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XKCD that encompasses the current zeitgeist with witty wordplay, sarcasm, math and romance.
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Creating a comic that captures the current zeitgeist with XKCD's signature wit, wordplay, sarcasm, math, and romance might look something like this:

Title: "Modern Love Equation"

Panel 1:
A stick figure stands in front of a large chalkboard filled with complicated mathematical equations and graphs. The chalkboard is labeled “Love Analysis.”

Stick Figure (thinking): “If love were an equation, it would probably look like this…”

Panel 2:
Close-up of the chalkboard, showing an elaborate equation: L=(R+C)×TSL=S(R+C)×T​, where R = Romance, C = Compatibility, T = Time, and S = Sarcasm.

Another Stick Figure (entering the scene): “Is this your way of saying you love me?”

Panel 3:
The original stick figure, looking slightly flustered, replies:

Original Stick Figure: “Well, it’s complicated. But if the sarcasm level is too high, the equation breaks down.”

Panel 4:
The other stick figure, smiling, says:

Other Stick Figure: “Good thing we’re experts in both romance and sarcasm.”

Panel 5:
They embrace, with the chalkboard in the background now showing a simplified equation: L=(R+C)L=(R+C), with a heart drawn around it.

Caption: “In the end, the simplest equation might just be the most accurate.”

This captures the blend of romance, math, and a touch of sarcasm, all while maintaining XKCD’s signature style of mixing wit with thoughtful commentary.
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