'll see the tool's effectiveness once I am done with a beta release and deploy it onto a board for testing.
I know this is bait, I know that I shouldn't reply, but for the sake of conversation, and to give some oldteens who remember soot baiting a laugh:
>You Need to have a "zero-knowledge", meaning that we (the several developers) never see any pictures of the kids in question - only their GPS locations
What the fuck does that even mean? A zero-knowledge policy as it applies to where? Development? Administration? What the actual fuck are you talking about.
Also GPS locations obtained how? The only way to obtain GPS location data from a user is through the use of the Geolocation API of the uploader. I believe this requires asking permission from the web-browser itself. So unless 4chan is using some deep exploit, you're bullshitting.
>I would like to recommend you look into using cryptography-based anonymity, rather than IP hiding
sure? The goal is to not store IP addresses of the users, nothing more, nothing less. Using "cryptography-based" anonymity is a loaded term and a half, what are you talking about exactly? Onion routing? TLS? You're using a broad term. If you want to complain about this, go make an issue on the upstream provider and maintainer of jschan:
>There must be a way for your system to block newcomers and/or certain categories of users.
I do not wish to implement this yet as the need to do so is not here. Also, 4chan does not implement the first half of this. You are a faggot.
>You need to hire me as a full-time developer, along with my programming associates
why? what qualifications do you have? claiming to be a 4chan developer is "my uncle works at nintendo" tier horseshit. Provide a resume, and if you don't want to post it publicly, provide it to me via my email. In fact, provide proof of incorporation for you and "your team" as well. Otherwise, you're a bullshitter.
>If you do hire us, you will receive no patents and will not have access to the code
>all code is to be given to us as a way to encourage us to take the job
>You need to pay 4chan to host the technology for you, instead of hosting it yourself
>any profits from the project will go to us
>You need to use 4chan's technology.
>We will not "share" technology with other sites that also filter out child pornography
consider suicide you proprietary faggot, this is a FREE SOFTWARE project. It provides source code without any proprietary licensing restriction for use to anyone who receives it for any reason. I also wish for it to be free of charge, and that is why I am putting all code on a public git repo. You clearly do not have any idea of what the goal of this project is: It's to provide small website hosters the ability to clean up CSAM without having to resort to hiring jannies from a manpower pool they don't have. You are a faggot who wants to overtake it to add to the pile of worthless pieces of shit software that are inaccessible for the common man. The world doesn't need another PhotoDNA.
>There should be no limits on the technology, or "safe mode" to restrict it, beyond that which would naturally restrict child pornography
are you retarded? software isn't perfect and will end up having bugs and mistakes. Having a safe mode for any tool is necessary to be able to debug or mitigate problems in software. Adding this arbitrary requirement, i'm assuming as some kind of moral grandstanding, is a sign of total retardation.
>We need to be able to change anything about the system we wish - you cannot modify the code or make it "unhackable," we need to be able to tweak it to our specifications. 4chan needs to be able to customize the system to its own liking - to use your own language, or to run at your own host. There should be no other restrictions placed on our use of the system
Outside of the restrictions in the AGPL, which do not inhibit use in any way, there are none.
>We need the full and final technical rights to the anti-CSAM system, and we need to be able to completely decommission it at any point
If you host it yourself on your own hardware, you'll have this. It's a free software project with a focus on decentralized information exchange.
>The child pornography-filtering technology can only be used on its own
The entire point of this system is decentralization of the distribution of hashes, did you even read the spec? It's based on a well-established set of tools made by facebook for the actual hashing part, and the parts about network distribution are what will require effort. You can already use these tools, and the fact that you don't know this is either a statement to your fraudulent credentials as a 4chan developer or your faggotry that's actively killing 4cuck.
Last edited by admin
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>he responded to the dev bait
Replies: >>746
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I take every post at face value.
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>i take every post at face value.
hey buddy    The intelligence network is on your ass and INTERPOL and the CIA will find you
   they have your IP and can trace it via DNS to your house

