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Ulysses and Blood Meridian are literary perversion with twisted and vile imagery.
Replies: >>2343
Blood Meridian at least managed to make Holden so vile no one would find him as "literally me"
Replies: >>2332
even Rapeson would see Judge and rape him to death out of guilt himself
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>>2329 (OP) 
I don't get fags who think le 50s were wholesome when the degen fuckery known as Ulysses came out over a century ago. How the fuck is the book le wholesome and relatable when the main character is paedophile gooner like jartycucks?
Replies: >>2357 >>2358
for the record it did get censored or banned in the usa
People view the past through a limited lens. History is recorded primarily about the official, proper, clear events and legal rulings etc. Feminists are actually right to say that history has a male bias, in that it is biased towards clear black and white, linear, causal chains of events and definite actions. More chaotic and 'feminine' type things don't get recorded, so we tend to view the past as a time when true men ruled and there was harmony and order and iron fisted rule over the subjects and nobody fucked around or did weird or perverted shit, everything was supposedly simple and clear "a time when men were men" etc.
Replies: >>2359
One example is chuds like to say the Frankfurt Marxist Jews were the ones to start experimenting with gender studies and crossdressing etc., so the Nazis were super prescient by being the first to recognize this was le bad and something to be nipped in the bud etc. But actually since the dawn of time people have been crossdressing, buttfucking, raping, having sex with kids, etc. Nothing new, just a matter of a limited depth of understanding of history.
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