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>climate change still going
>despite technological advancements, economy still trembles
>superbugs on the horizon with no solution in sight
>no proper meat replacement
>no proper all in one meal replacement (expect soylent)
>no ethical lab grown meat
>children still die of starvation
>fossil fuels still the top energy source
>fricking microplastics
>vaccine and general disinformation spreading faster than ever
>racism and anti-semitism on the rise despite gen Z mostly being LBQT++NSDAP
>far right on the rise
>klaus schwab overthrown by his overlords
>virtual reality development is dead
>brainrot has peaked
>BOE will happen
>environmental collapse is faster than expected
>reddit is on a downhill
>russian disinfo campaign is sucsessful among republikkkians
>vidya entertainment is no more fun
>streaming services are no more different than cable TV
>age of peace is over and global wars popping out everywhere
>space travel has stagnated and we will not be on mars by 2028
>UBI wont be a thing
>late stage capitalism goes on and on with no end in sight
>bugs wont be eaten
>each year is getting hotter and water is getting scarcer
>we no more own media
>work hours still too much
>transphobia isn't taken seriously
>cancel culture
>dead internet theory is becoming more and more real
>techbros actively undermining humanity
>AI will take all our jobs
>AI instead of helping humanity with mundane tasks, are stealing art
>we are reaching the end of moore's law
>crypto currency, despite its effects on climate and criminal use not banned yet
>we might be the last generation before earth turns venus by thrusday
>corporations stronger than ever
>Honk Honk, Tibet, East Turkeystan, and Dumbass & Crymeariver will never be free'd from the Axis of Evil
>Jews are now literal nazis
>gaming is taken over by evil chudcels
>California is a hell
>media literacy is dead
>national education and health systems are on the verge on collapse
>literal killer robots on development stage
>most our clothes and iPhones are made via slavery
>car culture is as strong as ever
>porn industry actively abuses women and gets away with it
>incels are increasing in numbers
>heatwaves will push displace millions of migrants to our borders
>political illiteracy and narcissim on the rise
>crop failures
>global methane leakage
>BLM movement dead
>new infections on the door
>tfw we are living a repeat of bronze age collapse
>soyence has been slowing in progress
>our data is in danger
>people still live in giant mansions instead of mass affordable housing
>class division is getting wider
>goverment still doesnt acknowledge the Jan 6 coup
>you will live to see man made horrors beyond your comprehension
>all software is so soulles and dead of anything human compared to y2k and frutiger aero
>techno optimism is dead (as well)
>we will never experience the wild west of internet
>all our beloved childhood movies are shows are murdered by capitalist CEOs and execs
>indie games are being pirated
>no space tourism
>mass biological dieoffs
>collage costs a life worth of cash
>tfw no jobs
>tfw 6 day work weeks
>brown children dying
>fascism on the rise

At least our cities are walkable i suppose...
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just fucking kys nucuckservative axis-of-evil brainrotted faggot
Replies: >>150326
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A new order will always rise from the ashes of the kike system sweaty, trvst the plvn.
Replies: >>150316 >>150317
kys foodist tranny
>A new order 
A meme. Hitler was handed power by the liberal establishment to  counter some perceived leftist threat. Like with almost all examples of fascism gaining power. It is either that or a coup originating from within the ruling class. Nothing truly revolutionary. Even Hitler's economist was a liberal, who oversaw sweeping privatizations. Germany was granted multimillion dollar loans by international banks and the "international community" was completely OK with Hitler. Fascism is liberalism.
Replies: >>150330 >>150331
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Ukrosissies lost
Replies: >>150329 >>158477
fucking kacap faggot
Worst opinion ever award
>facisist almost always gained power trough a coup of ruling class
a bunch of commanders rebelling against the reds in spain isnt exactly ruling class when they were outmacthed in every metric except moral and skill
>libtards brought him to power
Hitler won (still winning) because leftards were a bunch of fractured clitties that wasted all thier time infghting. So they had the most avaible power to swoop in
>making corperates goverment's buddies instead of goverment's slavemaster le hecking liberalism
womp womp
>international banks
the world didnt really care who he was until he put on the mask
>facism is liberalism
nuh uh
Replies: >>150369
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new 'toss
Replies: >>150334
soyaks after they jerk off for the 3rd time today be like
Replies: >>150335
>even though he's about to get fucked by cobson's bwc
Replies: >>150339
tyrone's BBC doe
Replies: >>150396
>a bunch of commanders rebelling against the reds in spain isnt exactly ruling class when they were outmacthed in every metric except moral and skill
Retard. The army's high command is a part of the ruling class.
>Hitler won (still winning) because leftards were a bunch of fractured clitties that wasted all thier time infghting. So they had the most avaible power to swoop in
He came to power because the liberal establishment gave him power. They would not have done the same to the left no matter how "united" they were. This is an observable fact throughout history. It happened with Pinochet, Mussolini, Brazil etc.
>>making corperates goverment's buddies instead of goverment's slavemaster le hecking liberalism
You're fooling yourself. Workers under Hitler held a lower wage share of GDP than during even the Weimar Republic.
Replies: >>150370
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>Workers under Hitler held a lower wage share of GDP than during even the Weimar Republic.

Pinochet whored the country out to multi-national corporations. Workers under Mussolini saw trade unions neutered "for the sake of the nation". Instead of becoming a true organ in the corporatist system they were simple yesmen who went along all the time. Franco defended actual serfdom. Franco blundered with protectionism until he finally caved and instituted neoliberal reforms and privatization.
tyrone is too busy fucking soyak's wife doe
Replies: >>150598
>He ran
BOOM another W for da OGs
>the "international community" was completely OK with Hitler
Continuing on this point. It's obvious to see the contrast with true revolutionary states, wherein one class overthrows the other. How they were treated by the international community. The White army was sent ample supplies, volunteers and diplomatic support. Even decades after victory, the USSR was denied formal recognition and diplomatic ties. In contrast, Hitler was given the Rhineland, Austria, Czechia and was allowed to rebuild it's armies. 
>B-but he went to war against the allies, this proves he was against the system!
There is no shadowy cabal of bourgeoisie. Their class interests often align, but they also diverge. For example, one bourgeoisie may support protectionism because his business would struggle to compete against foreign prices, while a financier capitalist of the same country would support the lessening of tariffs and so on. While they both support the general idea of Capitalism and private property rights. Similarly, the capitalist class of Germany benefited from the slave labor and plundered wealth of conquered nations. Cuba is still today embargoed and a pariah. Due to American law that bans vessels that had traded with Cuba in the past 180 days from docking at US ports and prevents foreign subsidiaries of American companies from doing business in Cuba. Along with sanctions imposed on overseas businesses that trade with Cuba. In contrast, Pinochet was an American dog. That owed his rule to a US backed coup and millions of American dollars spent interfering in Chilean politics.
Can we get a fact checker to weigh in on this please?
Replies: >>150605
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>dead internet theory
this is why we need to vote for her and pwn the chuds in november
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>UkroGODs lost even though we said we were going to win the war 2 years ago even though it's not a war it's just an operation
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