   They are gonna arrest you and send you to jail for life where you will serve your time in a nice comfy US embassy
can you limit TOR until you have some kind of fucking system in place that limits the pedophiles xemselves?
we are cucking ourselves by allowing everyone to post freely without accounts or any other restrictions
Replies: >>750
you cant have a system that works entirely on good faith and trust when you have been targeted by an online pedophile ring
You seem to not know the core tenets of web development, which is odd as you run an altchan. 4chan has millions of posts daily - decent CSAM detection is something we've been developing in private for a while. You may use the technology that we contribute to your project, however you must credit 4chan. Insulting my credentials is a low blow - I contributed to projects you probably use on a daily basis.
You did some research on this subject before starting the discussion and even wrote a few code snippets - why do you think your project is so special that you can dish out all these demands? This reeks of desperation, which also reeks of someone wanting to keep that code out of the open. You have failed to provide a CSAM being detected. You have failed to even get perceptual hashing to work. 
Open-sourcing the technology that we contribute would weaken the detection as spammers could find attacks against many different vectors - the way images/videos are parsed, GIFs that have 2 frames (the second frame being CSAM that goes on forever, GIF allows for this), etc. When they don't know how the system works, they burn their IPs and images testing the waters possibly making OPSEC failures in the process. Publicly releasing the code we contribute would not benefit anyone except bad actors.
The way our detection works is still a secret, however we can help you do your own research - we have an extremely solid detection pipeline we can give you a few pointers on. We have a few dozen trained models for different vectors and you can use our CSAM detection pipeline as a starting point. This is the only way you will allow us to contribute to your project if you wish to remain under our shadows.
We can give you the same pointers for the other stuff too, like image/GIF parsing (which if you knew the algorithms, the detection would be a lot easier).
Replies: >>753 >>755
>Insulting my credentials
>none of which i will verify
>fucking hire me please
>why do you think your project is so special that you can dish out all these demands?
you are not good at this
>When they don't know how the system works, they burn their IPs and images testing the waters possibly making OPSEC failures in the process
>Publicly releasing the code we contribute would not benefit anyone except bad actors.
i agree with this lute should at least wait before releasing the source code

