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>'lita hater is a faggot attracted to trannies (see "/ct/ chasers and troons")
>'lita hater is a jewish (this is real his name is Adam and he wears a kippah in his auto portrait) homosexual drawfag from afterparty who draws shoyta porn
>'lita hater is a mutt spammer (isaac kate)
>'lita hater is a neutralnigger twittergrant (see "Discussion thread")
>'lita hater is the obsessed slopjak spammer (so a twittergrant again)
And these are only the most recent anti-soylita troons on the Jarty. I wouldn't be surprised if goth or gilman or catsik came to this website just to say that they dislikes our little blonde princess.
Replies: >>139452
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>>'lita hater is a faggot attracted to trannies (see "/ct/ chasers and troons")
>>'lita hater is a jewish (this is real his name is Adam and he wears a kippah in his auto portrait) homosexual drawfag from afterparty who draws shoyta porn
>>'lita hater is a mutt spammer (isaac kate)
>>'lita hater is a neutralnigger twittergrant (see "Discussion thread")
>>'lita hater is the obsessed slopjak spammer (so a twittergrant again)
>And these are only the most recent anti-soylita troons on the Jarty. I wouldn't be surprised if goth or gilman or catsik came to this website just to say that they dislikes our little blonde princess.
Replies: >>139452
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>>'lita hater is a faggot attracted to trannies (see "/ct/ chasers and troons")
>>'lita hater is a jewish (this is real his name is Adam and he wears a kippah in his auto portrait) homosexual drawfag from afterparty who draws shoyta porn
>>'lita hater is a mutt spammer (isaac kate)
>>'lita hater is a neutralnigger twittergrant (see "Discussion thread")
>>'lita hater is the obsessed slopjak spammer (so a twittergrant again)
>And these are only the most recent anti-soylita troons on the Jarty. I wouldn't be surprised if goth or gilman or catsik came to this website just to say that they dislikes our little blonde princess.
Replies: >>139452
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>>'lita hater is a faggot attracted to trannies (see "/ct/ chasers and troons")
>>'lita hater is a jewish (this is real his name is Adam and he wears a kippah in his auto portrait) homosexual drawfag from afterparty who draws shoyta porn
>>'lita hater is a mutt spammer (isaac kate)
>>'lita hater is a neutralnigger twittergrant (see "Discussion thread")
>>'lita hater is the obsessed slopjak spammer (so a twittergrant again)
>And these are only the most recent anti-soylita troons on the Jarty. I wouldn't be surprised if goth or gilman or catsik came to this website just to say that they dislikes our little blonde princess.

<pink text so i dont look like that
<also would rape nanachi
Replies: >>139452
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>>'lita hater is a faggot attracted to trannies (see "/ct/ chasers and troons")
>>'lita hater is a jewish (this is real his name is Adam and he wears a kippah in his auto portrait) homosexual drawfag from afterparty who draws shoyta porn
>>'lita hater is a mutt spammer (isaac kate)
>>'lita hater is a neutralnigger twittergrant (see "Discussion thread")
>>'lita hater is the obsessed slopjak spammer (so a twittergrant again)
>And these are only the most recent anti-soylita troons on the Jarty. I wouldn't be surprised if goth or gilman or catsik came to this website just to say that they dislikes our little blonde princess.

Nigga really talking about his literal who friends over at discord.
Replies: >>139429 >>139452
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><pink text so i dont look like that
><also would rape nanachi

