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>What makes a DJ Sabrina song? This. Everything you’ll hear tonight made up a part of what makes the “Sabrina Sound”, influenced or inspired, consciously or unconsciously, spiritually or literally. It is a Combinision (from the latin, combined composition or combination of compositional material). A Brian Eno or John Oswald -esque concept piece (certainly to give name to it). Tracklists should not matter as songs should be first loosened to then intertwine themselves forwards or in reverse, re-emerge to echo in the listeners reverie and barberpole the tempo until wrapping around. Those drums, that vocal, these guitars, it doesn’t matter where it came from or where it goes, Combinisions are free to weave where they please. Directly, from an FM radio station into your car through the antenna, without taking anything too seriously comes an hour of combinisional magic, for your plexure.
>(This description was written by a paid third-party PR department from the other realm. The mix was intended to be heard without any artificially inflated preconceptions, but Salem paid 100MB (magic bucks, not megabytes) to them for a write-up and they didn’t adhere to the request for “NO ego stroking or mid-00’s record-label spinning or hyperbole. It ruins the experience for the listener and makes Sabrina look like a fool”.)
Who even said that doe
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