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>>A moment ago, you said that you ordered vice admin sobot to tell xis jannies that Lute wasn't to be touched
><That's right
>>Abd vice admin doll was clear on what you wanted?
>>Any chance vice admin sobot ignored the order?
>>Any chance vice admin sobot left your office and said, the old man is wrong
>>well vice admin sobot spoke to da jannie team and ordered them not to touch Lute, any chance they'd ignore xim
>>You ever LARPed as a Russian online son?
>>No xir
><Ever serve during a pedo raid?
>>No xir
><Ever put your company in another janny's hands?  And asked xim to pay off your AIDS treatment
>>No xir
><We follow heckin orders son.  We follow orders or faggots spam 'P, it's that simple.  Are we clear
>>Yes xir
><Are we clear
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