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/tg/ is one of the worst boards on 4chan i have visited so far matched by /tv/ in terms of quality. People literally bitch about you making an on topic thread cause "you can just do that in your own game"

anyways my current project is to set a DND 5e (no point trying other systems that would just make the people i play with complain) game to retrieve a lost artifact of their people known as the Sunstone something which shines with the light of the sun but in a more direct banishing evil kind of way. Planned encounters include one with a catgirl princess who may or may not give the players an important artifact based on how much they impress her. This is of course after they gain some degree of reknown. I will probably start the players at a higher level since i think in universe the people who actually did such and such were more experienced.
Replies: >>1771
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>traditional games
>reddit hammer
>baldur's gate
Replies: >>1608 >>1775
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>one with a catgirl princess who may or may not give the players an important artifact based on how much they impress her
stratogem is going to be in this DND campaign?!
Replies: >>1608 >>1771
nah fuck stratogem this one is appealing to my furry fantasies so shes cute but dismissive
i'm not fat and i don't like dsotm
Replies: >>1771
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>im going to say "dsotm" instead of the full name of what it is because im a selfish little fuck who likes making margeralds
Replies: >>1617
Oh my neil peart get a load of this chud! He's never heard of dark side of the moon! I bet he doesn't even know to play it to the wizard of oz! kill this fucking boomer rock music hating chud! stone him to death! use vinyl records to slice his limbs off! fucking DIE
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>fuck stratogem
Replies: >>2177
>/tv/ is one of the worst boards on 4chan
absolutely shit tier taste kys
Replies: >>1726
he said /tg/ retard
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>um yeah a board where they talk about mainstream pop culture and simp over actresses is not one of the worst boards on 4chan
Replies: >>2178
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>>1605 (OP) 
>humans fighting off evil zoobait beasts
wow nice image here have a few more i just found these on various imageboards added this to my collections

>sup tg
no idea about this board but rumors has it that theres a zoosadist on /trash/ telegram and one trucker who accidentally doxxed himself and shared pics of his pet getting pozzed and they wanted to stage a DnD game for other dogfuckers for god who knows
btw the /v/ jannies are now moving furbait threads to /trash/ instead of deletions BOOO no wonder why its full of coomers

>>1607 >>1608
as expected furfags ruin everything no wonder why we cant have nice things
also what happened to the secret hitler meet event we held few months agoon /soy/ fridays? i sort of miss those can we have one last game before 2024
Replies: >>1774
sorry w but this campaign is gonna have a lot of furries
im fat and i like dsotm but i dont like tgs
>>A character with a
1 in Presence may be physically unattractive, or may
just be a jerk
new blackpill just dropped
Making a strength based rogue (swashbuckler archetype)
You're welcome to make your /tg/ worldbuilding threads on as long as they aren't too gay (most threads on /tg/ are garbage imo)
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>i'm a white human male fighter supremacist
/tg/ is one of the few boards to go down in users over the last ~5 years because the moderation is so shit
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>traditional games
>reddit hammer
>baldur's gate
Replies: >>2210
Hes right
>le bad even doe most of the best memes come from there.
>DND le good even though adventure(6) is better
Replies: >>2211 >>2212
>even doe nobody cares about it
Replies: >>2212
what's adventure 6
i care
Replies: >>2213
first computer game ever made
it started with:
>you are standing in the middle of the road
or something like that, you gave it commands like
>go right
and shit like that
also adventure is the name of the game, 6 is the section of the unix manual where it appears, but even I don't care about that.
it's preinstalled on shitty systems like netbsd and it's shitty rip-off openbsd which is for some reason more well known, also on slackware but that even has nethack preinstalled (nethack is the computer version of dnd or something like that idk I never got the controls)
after what you have read above I doubt you would still care about that game, but if you do I would recommend reading Hackers by steven levy. (also as you didn't know about man pages you should know about , you can download books from there, if you are new to books then go read the fountainhead or something idk I think the jarty likes ayn rand or whatever that yellow snake flag is)
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