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report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
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FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
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Soytan cosflation!
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Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
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New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
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I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
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Another brand new stonetoss
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
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why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
I love you missed_paypal
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing of value is generated and I'll have to look for specific keywords in the search box (like Asian tgrc) depending on the mood. Or look through my favorites for some old gems.

I've transferred away from regular tf and more into gender change tg. Of course if I see a good tf sequence I'll still goon to it but nowadays I'll beat my meat only to gender change stories and sequences.
your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?
>your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?

missed_paypal is hardly attentionwhoring. His fans are doing it for him. Also being anti pedophilia is a good thing
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>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award
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get better fetishes NOW
I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies
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Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.
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Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots
This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up
Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award
99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though
Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀
yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.
Spot on. i always though i was a freak or an aceggot since i never enjoyed normal porn or had crushes. I also started stroking my weeny to dinosaur TFs long before anything would actually come out. Otherwise what you just described fits me perfectly.

>Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.
This is the fifth time I'm mentioning this but I'm not an autogynephiliac. I never get hard at imagining myself in these scenarios. I only jerk off to the though that it would happen to someone else. 

>Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.
No one IRL knows either. I've only ever shared my sexual preferences on the Sharty
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>wordswordswords i'm a tranny freak that was molested as a kid but at least i'm against soylita look how normal i am
I'm not a Sharty reject since 'tanification thread don't always get deleted. I'm just saying that a Soytanification general wouldn't fly on the Sharty as a Miss Circle gooning thread wouldn't either.
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>Posting NAS on the /soy/ board
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>Not posting NAS on the /soy/ board
Replies: >>154993 >>154997
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did you niggas get born with autism or were raped as a child or something?
 Chud 3 hours ago 154956
] (96.3KB, 930x765) Reverse

>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award

Replies: >>154964
Chud 2 hours ago
] (325.3KB, 1510x2160) Reverse
] (395KB, 3348x2512) Reverse
] (582KB, 1833x1361) Reverse

get better fetishes NOW

Chud 2 hours ago

I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies

Chud 1 hour ago
] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.

Replies: >>154968
Chud 1 hour ago
] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse


Chud 59 minutes ago

Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots

Replies: >>154974
Chud 56 minutes ago

This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up

Chud 38 minutes ago

Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.

Replies: >>154975
Chud 37 minutes ago

>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman

Replies: >>154977
Chud 37 minutes ago

I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award

Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991
Chud 36 minutes ago
] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though

Replies: >>154979
Chud 35 minutes ago

Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀

Chud 35 minutes ago

yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute

Replies: >>154980
Chud 34 minutes ago
] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty

Replies: >>154981
Chud 32 minutes ago

The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged

Replies: >>154982 >>154983
Chud 31 minutes ago
] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here

Replies: >>154987
Chud 31 minutes ago

Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?

Chud 25 minutes ago

> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.
Spot on. i always though i was a freak or an aceggot since i never enjoyed normal porn or had crushes. I also started stroking my weeny to dinosaur TFs long before anything would actually come out. Otherwise what you just described fits me perfectly.

>Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.
This is the fifth time I'm mentioning this but I'm not an autogynephiliac. I never get hard at imagining myself in these scenarios. I only jerk off to the though that it would happen to someone else. 

>Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.
No one IRL knows either. I've only ever shared my sexual preferences on the Sharty

Replies: >>154986 >>154991
Chud 22 minutes ago
] (34.7KB, 800x550) Reverse

>wordswordswords i'm a tranny freak that was molested as a kid but at least i'm against soylita look how normal i am

Replies: >>154989
Chud 22 minutes ago

I'm not a Sharty reject since 'tanification thread don't always get deleted. I'm just saying that a Soytanification general wouldn't fly on the Sharty as a Miss Circle gooning thread wouldn't either.

Chud 20 minutes ago
] (77.1KB, 202x255) Reverse

>Posting NAS on the /soy/ board

Replies: >>154990
Chud 19 minutes ago
] (314KB, 573x592) Reverse

>Not posting NAS on the /soy/ board

Chud 3 minutes ago
] (70.6KB, 775x849) Reverse

did you niggas get born with autism or were raped as a child or something?

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i cant draw can one of you drawGODS make a proper soytanification version of this? thanks
Replies: >>154998
Chud 37 minutes ago

I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award

Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991
Chud 36 minutes ago
] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though

Replies: >>154979
Chud 35 minutes ago

Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀

Chud 35 minutes ago

yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute

Replies: >>154980
Chud 34 minutes ago
] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty

Replies: >>154981
Chud 32 minutes ago

The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged

Replies: >>154982 >>154983
Chud 31 minutes ago
] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here

Replies: >>154987
Chud 31 minutes ago

Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?