i genuinely hope you arent actually a 4cuck dev because that would be sad
Replies: >>756
>I contributed to projects you probably use on a daily basis
supply evidence for this.
>Open-sourcing the technology that we contribute would weaken the detection as spammers could find attacks against many different vectors
if your system works through security by obscurity, your system is shit.
the actual core of detection is done by facebook's PDQ which is open source software that facebook actually daily drives. I don't believe they have an active CSAM problem because of their tooling. 
If you're an actual 4chan dev, and not some troll, then the proof you're wrong is in the very spec document that I wrote, which you didn't read, since the actual system is something mainly for the DISTRIBUTION of CP hashes, and isn't a new detection mechanism. clearly, you are a gorilla brained retard or attempting to get a rise out of me.
>Publicly releasing the code we contribute would not benefit anyone except bad actors.
then fuck off, i don't want your system or anything you offer if its under non-free licensing terms. If I wanted that, I could get better and more robust service from microsoft or cloudflare rather than some barely-functional php board stuck in the early 2000s in terms of codec support and security, not to mention your rampant janny corruption. I don't want to chain to proprietary software, for any reason at all. If you have a problem with this, then please hurl yourself off a bridge or into a volcano.
>The way our detection works is still a secret, however we can help you do your own research - we have an extremely solid detection pipeline we can give you a few pointers on. We have a few dozen trained models for different vectors and you can use our CSAM detection pipeline as a starting point. This is the only way you will allow us to contribute to your project if you wish to remain under our shadows.
>We can give you the same pointers for the other stuff too, like image/GIF parsing (which if you knew the algorithms, the detection would be a lot easier).
release specs, source code, or similar, or i'm not interested. If you can't do that, and wish to lord over me about how superior your non-free system is, that you want me to pay for, then please fuck off to some other sucker. I'm sure they'll take you up on your deal.
Replies: >>757 >>758 >>763
>i agree with this lute should at least wait before releasing the source code
this would only make sense if i was making a new image hashing algorithm and wanted to test it, but this is a hash distribution system instead. the tech for fine image detection exists, it's just getting a dataset out is difficult.
>some barely-functional php board stuck in the early 2000s in terms of codec support and security
but image boards are so advanced bro...
>supply evidence of this
I am not doxxing myself to prove anything to you, especially considering how you've acted in this thread.
>if your system works through security by obscurity, your system is shit.
I guess Cloudflare, F5, Google and many other companies are shit because their bot protection relies on security via obscurity. Vanguard, EAC, BattlEye, all garbage because apparently security via obscurity is bad. I guess there's a million-dollar cheating industry because it's just that easy. Same with anti-anti-bots, it's totally just that easy.
Yeah, no. Obfuscation is very powerful when done correctly. VM obfuscation for example - there's no magic method for devirtualization, you have to reverse it completely from scratch, it's not easy at all.
>the actual core of detection is done by facebook's PDQ which is open source software that facebook actually daily drives. I don't believe they have an active CSAM problem because of their tooling. 
They do have an active CSAM problem (the Facebook umbrella includes Whatsapp, Instagram, Threads, etc), and their tooling doesn't consist of just a measly perceptual hash.
Attackers don't have to attack the hashing directly - rather, how the media is parsed. Chromium, WebKit, Gecko, ffmpeg, OpenCV2 and ImageMagick all parse media differently.
>release specs, source code, or similar, or i'm not interested. If you can't do that, and wish to lord over me about how superior your non-free system is, that you want me to pay for, then please fuck off to some other sucker. I'm sure they'll take you up on your deal.
As I have stated, opening up our technology to the public would lead to attackers finding ways to evade it. Imagine if we were talking about open-sourcing an anti-cheat system instead. As soon as the anti-cheat is open sourced, cheaters would be able to analyze the code and find ways to evade it. CSAM detection is no different, especially considering the power that CSAM has in shutting down websites (as you very well know). There are public attacks against perceptual hashes that are easy to exploit, see
Replies: >>760
ppl dont like chuddies that ask for money without proving that they arent useless
>I am not doxxing myself to prove anything to you, especially considering how you've acted in this thread.
then i have zero reason to believe you on anything. submit code, submit specs, or die.
>Vanguard, EAC, BattlEye, all garbage because apparently security via obscurity is bad
please kys propreitard. the goal of my work is to make it easily hostable and capable of being distributed as a way of benefiting small hosts. if you can't understand this, you're brain damaged.
I'm not hiring you, I'm not interesting in your non-free software, don't beg me to hire you, don't demand me to hire you, and especially don't demand these things from me while also refusing to provide any statement of your qualifications. 
Even if I wanted to use non-free software, I rather not use some third-worlder garbage from 4cuck. Why would I use your garbage when I could go to a non-free service that actually works, like PhotoDNA? There's nothing you've offered to the table, no patents, no specs, no code, that proves to me your system is worth a damn. You are a snake oil salesman.
>Attackers don't have to attack the hashing directly - rather, how the media is parsed. Chromium, WebKit, Gecko, ffmpeg, OpenCV2 and ImageMagick all parse media differently.
are you talking in terms of security? what exactly do you mean by "attack"? Do you understand how CSAM-Buster works? Client-side is not involved at all in CSAM-Buster's work. At most, there's a security vulnerability in PDQ, which would be worrying, but something facebook can fix, the nostr nodes, or the way CSAM-Buster transmits data. 
>As I have stated, opening up our technology to the public would lead to attackers finding ways to evade it.
then don't mention it to me or talk to me about it. I don't care about this magical cure you can't share.
>There are public attacks against perceptual hashes that are easy to exploit
Of course, that's understandable. no software is perfect. the goal of the system is to be decent, not perfect. The goal is to be good enough, not perfect. If you're sitting on some perfect anti-CSAM tech that you're not sharing, you're acting as a pedo enabler by keeping the secrets to deleting 'p with relative ease under lock and key. If your solution is "exploitable" if public, then it's "exploitable" if private. Not really much about that will change long-term, and people will discover the problem.

