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Patriots. Are. In. Control.
I've turned to s*x work because no one will hire me.

Everything went wrong for me early last year. My husband left me after having an affair with a younger woman and I found out he ran up several credit cards in my name. Then, I lost my job. I have a decade of experience in marketing and a good portfolio. I've put in over 2000 applications and have had a hand full of interviews with no offers. My resume was tweaked, changed, and I paid a professional to rewrite it for me. Then I paid another one to help with my resume again. Nothing came of it.

there's no one else to help me but me. Yes, I tried McDonald's, restaurants, retail stores, etc. I created a separate resume for those jobs to hide anything that might come off as over qualified. I tried to apprentice or get some training in a skilled trade and the doors were slammed in my face. I have a disability that requires some light accommodations and there are some jobs I am physically unable to do, but I'll try.

I managed to pick up two freelance projects, but they don't pay my rent at the end of the month. Being at the absolute end of my rope and so broke I couldn't buy groceries, I finally spoke to a friend about their line of work. I've done everything "right." I've researched, taken advice, tried every option. Nothing worked.

Now I'm a sex worker because no one else would hire me. I hate this line of work so much. It's humiliating, demeaning, and I'm treated like a robot. When I'm not taking clients, I am still applying for jobs.

Edit: Thank you to the posters asking where I live. I don't want to give that information out because it might end up identifying me. I don't want to be identified as a SW. It would ruin any chance I have at a job.
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>Patriots. Are. In. Control.
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