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Seeing what Saints Row The Third lacks what Saints Row 2 had made me appreciate Saints Row 2. Seeing what Saints Row Reboot has to offer made me appreciate Saints Row the Third.
All those cancelled games made me wish they happened, even the movie.
Also, Deep Silver shouldn't have been the one who bought Volition.
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>saints row threads
Replies: >>1414
why not?
Replies: >>1415
i just made that because i hate how /v/ describes 2 as some kind of masterpiece, it has always been a mediocre gta clone, though i do agree the reboot is unplayable with all the woke shit
Replies: >>1416 >>1419
what i do like about saints row 2 is that it has more thing to do unlike in gta 4.
what i don't like is how pc port is poorly optimized and i have to download gentlemen of the row to play that port and the mod isn't that amazing.
the first was gemmy bc it came out before gta4 but saints row got shittier with each successive one
Replies: >>1421
shame it never got other ports.
Also, one thing each Saints Row thing had while most GTA games didn't was Classical music radio stations
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