either contribute code, contribute specs, or contribute reasonable critique to the spec (such as how >>604 did), because currently all you're supplying is demands for my money and for use of your software.
Replies: >>763 >>764
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where can i download the original non-forked version of this? i dont want to run backdoored software coded by Taiwanese zoophile students looking at your stratogem
wouldnt be too surprised if JEWT decides to implement this superior alternative server side while making it appear as if he had the best integrity on this chan

i bet he installed a plugin that auto-backups RAW IP webserver logs to a secret location behind our backs as everything is done in the backend then parse it with the deletion logs or convert the IP digits back into hashes manually for referencing but again we dont know jack shit about your internal network so its basically just as good as kiwifarms whom which supports shotacon
or it would be easier to just implement the full tracking PC specs and user agent next to IP upon visiting as kolyma said in their new CP catching system but we will never know as all of this will be disguised as innocuous natural JSchan telemetry or beautified code baked into the imageboard engine to hide it even further

inb4 namefaggi-ACK! (picrel i will now browse on Hyper-V incase the said changes actually happen without any announcement)
also stupid question but does this "buster thing" block cub porn and ordinary jap lolis as well? how will stratogem prizzy cope without his fresh new supply of porn stash
>where can i download the original non-forked version of this
here, but the git repo linked in the OP is the original. this is an original project, no forks.
>i bet he installed a plugin that auto-backups RAW IP webserver logs to a secret location behind our backs as everything is done in the backend then parse it with the deletion logs or convert the IP digits back into hashes manually for referencing but again we dont know jack shit about your internal network so its basically just as good as kiwifarms whom which supports shotacon
>does this "buster thing" block cub porn and ordinary jap lolis as well
Given the disputed status of that content as CP in itself, I believe it's best that the content stays strictly in the realm of 3d content. However, any user is free to block and distribute hashes of loli or cub porn, but it's up to others in the network to follow that host.
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Easy there Zooey! Be careful not to cut yourself with all that self righteous edge
What is your end goal? You're trying to fight one of the biggest issues that modern imageboards face (CSAM) with an algorithm known for being weak and in an extremely inefficient way. Our in-house detections utilize a mix of traditional techniques and ML models to flag CSAM posts, allowing us to detect all but the most obscure CSAM images that exist on the web. 4chan is willing to contribute to your project in a meaningful way (by your own admission, the best use case is for an internal, community-driven approach to fight such material). Malicious actors will continue to exploit this problem regardless of your progress here; this is why I request that you keep our contributions closed-source. This approach will minimize risks to our system by not leaking our detections to other parties, and give us a better chance of detecting future CSAM images uploaded to 4chan. Your efforts can make a real impact in the fight against CSAM, we just ask that you use our contributions in an internally governed environment and do not share our detections.
>The goal is to be good enough, not perfect.
But your system is neither good nor perfect.
Replies: >>770 is being investigated by interpol     you messed with intelligence community        they trace IPS
that software is being used by   governments  : like the NSA or CIA . And they traced your IP 
And you are very sorry for messing with that . You did a bad thing  you  hurt lots of people .

And now you are not sorry . you will do it again and again and again. 
Because you are too selfish to know  that hurting another is hurting yourself . 

You do not care of others well being . That makes you sick . you have no heart . 
You live in a dream land , where there is no consequences of your actions .

If you had any feelings and care , your first action would be to go to police  and confess your doing . 
Then you go and say sorry  to all  those that you hurt  .  If you have not the balls to do this then  i hope that justice will find you  and your jail time will be short  .
Replies: >>767
did read
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another j*rtyCUCK fail in the works...
Replies: >>769 >>774 >>1370
kill yourself paedo
reopen /qa/
>the cobshitter is a pedo
like pottery
>>538 (OP) 
chudmin why not take the cp image, run edge detection on iit and then split the result into 4 boxes (randomly picked location) and then check for cp via edge detection + image matching? you could turn the edges into vectors which would enable scaling up and down

