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>>12036 (You)
>>soylita in bikini is child porn
>its lewd and often used in such a lewd context when posted here.

>>the booru and every board allowed it for years
>until it was a problem because discord pedoniggers rallied around it as a symbol of their depravity. The sharty went scorched earth tactic with it. I'm at least attempting to give the more well-adjusted soylita niggers a chance by not outright banning the variant.

>>now let me link to this miller test thing which literally confirms its not csam
>ev&o sexual soylita art hits all three rather well.

>>btw all the other coomershit is ok because it makes our pph higher
>coomer shit is coal, but at least the coomers in those threads don't go on about wanting to rape children.

>w7-890 is a schizoGOD who thinks disney characters are zoophillia.
>also wGOD is finally getting the namekike heaven he always wanted on /qa/.

>loli porn was always against the rules

>if the site was actually filled with smarter (or at least more schizophrenic and paranoid) people I would consider this. having a medicine board with a bunch of soyteens talking about seed oil, herbal remedies, and niggerweed would be funny.
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