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Buying an iphone:
>You WILL let us spy on everything you do with our proprietary OS and forced updates
Buying a google pixel:
>You WILL enjoy having no headphone jack. You WILL enjoy having no SD card slot. You WILL buy a new phone in 6 months when yours breaks and you WILL be happy
Buying a samsung galaxsoy:
>You WILL spend hundreds of dollars on a (((  flagship  ))) phone that explodes and/or catches on fire in 3 years
Buying a fairphone:
>You WILL spend 500 hundred american dollars on the metal square you use to watch cat memes on the shitter
Buying some offbrand chinkphone:
>You WILL not unlock the bootloader and you WILL not install an open source OS so we can't catch you disrespecting the glorious CCP
Replies: >>1599 >>1608
I spend a couple bucks on a samsung that I installed lineage on, not that it matters as I barley use it
>>1578 (OP) 
The LG V20 is the best choice, just make sure to get a worldwide bootloader unlocked version so you can easily install lineage on it
Replies: >>1603
gem go up in the overboard
I bought the moto g32 and waited 3 days like a good cuck to unlock the bootloader.
Samsung is reliable. I have an S9 and it's been working perfectly since 2018, running Android 13 now
Replies: >>1606
here's your phone bro
>>1578 (OP) 
>Buying some offbrand chinkphone:
>>You WILL not unlock the bootloader and you WILL not install an open source OS so we can't catch you disrespecting the glorious CCP
I do this.
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