also you could distribute this across clients to reduce workload via a simple bitcoin style majority consensus thing
Replies: >>820
Why did you delete my post about changing a pixel -> changing hash doe
Replies: >>787
if you were using tor, you might have been swept up in a "delete all from IP" post 
I see nothing in the logs (you can check them with a jarty account)

you may repost the comment if you'd like
>>538 (OP) 
Hashinh cp, and especially sharing the hashes is illegal unless you get govt permission. You're asking to get rolled up
Replies: >>802
Im still wondering why the fuck does this board website got spammed with cp like they could pick gore but nahhhhh you have to spam loli hentai instead
how did lute manage to completely eliminate 'p in 2 days? i havent seen any child abuse content since the site reopened on august 16th
kuz and doll couldnt do that in the entirety of their administration
Replies: >>796
he's blocked tor users from posting images, so i'm guessing that's the reason
Replies: >>797
even when doll and kuz tried banning tor they still didnt stop cp
either those guys were completely incompetent or not serious about stopping 'p
what kind of exploit are the CSAMMERs using that they werent before? site was free of 'p for 4 days but now theyre able to spam for some reason
also will this affect lute's one week testing period and cause him to give up?
Replies: >>804
>what kind of exploit are the CSAMMERs using that they werent before? site was free of 'p for 4 days but now theyre able to spam for some reason
as I anticipated, they're not using tor IPs, as all of those are disallowed from uploading images. 
They're likely circumventing this by using some VPN network, or various harvested proxies. 
>will this affect lute's one week testing period and cause him to give up
I do not want to give up, this situation is recoverable. 
There are still things to be done to combat these "people", not every card has been played yet.
Replies: >>805 >>806 >>811
I told you lute, banning TOR is just a cop-out for an admin who isn't prepared to deal with the CSAM issue, only very few pedos use tor, most dedicated ones are doing it over some residential IPs
Replies: >>807
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>I do not want to give up, this situation is recoverable. There are still things to be done to combat these 
We VVILL survive
I don't disagree, it's a stop-gap solution until the real solutions (CSAM-Buster and automated CP filtering) are complete.
Replies: >>808
Thank you for protecting teens privacy, even in the face of many bad actors who might abuse anonymity for personal gain
Replies: >>809
you're welcome friend
i will still post here even if we need to use gemmy ascii jaks
how close is csam buster from being finished?
Replies: >>812
unfortunately, not very. It's maybe 10 to 15% to the way of a prototype. I've been very busy with many projects.
Replies: >>813
I work for a Fortune 500 fintech utilities corporation and we're interested in your CSAM detection technology and how it would work for our internal teams. We'd love to see a demo!
Do you or your team have any methods of which we could use to contact you privately? I want to avoid any risk of 'phishing' for this specific matter.
Thank you in advance for your help and interest!
Replies: >>814 >>816 >>944
is it true that you drink childrens blood and do ritual sacrifices for the jewish god?
Replies: >>815
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>We'd love to see a demo
for something more refined and practical, I suggest checking out facebook/threatexchange, as thats the core of the tool.
>Do you or your team have any methods of which we could use to contact you privately
Currently, it's just me working:
you're free to contact me
Replies: >>817 >>818 >>943
>responding to such a bad bait
soot is that you?
Thank you for responding. We're interested in branching out your CSAM detection technology for use in several industries (and governments). The solution should be able to work with existing storage platforms and can be either on-prem or a SaaS model. Our use case would require detection of CSAM within the file system itself (and therefore we won't be able to use a signature-based solution like McAfee). Ideally you could use metadata and machine learning to detect and block CSAM. We currently work with McAfee and Symantec. These two can offer us the detection capabilities we are looking for, but they are not very scalable as they require significant hardware and memory resources. We are looking for an alternative that would solve these problems.
Replies: >>819 >>945
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nobody THIS important would use obscure bald man cartoon imageboard splinters, right teens?
>just send portions of CP to random clients
geg. handling this shit is like handling toxic waste except you get 20 years in the slammer
Replies: >>845
erm how do i know if there is 'p hidden in my images cause i downloaded some from here.
Replies: >>888 >>929 >>945
edge detected (only black and white lines) and heavily obfuscated, but maybe? or schedule calculations on server and get clients to calculate it?
there has got to be a better way than just making csam hashes that anyone can bypass
Replies: >>945
grep it out for stuff like http, https, onion, child, cheese, cp, pizza, porn, etc...
also gimp edge detect
the simplest way to hide some text in an image is
echo "something" > file.png
i wouldn't recommend C++
Replies: >>928
this, use C.
C++ is trash
Replies: >>942
They're most likely encoded in a base64 string and not plain text or URLs 

