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you VILL install GNU and you VILL be happy
your dick pics VILL NOT land in ze NSA database
>hillary WANG is downloading dick pics
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im going to install gnu/linux
Replies: >>344
once you got used to freedom™️, consider installing libreboot too, because all modern hardware is backdoored at the firmware and hardware level
and no, this wont fix modern hardware, youre gonna need a 15 year old thinkpad or something similar that runs without blobs and doesnt fucking shut down if the intel ME backdoor is missing
still, 99% freedom is better than 0% freedom in your firmware, even on modern hardware
it will just make it a lot more tedious for glowniggers to glow you
do you have the libreboot instructions for a dell e6400?
Replies: >>352 >>353
my dell e6400 came with windows 10 will this be a problem?
Replies: >>348 >>353
libreboot recently added non-free blobs as an option, if you can, avoid that shit.
Still, long term, using old hardware is not sustainable. Desktop computing needs to get away from X86 and towards an architecture that respects the users freedoms (such as Risc-V)
Replies: >>353
you can burn a gnu/linux distro onto a usb drive (you'll have to use balena etcher to do this on windows)
wipe windows off your disk, insert the USB, run the installation media, and follow your distro's instructions
the data on your usb drive will be erased after you burn the installation media onto it so back it up
Replies: >>349 >>353
how do I wipe windows off my disk if I librebooted the e6400 though
will it not boot?
Replies: >>350 >>353
What's the point
Replies: >>351
i need a os to install libreboot though?
Replies: >>353
don't concern yourself with libreboot right now, focus on migrating to a distro
Replies: >>353
its all on, and DO read the general spi flashing guide so you know what to do, but you dont need that for internal flashing
just wipe it before installing libreboot, youll need GNU for that anyway
its sustainable for the next 20 years, computers dont even do anything new other than AI shit and modern AAA games, the only thing that changed is that UIs became uglier, laggier, and more demanding for no reason
have fun with gentoo or cuckBSD, also RISC-V is more for microcontrollers and embedded computing than for desktop usage, its basically mini ARM, it literally means reduced instruction set, aka a stripped down architecture with shit you probably dont need thrown out
etcher is electroon malware, IMAGINE having to download 200 megs of bloat just to copy data LMAO
dd is 76K in size, but soydevs need 200 megs to do the same thing somehow
(for wintoddlers, rufus works)
seabios will probably boot winkike, but you should get a bootable usb drive ready before doing anything else, since winkike is not reliable, especially if you fuck around with firmware
i have heard that the winkike installer doesnt boot with libreboot, or only partially works
installed winkike boots in safe/fallback mode at least, afaik
you need flashrom, or external flashing works too if you have a raspberry pi, ch341a, arduino, or something similar that can flash bios chips
you just have to open up your machine and wire up a clip to your BIOS chip, you do this with thinkpads because they are IME cucked and need external flashing if you remove it for the first time
after installing libreboot you can flash internally of course
also that, i said once you got used to freedom, libreboot is just nice to have if you wanna get rid of glowniggers for good, and dont throw blobs into your kernel either.
your latitude can run without blobs, which is a good thing, so no, you dont need a kernel that is 40% bigger and just contains blobs
go install linux-libre or compile your own kernel if you want
Replies: >>354 >>357 >>362
>etcher is electroon malware, IMAGINE having to download 200 megs of bloat just to copy data LMAO
>dd is 76K in size, but soydevs need 200 megs to do the same thing somehow
winzog has poor disk control capabilities
please tell me youre not a matrixpedo
Replies: >>355
im a matrix chud but im 12, i literally cant be a pedo
what does that have to do with dd or cp doe?
everyone knows that winkike is useless and cant even copy data properly, but you DONT need a fucking web browser to copy data
Replies: >>356
erm you are not 12 tho
Replies: >>358
>RISC-V is more for microcontrollers and embedded computing than for desktop usage
as of current year this is true, but given time I could see the architecture being refined and expanded to support more powerful systems.
Replies: >>359
i literally proved that im 12 before
i dont
Replies: >>360
PPC existed since forever, and POWER9 looks more promising
i dont have 5000$ to waste on a workstation because i dont need that much performance though
Replies: >>361
then you are too young to use this site KEK
Replies: >>365
got any information on these architectures? are they patent encumbered? are there any mid to high range devices using them?
Replies: >>365
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reminder that this "person" is the libreboot developer
Replies: >>363 >>365
you realize that open source projects have more than one contributor right?
>this tranny is a vim user
another win for nanochads
Replies: >>365
how do I install coreutensils i need it for trisquel
Replies: >>365
>wah wah underage le bad, this is a site for adult pedophiles even doe we dont like 'p, so little girls are not welcome here
why do you have xer?
i dont think theyre patent cucked, since POWER9 is shilled as le freedom future
its made by IBM too, which means that its probably good, but its essentially next-gen powerPC
we know he turned hostile and took over libreboot by force, then introduced blobs
good thing he leaves you an option to not use blobs if you have hardware that works without them now.
emacs is better
if you mean coreutils, thats basically GNU
ls, grep, awk, cd, mv, cp, etc..., the basic unix commands, rewritten by the GNU project
learn how to use a package manager, in your case i think its apt, so apt install coreutils if its not installed already for whatever reason (it definitely is)
Replies: >>366
pedophilia is banned take your meds
Replies: >>368
meds taken
now what?
Replies: >>834
now you kill yourself
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