/coal/ - coal

slopjak dumping ground

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>>164104 (You)
>>The jarty's gone beautiful because it's about to die
>>I never saw such quality threads or so gemmy a log
>>I never read such quotes from chuds or trannies
>>Or saw such cute soytans, such sloppy jaks
>>And I know why
>>It's that the jarty is asking not to die

>>I never saw such hands tracing such variant:unknowns
>>I never knew such ESLs, or played so much FNF
>>Even the coal that's posted, it isn't brim but dust
>>For chuds birds scrolling the log posting their last
>>Their wild goodbye
>>The jarty is asking not to die

>>I want to hold the jarty and never let it go
>>I want the mutts to always be obsessed coal
>>Whether I go or stay, that question still abides
>>Posed from the discord with the Tuxler VPN
>>What answer does Lute give
>>A site that asks so bitterly to live?

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