Like the other anon said, use grep and check for any odd string of characters
1. partition picture into multiple tinier images
2. apply anisotropic diffusion onto target partitions
3. convert result into wavelets 
4. use something like what openai did with whisper to tokenize partitions
5. use fuzzy logic to flag picture as harmful or not, prioritizing middle partitions (rule of thirds)
this should filter most images.
Replies: >>945
erm what are some signs that a image may have embeded 'p?
Replies: >>945
C++ is a gem, I don't know how you could tolerate programming without classes, vectors, or maps unless you're trannybrained
Joe Biden here, Im also interesten in your anti-CP system
Replies: >>945
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>I work for a Fortune 500 fintech
Replies: >>945
yo bro (biden bro), did you like /biden/? I made it for you about a month ago and it was a gem.
usually the 'p posters are embedding the image in 'jaks. Harsh lines, sudden color changes, and random boxes would be a good sign. However, that's the case for many other things, including innocent things. Perhaps identifying these sudden changes, and then scanning the results of the identification with a hashing algorithm could render us some valuable results.
can you provide documentation for what many of these algorithms are?
I should check and see if jschan strips any metadata/converts images upon receiving them, that way no one can sneak 'p into random files.
I'm currently working with someone on a more complex solution that's rather cheap. Once it's ready, it'll be released under an FSF approved software license for anyone to use.
LARP bad ev&o it's a good way of getting information out of me.
Replies: >>946
Biden here, loved it, you are such a good goy. This month I will double the amount of shekels you receive
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hey Lute, when is Trumpflare getting implemented on I see a lot of kikes on this site that need to be disciplined.
Replies: >>954
lmao I might set up basedflare as "trumpflare" if the joke is funny enough
Replies: >>955 >>963 >>964
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Already says that for me
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.

Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
Andrew Tate and Tucker Carlson just accepted the invitation to the Jarty
But, Lute... what about SneedFlare?
Replies: >>965 >>966
Sorry soipeepeepoopoocaca but Trumpflare is in

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>stealing "cuck" memes
sit the fuck down and let the experts handle the the big boy shit
Replies: >>967
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sneedflare is better
Replies: >>968
Sorry soikike but you and your israeli friends are getting filtered
>>538 (OP) 
LUUUUUUTE add a file disassembler just like 4cuck to stop the embed shit like >>>/soy/76672
use 4cuck approach for embed, it's really hard to embed shit nowdays. i remember there was this general on /g/ exclusively for coomer shit but mods ban them because lately they started embeding stuff into files, they also have a gitgud but i forgot its name. you can check desuarchive tho
have you considered also distributing the ips that posted the cp to allow for shared bans or is that beyond the scope of this project?
Replies: >>985
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>’p bad
>ip bans
Replies: >>989
>ip bans
imagine thinking ip bans will stem the torrent of embedded cp. pure copium. jannies vs sharty culture. who will win?
Replies: >>1016
imagine thinking a few mentally ill discord faggots with basic technical knowledge can do something against a site with adequate defenses
if you were capable of that you would be attacking facebook with 'p and not obscure niche image boards that no one cares about
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You don't have to do it in one language only. You can mainly use C++ and integrate python scripts written by 'teens.
Replies: >>1049
that can make the code very messy as opposed to writing it in one language only
Replies: >>1050
even though polyglots are cool
LOOOOOOOOOOR You should collaborate with the frenschan community i met someone highly experienced at AI/ML training there.
Replies: >>1057 >>1066
i'm sure if lute wanted to contact the feds directly he could just do that instead of working with feds- i mean, frenschan
Replies: >>1066
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Team America has the beast leaks fr fr nocap
I poo poo in diaper
There’s ‘p on /meta/
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This XKCD should help
Replies: >>1134
stop posting XKCD comics

