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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at
or at least for the next month:

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Post your favorite flash games 'eens.
Replies: >>957 >>1084 >>1613
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I remember Bloody Rage game. You can play as Freddy Krueger and Yoda.
Seems to be a they/them now 
So basically a straight traitor who wants to be seen as woke
>>922 (OP) 
flash games had an impressive variety of genres
>cooking/general store management
>fighting games
>top-down shooters
>puzzle games
>point & click/text adventures
it was an easy to make and easy to distribute free for all without the intervention of men in suits
since flash died the internet has been completely starved of creativity
Replies: >>1093
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too many diamonds to choose between, i used to play a shitload of stick figure and physics related flash games doe

territory war is like worms but flashified (and the second one had online for a while too)
the ragdoll course games are fun, i sperged about really any flash games with ragdolls tbh
draw play was gemmy bc you draw platforms like so
this double wires game used to be on /f/ a lot
and ik troongrounds but the main behemoth games are still le good
Replies: >>1082
>>922 (OP) 
the entire creeper world series. completely gemmy RTS gameplay, peaked at 3, haven't tried four though, maybe it's better.
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>Post your favorite flash games 'eens.
Replies: >>1613
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>>Post your favorite flash games 'eens.
>>922 (OP) 
Strike force heroes I guess
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one more drawplay gemmy for the road, goodbye jarty
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