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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at
or at least for the next month:

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>i don't date men under 6 feet
Replies: >>2308 >>2344
>>2305 (OP) 
I'm a 6ft 1in woman
>>2305 (OP) 
idk why my clitoris is bigger than the average women, i'm not even trans
45t98fas니들이뭐그러케잘낫다고시발나대기는니미좋도시발별것도아닌새키들이디질라고zsidfjsoazf내가시발장교하면zsfjozsf니들후장에다가총구녕대고zdifjzsodf연속베레타로바바바ㅏㅂdojijfzo좇만한달달이새키들zdijfoz니들막상전쟁나면zdfjoizsf살려달라고질질울면서빤스런칠새키들이zdifjozdf뭐애국가고나발이고나대지마라zidfjozdf니들이모범을 보이든가당당하게십센치들아djfozifj아놔시발눈가리파버릴라izdfjo약국하다가호덕파느년알아보니미국에서재산돌려노코다단게하더만사기군년디질라고zjdfiozsfj정직하게살어야지샹것들아zjdfozdfji진자존나더럽다zxdfjizof충남여고신지인zidfjol매일보지사진보내면서박아달라고지랄해대고zifjozdf야이더러운년아zjdiofz헬스장오코치가zidfjozdfj존나게박아댄difjzof개스레기보지년아zdifjozf니같은년이의사와결혼하면내가장을이지진다zjfoizf미친년이거현대자동차djiozf엄대웅같은년zdifjozf니미보지에서dsifjoz에일리언저글링29마리나오는년앜fjizsofj스페인은니가무슨zdifjo아나운손미나라도되냐솔직히zdfjoizfjio손미나zidfj몸매봐라빨통에다가궁디에다가팡팡팡팡뒤치기용으로개쩔지너는아무것도없잖아그냥zifjzodf초딩이냐초딩에게무슨성욕을느끼냐zdfjozf남자가성인여자가보고빠구리뜰수도있고그런거지술머고zjiofzsdf그게정상이지초딩하고무슨빠구리를떠븅신아zdifjozf미친새끼들아냐dzdfjio아동성애자들을잡아쳐넣어야지zifdjo박원순서울시장은뭔죄가있다고븅신들dkfjzoif나경원그년이이상한년이지zjfidodzf웹상에서그런걸뭘자꾸zjifo니가니귀에다가전화로그랬냐zdfjiozf븅신같은년djzfiozjfdio그롤시간에좇도남경필zidfjzof그새키나잡아쳐넣으세요샵년아zdfjiozsfj군대에서군생활도안하고다른애들웅디에다가자지나비벼대는샹것이무슨zdifjoz캬아퉤에
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