btw this project will be integrated with the automod system that i'm testing on /nofur/ once it's up and running, so admins who don't want to run their own scanner can still benefit from the work of it. though, the automod system is higher priority for now
If you want to make an automated anti-CSAM system, you need to train it on CSAM. In order to train it on CSAM, you would have to access it first.
Replies: >>1136 >>1140
So would not this whole thing be illegal since the developers are accessing CSAM?
Replies: >>1137 >>1139 >>1140
Dont worry lute gets his CP from certified manufacterers so nothing is illegal
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No, you can't recreate an image from its hash. It's just an arbitrary string of numbers and characters.
No, in development we can use a substitute product of similar quality, such as adult porn.
the current automod system im developing that powers >>>/nofur/ operates in a similar way. It uses substitute content, in the case of /nofur/: furry content, as a proxy for CP. 
This is also untrue, as there are two parts to CP that can be identified: The child, and the pornography. Training a system on identifying pornography, and also identifying children does not involve any illegal material. 
Testing it on illegal material will require it, and thus cannot be done without simply deploying the tool. Hence why /nofur/ is being used as a proxy, with the system being able to identify furry content presumed to also be capable of finding child or pornographic content.
hello  admin you will be arrested for you have hurt a great many souls   pedophile hacker   CIA FBI  MI6 INTERPOL    scum

 your gone you will be in the slammer    you have alreaduy been caught red handed  I have you from head to  butt and even all you have on the  internet now will land up the same way your in prison   hacker DARPA CIA FBI etc  have got more people in your way just google that    google you you go to hell with other hackers     and that site gets lots and will help those guys too that I say  I think I see one that had your face  google it  your done

 its on my ip iam watching it go too it says now   your going and have more fun than you ever imagined   have been warned   and god wants every scum of  earth go hang with bin l  adn that scum family that will land you to hell

 and its a slow death as you suffer and beg and its more for you and that site you hacked with has a bunch that did your job for the police to put your ass at home
slide thread
Replies: >>1351
What are they sliding?
Replies: >>1352
show flag kike
I was right!
Any update on this??
Replies: >>1521
who cares anymore, cp spam stopped in late august
Replies: >>1522
>even though 'p bot still occasionally posts here
we are actually doing that but fucking drumpftards are blocking us and now that goyimcattle hate us for bombing some alahu ackbar babies we can never do that
we'll get offline image models banned and use Intel ME to hack into every alt right bigot's PCs to see if they have it. You. Cant. Stop. Us. Incel freak.
Replies: >>1568
btw im  CHUD ## ADMIN on a different device
Had a realization recently that only mentally castrated soy faggots hate pedophiles. Women fantasize about getting doted on by older men and being pampered enough to age regress and embracing their inner child. Virile and powerful men fantasize about pumping their seed into young fertile cunny. Soy cucks tell themselves that it's le bad and seethe cope fap to mature pussy porn while chads slay prime wet tight pussy.
Replies: >>1570 >>1595 >>1596
Plus children are cute, full of energy, they embody fruitfulness, playfulness, and joy. Only a faggot who's been emasculated by too much screen time cucking him out of a healthy appreciation for the beauty of children, recoils in conditioned horror and self loathing at the mere sight of a child. Naked children running around and playing in a water fountain or something is a pleasing thing to look at. If you think otherwise, you are a cucked faggot with a brain warped by the virtual lash of slave morality and cuckdom.
Replies: >>1595 >>1596
Also I'm trans btw if that matters.
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>Also I'm trans btw if that matters.
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>the jarty needs (You)r help to fight the CP spam menace and help improve image boards as a whole.

>This will be achieved through an automated anti-CP dedication system that is capable of sharing CP hashes with other websites so, when CP is posted, everyone is able to block it from their servers.