>Nigga really talking about his literal who friends over at discord.
Replies: >>139452
Afterparty troon talking about me having corder friends GEG
Replies: >>139435 >>139452
Yeah because who the fuck are these people you seem to know very well about.
Replies: >>139436 >>139452
>obsessed /v/pedo who calls soylita poster sharty immigrants is the newest newfag of the soysphere
lol, lmao even
Yeah ok these fuckers made an illegal ‘p video during kuz era but you are wording it like you actually know them and been to their servers. Literally nobody else talks about them but you.
Replies: >>139452
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Replies: >>139452
I have been here longer enough to know you guys came out of nowhere. So quit it with the oldfag larp. ‘lita posters will never be real jarteens.
this sude, this whole lita thing only started sometime after soypoclypse for some reason
I know that you came out of the most pedo infested board on 4cuck and also that you are currently in the server that larps as the QAfe (they deny this but it's true) so you know more cordtroons personally than I do
Maybe use your brain for a second and realize that it's because froot the glownigger banned 'lita sitewide?
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My big bang theory: they are actually a small pedo cord group trying to destroy the Jarty. Just think about it. They keep talking about different discord groups soyteens long forgotten about. They like to project onto others to cope. So they might not only be self projecting that we are pedos but also discord because they are actually discord themselves. I mean the dots connect. Hope my schizo babble made sense.
Replies: >>139451 >>139452
>migrated during froot era
You aren’t a Jarty user then. You are le off-siter.
Yes I’m a 4cuck user and sure they can post pedophilic stuff time to time but what can you expect from any image board? Pedos like anonymity so that’s why people like you are here posting your pedo shit because you won’t face any consequences. Also you are full of shit. Also do you really believe jarteens will side with you because of your made up discord drama about me? Just get out.
Replies: >>139447 >>139452
I posted on this website before froot, I just started posting soylita here when I couldn't post soylita on the sharty anymore
Replies: >>139452
>calls people newtcaca for saying soylita spamming is a new happening
>backpedals and says he started to post it after frqqt bans it from sharty

you know what, considering you were the litafaggot on sharty during DOLL im 100% sure you are just RED, who is a proven cordfag (that is part of goth's pedo group)
not suprising since you are just randomly accusing people of being da 'coooord
give this repressed homosexual a trvke award
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>>139397 (OP) 
Replies: >>139458 >>139528
holy meds they left the sharty and all the soycords after the soypocalypse because you twittergrant ruined a once great shitposting imageboard with your reddit moralfagging
Replies: >>139457
>banning BMT, daisy's destruction and necro-baby-porn is le moralfagging
kek, and lute keeps faggots like you here. Says a lot about you two.
Replies: >>139465 >>139528
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shes right though. why cant you faggots stay on reddit or 4cuck or discord instead of continually migrating and sanitizing imageboards and worming your way into the janny circlejerks and then banning everything that makes you seethe and shit yourself. the idea of gore keeping moralfaggots out is actually true lol. there are an endless horde of slimy redditcucks waiting to sterilize and kill any site and make it into shitty safespace for them to circlejerk. i used to love the sharty now i am disgusted by what it has become with the rulecuckery. you should go there and jerk the admins off instead of bringing your faggotry to the one mostly free soyjak website.
Tsmt, cp is a human right
nigga then who else will delete the cp for free?
you can effectively moderate against 'p without having to be a rulescuck on payroll by the CIA
Why tf do WE as in loyal regular users have to leave? Not all imageboards are made for sickos by default. I have been to plenty of imageboards that don’t allow lolicon or gore. This image board is for fucking soyjaks and freedom speech. Why would there be lolicon? Gore?(idc about gore unless it’s on-topic. But if you just want to see it why not go to a forum dedicated to that? Just why not?)So yeah you are allowed to say disgusting shit about children we just don’t want to see your fucking images. Go back to whatever shitty .moe site you came from.
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>holy meds they left the sharty and all the soycords after the soypocalypse because you twittergrant ruined a once great shitposting imageboard with your reddit moralfagging


>shes right though. why cant you faggots stay on reddit or 4cuck or discord instead of continually migrating and sanitizing imageboards and worming your way into the janny circlejerks and then banning everything that makes you seethe and shit yourself. the idea of gore keeping moralfaggots out is actually true lol. there are an endless horde of slimy redditcucks waiting to sterilize and kill any site and make it into shitty safespace for them to circlejerk. i used to love the sharty now i am disgusted by what it has become with the rulecuckery. you should go there and jerk the admins off instead of bringing your faggotry to the one mostly free soyjak website.

