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report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

Feet-lickers won
i dont know why you post here since you always get zero replies lol and maya is better
Replies: >>5862
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I'll probably start posting less on here once I stop being lazy and just make another alt on the schlog. TBD.
Replies: >>5864
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Why did jannies my remove my loli feet-licking drawing?
Replies: >>5864
just come to the shemmy if you want to post zellig without effortposting
obvious falseflag is obvious
Replies: >>5866
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Had no idea there was 'zelligposting on the shemmy. The one and only time I went there it was full of porn and people unironically sharing 'cord links.
Replies: >>5867 >>5869
how long ago did you look?
Replies: >>5871
zelligposting on shemmy took off since late may but thats another story
Replies: >>5870 >>5871
if you do come to the shemmy hide the boring spam threads with a random image and non greentext in the op, its only one spamming schizo
Replies: >>5871
About a month ago, the zarty was pretty much the only ever splinter I used until a few days before I got banned from the sharty, and I only made one or two threads on here before that.
It'll probably stay due to the now somewhat high anti-zellig animus on the sharty from the 'cord false flag that was "zelligate"
Replies: >>5872 >>5876
ban evading on sharty is very easy but look at the frootcord leaks if you havent, most zelliggers just dont want to use the site anymore
Replies: >>5873
the mods talked about downloading rootkits to lurkers computers, i dont trust sharty
why did you get banned, avatars?
longtime shemmy user here, i still posted with the captcha and i samefag bait/troll a lot so either jannies pretend to be baited or there genuinely is a non-janny userbase outside of me
Replies: >>5878
dont use sharty if you dont want to be datamined
Well their site is practically dead what do you expect? They aren't gonna drive you away when they have barely any real users. They may be stupid but they aren't THAT stupid. Most these imageboards nowadays seem to exist for the sole purpose of being like a personal cord server aka dickriding "friend" group for the admin.
Replies: >>5879 >>5882
This is the only post I made >>5874 besides >>5878
Replies: >>5880
Nobody knows or cares who you are
2500 posts per day isnt too dead compared to the jarty's 100-400
i thought the only one left was that gay jake and nate artist
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