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>JEWS dancing.gif Wikipedia blue star of david.webp This page is jewish Wikipedia blue star of david.webp
>Jewville now known as The Barrenlands was a base built by DrMerkabah. It was the biggest base on the whole server.
>Merk's house
>Mari's house (no longer part of jewville)
>Reddit chad
>Mob spawner and nether portal
>The monuments of Nate
>Many farms
>The base first started on the first day as DrMerkabah randomly mined up through a hill, he thought the place was so beautiful that he built his house there.
>The base slowly expanded as more structures were built like the farms.
>During the Coalpoclypse 2022 Merk's house was burnt down twice, and the Twitter gypsies built a penis on the mob spawner.
>On the date of 10.10.2022, Jewville expanded massively and incorporated Mari's and _CD's bases into itself.
>Fall of Jewville
>After a gypsy (not confirmed) griefed Merk's house and nates holy tree he had a baby tantrum and left the godless land of Jewville for good leaving it abandoned.