>A link to the specification for how this work can be found here:

>This thread will serve as the main discussion point for the project. Namefagging and tripfagging has been enabled on /comtech/ for this project and other projects like it.

>Code Repo:
>Last edited 9 months ago by admin
ohio thread
[Hide] (22.2KB, 644x800) Reverse
>Anti-CP System
>the jarty needs (You)r help to fight the CP spam menace and help improve image boards as a whole.

>This will be achieved through an automated anti-CP dedication system that is capable of sharing CP hashes with other websites so, when CP is posted, everyone is able to block it from their servers.

>A link to the specification for how this work can be found here:

>This thread will serve as the main discussion point for the project. Namefagging and tripfagging has been enabled on /comtech/ for this project and other projects like it.

>Code Repo:
[Hide] (21.1MB, 640x480, 03:18)
>Anti-CP System Chud ## Admin 11 months ago No.538 
>[Hide] (56.6KB, 768x719) Reverse

>the jarty needs (You)r help to fight the CP spam menace and help improve image boards as a whole.

>This will be achieved through an automated anti-CP dedication system that is capable of sharing CP hashes with other websites so, when CP is posted, everyone is able to block it from their servers.

>A link to the specification for how this work can be found here:

>This thread will serve as the main discussion point for the project. Namefagging and tripfagging has been enabled on /comtech/ for this project and other projects like it.

>Code Repo:
>Last edited 11 months ago by admin
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> Chud ## Admin 11 months ago No.539 
>First things first, deciding on a language to use. I have a couple in mind:

>>Retard-accessible language, anyone with mild programming experience can contribute
>>Robust Libraries generally, especially for API work
>>PDQ already has a python implementation
>>VPDQ already has a python implementation
><TMK does not have a python implementation
><Slow as fuck
><Ass-backwards retarded dependency and deployment system

>>Retard-accessible language
>>Built for networking work
><Weaker on libraries
><PDQ has no implementation
><TMK has no implementation
><VPDQ has no implementation
><I personally do not know it

>>Retard-accessible language, python-like syntax
>>Capable of using C++ libraries using a native foreign function interface, which PDQ, TMK, and VPDQ is wrote in
>>Has decent networking and API libraries
><Obscure hipster lang that no one knows
><Not as stable as the other languages due to being rather new

>>PDQ, VPDQ, and TMK has native implementations in this
><Terrible networking and API libraries
><Retard inaccessible language, less people can contribute
><Unfun to write in, in my opinion
>Last edited 11 months ago by admin
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> Chud ## Admin 11 months ago No.543 
>only mildly retarded. the goal is to make a server that runs independently of JSchan so that other platforms can use the tool on their own platforms (i.e, if kiwifarms decided to adopt it, then all they'd have to do is modify their form software to communicate with the system).

>I'll have to do some work on JSchan to add integration though, but for now I just want to focus on the CSAM-buster server itself as that's the core of the whole operation.
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>im expecting bigger sites to be weary of the project until it's more battle tested; it's likely best if we start with the soysphere, then move to help out other altchans, then get bigger guys on board.
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>Chud ## Admin 11 months ago No.573 
>Facebook's PDQ and TMK are better algorithms than phash and dhash.
>>Has a PDQ implementation
><Has no TMK implementation
><Has no VPDQ implementation
><Weaker on libraries
><I personally do not know it
><looks horrific to write in
>>A lot of people know it
><total soyware, slow as fuck
><No TMK implementation
><No PDQ implementation
><Has no VPDQ implementation
><I personally do not know it

>In other news, I have discovered that facebook also has another video hashing algorithm other than TMK called VPDQ that just dropped: 

>VPDQ is able to match clips to other clips more easily, so hiding 'p in dancing swedes, if we use VPDQ, would become harder.

>I'll likely update the spec to use VPDQ.
>Last edited 11 months ago by admin
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>USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST All child abuse content is banned. Don't make another joke like this again.
Replies: >>1667
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gemmington GET
Replies: >>1668
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