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If you read one book this year, read Simulacra and Simulation. It's quintessential /soy/core.
>words words words
the left cant meme
Replies: >>136184
it's post-political/non-political doe
looks interesting even if postmodern soyence but it seems more like an essay than a full book
Replies: >>136188
Oops yeah heres the fullv ersion
>The medium/message confusion is certainly a corollary of that between the sender and the receiver, thus sealing the disappearance of all dual, polar structures that formed the discursive organization of language, of all determined articulation of meaning reflecting Jakobson's famous grid of functions. That discourse "circulates" is to be taken literally: that is, it no longer goes from one point to another, but it traverses a cycle that without distinction includes the positions of transmitter and receiver, now unlocatable as such. Thus there is no instance of power, no instance of transmission - power is something that circulates and whose source can no longer be located, a cycle in which the positions of the dominator and the dominated are exchanged in an endless reversion that is also the end of power in its classical definition. The circularization of power, of knowledge, of discourse puts an end to any localization of instances and poles.
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This is the book my ex was getting through when she broke up with me.
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