>Tsmt, cp is a human right

>nigga then who else will delete the cp for free?

>you can effectively moderate against 'p without having to be a rulescuck on payroll by the CIA

>Why tf do WE as in loyal regular users have to leave? Not all imageboards are made for sickos by default. I have been to plenty of imageboards that don’t allow lolicon or gore. This image board is for fucking soyjaks and freedom speech. Why would there be lolicon? Gore?(idc about gore unless it’s on-topic. But if you just want to see it why not go to a forum dedicated to that? Just why not?)So yeah you are allowed to say disgusting shit about children we just don’t want to see your fucking images. Go back to whatever shitty .moe site you came from.

>BMT isn't illegal shut up retard
cp is a photograph or video of an actual human (creatures you see outside if you were to go outside or could stomach your own ghoulish appearance and self loathing enough to look in the mirror) child having sex or naked doing something sexual.
drawn images are not cp. And i dont care if you live in some policestate european shithole where LE ACKTUALLY ITS LE PROHIBITED, we are talking about America here faggot, the land of liberty.

you are scum. you are subhuman trash. you failed to develop spiritually and are akin to a peice of shit somone forgot to sweep down into the gutter. Go to reddit or sharty or shemmy and fellate the jannies there.
>you are scum. you are subhuman trash. you failed to develop spiritually and are akin to a peice of shit somone forgot to sweep down into the gutter. Go to reddit or sharty or shemmy and fellate the jannies there.

Geg made someone sneed. But yeah no I’m not leaving any time soon.
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>cp is a photograph or video of an actual human (creatures you see outside if you were to go outside or could stomach your own ghoulish appearance and self loathing enough to look in the mirror) child having sex or naked doing something sexual.
>drawn images are not cp. And i dont care if you live in some policestate european shithole where LE ACKTUALLY ITS LE PROHIBITED, we are talking about America here faggot, the land of liberty.

>you are scum. you are subhuman trash. you failed to develop spiritually and are akin to a peice of shit somone forgot to sweep down into the gutter. Go to reddit or sharty or shemmy and fellate the jannies there.

>>you are scum. you are subhuman trash. you failed to develop spiritually and are akin to a peice of shit somone forgot to sweep down into the gutter. Go to reddit or sharty or shemmy and fellate the jannies there.

>Geg made someone sneed. But yeah no I’m not leaving any time soon.
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>03/05/2024, 00:12:20	admin	Global ban,Global delete by IP	139526,137283	zoophillia porn;fuck off TriHard foodist faggot
It's still boring and gives me a disgust. Shadman made it worse.
Get a better fapping material, hippie.
Replies: >>139562
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>i personally dont like it so the entire site should be censored and cater to my tastes so i dont get offended. JANTRAN, XE POSTED LE BAD THING THATS LE BAD BECAUSE I SHIT MYSELF SEETHING, GET THE BANHA-ACK!!!
Replies: >>139563 >>139573
You could have went to 4chan, or just any .moe website but you decided to come here. Get out.
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>this is a safe space for reddit cuckold community queer folx.. get OUT GET OUT NOW BEFORE I CALL MY JANIDOG (SHE/HER). WELL SHOW YOU THAT HATE 👏🏿IS👏🏿NOT👏🏿WELCOME👏🏿HERE👏🏿😤😤😤💅🏿
It is for the best. This site would feel boring with gooning material everywhere
Replies: >>139576
>'lita lovers see her a a cute young child that they feel emotionally attached to like a parent or older sibling
>'lita haters see her as "gooning material"
And you're telling me the first category of people are the real pedophiles?
Replies: >>139577 >>139578
>implying the people you are talking to doesnt know about
Lita was barely posted here you probably post slopjaks all day on the sharty kill yourself nigger
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