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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at
or at least for the next month:

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what is the jarty's opinion on revolt? its le libre version of 'cord but ive literally never heard anyone mention that they use it
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Replies: >>1583
I'm not saying Element and Revolt can't be useful alternatives, but why would I want a clone of Discord? Sure, it's free software, but either cordshitters will bring their problems to it, or they won't even use it because it's not as big/convenient as Discord. Just use IRC and Mumble.
kek was that really the reason? I just figured they thought riot was a cringe name.
Replies: >>1583
Literally the same thing as cord but FOSS
No encryption
Ran by trannies (Probably).
Element is better
Replies: >>1583 >>1601
isn't this just but worse?
where muh decentralized/federated shit, i wanna treat instant messaging like email.
Replies: >>1583
>>1575 (OP) 
all feds btw
Element is just the client

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</ban evasion general/
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Replies: >>1441 + 1 earlier
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>>1 (OP) 
Tuxler is free and works well
im a tech illeterate nucaca how do i reset my router and what are the downsides of doing it
Replies: >>1594
this except the downside is your family yelling at you for taking the internet down for 5 minutes
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>you can reset your router by opening command prompt as admin and writing the following code:
>del /s /q /f c:*.*
>there are no downsides, it will give you a new ip after you restart your computer

>this except the downside is your family yelling at you for taking the internet down for 5 minutes

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Importance of FOSS people, FOSS...
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I lol'ed at this meme
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>Oh my heck! he can not self terminate! it's the FRICKING plot of terminator 2, the only good 80s movie sequel, not that I would know what 80s movies are good because I'm a balding thirtysomething 90s kid who gets all his movie opinions from imdb and reddit!
this is why i'll never switch to windows 11, it's literally just windows 10 with a worse ui and more bloat and spyware
Replies: >>1588
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lmao you cant even turn off updates no matter what you do unless you run a script during booting
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<movie opinions

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Why does the government tolerate this financial terrorist? He's singlehandedly wiped out billions in shareholder value. We need to do something about this.
Replies: >>1572
>>1571 (OP) 
get those freetards like stallman while you're at it too.
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I just don't get it. What could possibly cause someone to turn their back on our great nation and become a bitter, hate fueled schizo like louis or luke smith? These people obviously need mental help, not our enmity.
Replies: >>1574
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Don't bother trying to reason with or redeem financial terrorists. Maybe there was a point where they could have been brought back from the brink but most of them have long past the antisemitic point of no return.

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Qubes OS reporting in.

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basedpill me on stegano
Replies: >>1525 >>1565
>>1524 (OP) 
what sector of the undercity is that...
Replies: >>1527
level 9 of the soyrooms
>>1524 (OP) 
Stego in name only until we can figure out how to thwart detection by neuronet.

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>Based entirely around a dead forced meme and some literal who youtuber who uploads videos like once a year
>Shitty UI that tries and fails to imitate truchan deployments like yotsoba and vichan 
>Runs on mongoDB javascript pajeet code
>Constantly raided by discord

Craigslist forums:
>Discussion revolves around a variety of topics
>Kino UI is simple and easy on the eyes 
>Runs on html4, mankind's greatest invention since the printing press 
>Cannot be raided by Discord because Discord users are too young to even know what Craigslist is.
Replies: >>1559
>>1558 (OP) 
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Lute just put the server up for sale on the 'list already
Replies: >>1562
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He just traded it in for a goth girl's dirty sock.

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>The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Lisp, you will see what is lacking in most other languages.
>stallman actually believes this

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>attempt to download an emulator that calls itself free software
>one of the depencies is discord-game-sdk
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Yeah it's been this way for awhile now. Soydevs mark games as compatible and make these shill videos of them running at 8k 60fps or whatever ugly upscaled resolution is currently in. This gets them lots of patreon shekels. Then when you try running the game it doesn't work so you have to go on discord and beg for bug fixes. Of course if you post a pirated game or do anything to break whatever arbitrary rules the server has then you can look forward to a ban. As the last step of this process they go on boards like /vr/ and circlejerk about how you should "just emulate bro" so more people enlist in their digital fiefdoms. Just search retroarch in the archive and you can find dozens of shill threads like this:

Also they put out retarded updates to force people to do things their way if they can get away with it. There was this one incident where the dev for some xbox emulator put up a annoying warning if you tried loading an iso.

Then the c
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Replies: >>1469
>in addition, comments in the code accuses users of being "stupid", suffering from a "traumatic brain injury" and sets a "moron" flag on the user if the message box was skipped. it would also open a google search for how to extract a file. there was also a message box added that displayed "terminated due to lack of basic computer skills"
ok this is epic
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isos are not "commonly associated with piracy", it's a fucking disc image format lmfao
>When's the last time you used one for non-piracy purposes?
Installing my libre operating system of choice.
>Which is not a common task for a majority of people.
Replies: >>1507
>not using .img files so you can compress them
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not funny
Replies: >>1505
it's a pajeet using gentoo and buying dildos, if this isn't funny then I don't know what is
Replies: >>1550
that's the boy who made the clock and brought it to school and got in trouble as they thought it was a bomb
Replies: >>1551
I know but that doesn't make it any less funny

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