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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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So in one of the recent dox threads the clitties did, they made their stupid video but posted screenshots of their 'cords in it because they cannot go five seconds without attention.

Anyone got dirt on them?
lol jrtytrannies aint gon do anything besides maybe spam p on the shitty again
Replies: >>604
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>lol jrtytrannies aint gon do anything besides maybe spam p on the shitty again
oh, what a surprise, a zellig tranny, again.
Replies: >>611
600GET for total 'corder death
Replies: >>601
tsmt they are the biggest hypocrites.
and its the same thing with the doxing. its only le bad if the other site does it. but when i do it my reasons are more hecking valid or something
Replies: >>606
>its only le bad if the other site does it. but when i do it my reasons are more hecking valid or something
literally you guys
Replies: >>607 >>608
J*rtycucks... I... we can't... it's.... over...
how does that work when you havent successfully doxed even just one person?
Replies: >>609
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>how does that work when you havent successfully doxed even just one person?
I find it funny how you think cord is responsible for 'zellig just because of screenshots showing someone having 'zellig pfp
Replies: >>611
Hey chuddy, you forgot your reply to >>599
Replies: >>612
I don't like zellig. I just think this site will see some 'corder have pepe pfp and post pepe and think frogposters are discord trannies.
Replies: >>622
most frogposters ARE discord trannies doe
Replies: >>623
maybe doe but doxxcord uses any IAS or NAS gems as pfps doe
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