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>the title theory of contract is esoteric and divinely inspired or something
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>even doe mark passio
I was a libertarian when I was 16.
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>I was a libertarian when I was 16.
Replies: >>137056 >>137066
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I am a libertarian at 27
The niggas who say this almost universally  only ever got into it because of shitty helicopter memes.
Replies: >>137055 >>137066
Nah its because i fell for LE GOLD meme and beleived in the founding father's ideals of liberty (still do but le mises institute theory coping is fail)
I'm in my 30s (was a chuddy nazbol poltroon when i was 18 after being a libertroonian) and have realized political idealism is bullshit and only in seeking power for the individual (me).
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>>/elg/ - esoteic libertarianism general

>>the title theory of contract is esoteric and divinely inspired or something

>>even doe mark passio

>I was a libertarian when I was 16.

>>I was a libertarian when I was 16.

>The niggas who say this almost universally  only ever got into it because of shitty helicopter memes.

>Nah its because i fell for LE GOLD meme and beleived in the founding father's ideals of liberty (still do but le mises institute theory coping is fail)

>I'm in my 30s (was a chuddy nazbol poltroon when i was 18 after being a libertroonian) and have realized political idealism is bullshit and only in seeking power for the individual (me).
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good rhtread
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