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Bliss is a drink to synthesize O-Acetylpsilocin, a compound that’s a technically legal psychedelic similar to magic mushrooms and produces hallucinations like shown in the attached gif

-1 How it works

-2 How to make

-3 Dosage adjusted by weight

-4 Legality

-5 Health info

- 1 How it works

The active psychedelic chemical produced from this concoction is O-Acetylpsilocin, also known as synthetic shrooms.

Here's how it forms when you make this concoction:
The Diphenhydramine, found in Benadryl tablets of the recipe, reacts with potassium chloride from bananas to create O-Diphenhydramine after 5 mins. Adding sugar later converts it to O-Acetylpsilocin, synthetic shrooms, after 3 mins.

If you skip adding sugar and bananas to convert Diphenhydramine to O-Acetylpsilocin, you'll feel very tired and possibly delirious because high doses of Diphenhydramine alone act differently.

Note: If you have potassium chloride powder, using an amount equal to that in a standard banana (400 mg) will work.

Also, ensure it's potassium chloride; using nuts or other foods requires potassium chloride instead of potassium citrate, common in non-banana potassium foods.

- 2 How to make it

1 banana or 400 mg of potassium chloride powder
16 Benadryl tablets, can be found for under 2 dollars under a generic brand name in any supermarket or CVS, as long as it says Diphenhydramine 25 mg (Example photo) (
(Oil pills will not work since the Diphenhydramine will float to the surface and not react with the potassium)
20 grams or 5 teaspoons of white sugar
115 grams or 1/2 a cup of water
A blender (if you do not have one this will not work)

Put the water, tablets, and banana in a blender and proceed to blend on the lowest setting for 1 minute
Stop and wait 5 minutes so Diphenhydramine can convert to O-Diphenhydramine

(Minute 1: 30% O-Diphenhydramine, 70% Diphenhydramine)
(Minute 2: 50% O-Diphenhydramine, 50% Diphenhydramine)
(Minute 3: 70 O-Diphenhydramine, 30% Diphenhydramine)
(Minute 4: 90% O-Diphenhydramine, 10% Diphenhydramine)
(Minute 5: 99.9% O-Diphenhydramine, 0.01% Diphenhydramine)

You could wait longer for even higher purity but 0.01% of Diphenhydramine is not super dangerous, also consider much larger amount present when you take Benadryls normally as an allergy medicine
Add the sugar and blend for 30 seconds on the lowest setting (100 seconds for those who are using brown sugar for some reason)
Stop and wait 3 minutes so O-Diphenhydramine can convert to O-Acetylpsilocin (the synthetic shroom substance) or wait 10 minutes for brown sugar due to it's way less powdery nature

(Minute 1: 45 O-Diphenhydramine, 55% O-Acetylpsilocin)
(Minute 2: 84% O-Diphenhydramine, 16% O-Acetylpsilocin)
(Minute 3: 99.9% O-Diphenhydramine, 0.01% O-Acetylpsilocin)

You could wait longer for even higher purity but 0.01% of O-Diphenhydramine is not super dangerous, O-Diphenhydramine by itself doesn't even do anything it's like the equivalent of chemical sand, but O-Acetylpsilocin sure as heck does something!

- 3 Dosage adjusted by weight

The recipe found above is for a 120 pound person, adjust by weight for every 20 pounds by adding/removing 1 Benadryl tablet, 1.25 g of sugar, and 7g of water, the potassium chloride is fine since you technically only need 50 mg and 400 mg is found in a banana

- 4 Legality

Check your country for the legality of O-Acetylpsilocin, but for the United States it is a uncontrolled substance, meaning you cannot sell it but you can legally make it for yourself, so don't go around opening a O-Acetylpsilocin chocolate factory and you will legally in the clear

- 5 Health Info

Bliss raises blood pressure around the same as a half of a cup of coffee, so if small doses of caffeine gives you heart problems it is best to stay away from this one
don't do this it creates mustard gas
Replies: >>154323
Wouldn't that be ammonia and bleach or however the mcdonalds is cleaned
me in chemistry class
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faker than the legitimacy of israel
Replies: >>160620 >>160623
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smartypants award
keyed organic chemAryan...
wish i didnt forget about all that stuff
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