Chud 25 minutes ago

> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.
Spot on. i always though i was a freak or an aceggot since i never enjoyed normal porn or had crushes. I also started stroking my weeny to dinosaur TFs long before anything would actually come out. Otherwise what you just described fits me perfectly.

>Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.
This is the fifth time I'm mentioning this but I'm not an autogynephiliac. I never get hard at imagining myself in these scenarios. I only jerk off to the though that it would happen to someone else. 

>Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.
No one IRL knows either. I've only ever shared my sexual preferences on the Sharty

Replies: >>154986 >>154991
Chud 22 minutes ago
] (34.7KB, 800x550) Reverse

>wordswordswords i'm a tranny freak that was molested as a kid but at least i'm against soylita look how normal i am

Replies: >>154989
Chud 22 minutes ago

I'm not a Sharty reject since 'tanification thread don't always get deleted. I'm just saying that a Soytanification general wouldn't fly on the Sharty as a Miss Circle gooning thread wouldn't either.

Chud 20 minutes ago
] (77.1KB, 202x255) Reverse

>Posting NAS on the /soy/ board

Replies: >>154990
Chud 19 minutes ago
] (314KB, 573x592) Reverse

>Not posting NAS on the /soy/ board

Chud 3 minutes ago
] (70.6KB, 775x849) Reverse

did you niggas get born with autism or were raped as a child or something?

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58 replies | 41 files
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Replies: >>154995
Chud Now
] (311.8KB, 1163x877)

i cant draw can one of you drawGODS make a proper soytanification version of this? thanks

Chud Now

 Chud 1 hour ago 154965
] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.

Replies: >>154968 >>154993
Chud 1 hour ago
] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse


Chud 59 minutes ago

Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots

Replies: >>154974 >>154993
Chud 56 minutes ago

This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up

Chud 38 minutes ago

Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.

Replies: >>154975 >>154993
Chud 37 minutes ago

>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman

Replies: >>154977 >>154993
Chud 37 minutes ago

I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award

Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991 >>154993
Chud 36 minutes ago
] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though

Replies: >>154979 >>154993
Chud 35 minutes ago

Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀

Chud 35 minutes ago

yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute

Replies: >>154980 >>154993
Chud 34 minutes ago
] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty

Replies: >>154981 >>154993
Chud 32 minutes ago

The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged

Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993
Chud 31 minutes ago
] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here

Replies: >>154987 >>154993
Chud 31 minutes ago

Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?

Replies: >>154993
Chud 25 minutes ago

> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.
Spot on. i always though i was a freak or an aceggot since i never enjoyed normal porn or had crushes. I also started stroking my weeny to dinosaur TFs long before anything would actually come out. Otherwise what you just described fits me perfectly.

>Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was
[Hide] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)
>this thread
Replies: >>155017 >>155174

Chud Now

/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
65 replies | 43 files
Connected for live posts (217ms)
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jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
65 replies | 43 files
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- news - rules - faq - privacy - DMCA -
jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

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66 replies | 43 files
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0x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
65 replies | 43 files
Connected for live posts (217ms)
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- news - rules - faq - privacy - DMCA -
jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

Chud Now

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
65 replies | 43 files
Connected for live posts (217ms)
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- news - rules - faq - privacy - DMCA -
jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
66 replies | 43 files
Connected for live posts (217ms)
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[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
67 replies | 43 files
Connected for live posts (300ms)
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- news - rules - faq - privacy - DMCA -
jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
65 replies | 43 files
Connected for live posts (217ms)
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- news - rules - faq - privacy - DMCA -
jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
66 replies | 43 files
Connected for live posts (217ms)
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Chud Now

0x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
65 replies | 43 files
Connected for live posts (217ms)
Show Post Actions
- news - rules - faq - privacy - DMCA -
jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

Chud Now

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago

/soy/ - Soyjaks


Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files
No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

[] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154554 
[] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse

[] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154555 
[] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse

[] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse

[] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse

[] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154556 
[] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse

[] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse

[] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse

[] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
 Chud 3 days ago 154557 
[] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!
 Chud 3 days ago 154558 
[] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
 Chud 3 days ago 154613 
 Chud 3 days ago 154614 
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
 Chud 2 days ago 154711 
[] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154712 
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
Replies: >>154713 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154713 
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 17 hours ago 154808 
[] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154819 
[] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss
Replies: >>154930
 Chud 15 hours ago 154820 
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
Replies: >>154868 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154825 
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
Replies: >>154829 >>154910
 Chud 15 hours ago 154829 
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
Replies: >>154910 >>154945
 Chud 14 hours ago 154835 
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
 Chud 7 hours ago 154868 
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes
 Chud 6 hours ago 154910 

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154921 >>154929 >>154945 >>154955
 Chud 6 hours ago 154918 
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
 Chud 6 hours ago 154921 
[] (303.7KB, 2345x2825) Reverse

[] (6.7MB, 2227x3125) Reverse

[] (443.6KB, 3808x2143) Reverse

why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Replies: >>154922
 Chud 6 hours ago 154922 
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
 Chud 5 hours ago 154929 
I love you missed_paypal
Replies: >>154931
 Chud 5 hours ago 154930 
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 5 hours ago 154931 
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Replies: >>154932
 Chud 5 hours ago 154932 
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
Replies: >>154933
 Chud 5 hours ago 154933 
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Replies: >>154934
 Chud 5 hours ago 154934 
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Replies: >>154935
 Chud 5 hours ago 154935 
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
Replies: >>154937
 Chud 5 hours ago 154937 
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing of value is generated and I'll have to look for specific keywords in the search box (like Asian tgrc) depending on the mood. Or look through my favorites for some old gems.

I've transferred away from regular tf and more into gender change tg. Of course if I see a good tf sequence I'll still goon to it but nowadays I'll beat my meat only to gender change stories and sequences.
Replies: >>154976 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 4 hours ago 154938 
your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?
Replies: >>154940
 Chud 4 hours ago 154940 
>your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?

missed_paypal is hardly attentionwhoring. His fans are doing it for him. Also being anti pedophilia is a good thing
Replies: >>154965 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 3 hours ago 154945 
[] (138.5KB, 938x770) Reverse

 Chud 3 hours ago 154955 
It's called spoke.
 Chud 3 hours ago 154956 
[] (96.3KB, 930x765) Reverse

>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154964 >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 2 hours ago 154963 
[] (325.3KB, 1510x2160) Reverse

[] (395KB, 3348x2512) Reverse

[] (582KB, 1833x1361) Reverse

get better fetishes NOW
 Chud 2 hours ago 154964 
I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies
Replies: >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 1 hour ago 154965 
[] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.
Replies: >>154968 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 1 hour ago 154967 
[] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse

 Chud 1 hour ago 154968 
Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots
Replies: >>154974 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 57 minutes ago 154971 
This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up
 Chud 39 minutes ago 154974 
Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.
Replies: >>154975 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 38 minutes ago 154975 
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
Replies: >>154977 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 37 minutes ago 154976 
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award
Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154977 
[] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though
Replies: >>154979 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154978 
Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154979 
yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do

/soy/ - Soyjaks


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Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

[] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154554 
[] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse

[] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154555 
[] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse

[] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse

[] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse

[] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154556 
[] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse

[] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse

[] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse

[] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
 Chud 3 days ago 154557 
[] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!
 Chud 3 days ago 154558 
[] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
 Chud 3 days ago 154613 
 Chud 3 days ago 154614 
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
 Chud 2 days ago 154711 
[] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154712 
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
Replies: >>154713 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154713 
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 17 hours ago 154808 
[] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154819 
[] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss
Replies: >>154930
 Chud 15 hours ago 154820 
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
Replies: >>154868 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154825 
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
Replies: >>154829 >>154910
 Chud 15 hours ago 154829 
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
Replies: >>154910 >>154945
 Chud 14 hours ago 154835 
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
 Chud 7 hours ago 154868 
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes
 Chud 6 hours ago 154910 

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154921 >>154929 >>154945 >>154955
 Chud 6 hours ago 154918 
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
 Chud 6 hours ago 154921 
[] (303.7KB, 2345x2825) Reverse

[] (6.7MB, 2227x3125) Reverse

[] (443.6KB, 3808x2143) Reverse

why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Replies: >>154922
 Chud 6 hours ago 154922 
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
 Chud 5 hours ago 154929 
I love you missed_paypal
Replies: >>154931
 Chud 5 hours ago 154930 
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 5 hours ago 154931 
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Replies: >>154932
 Chud 5 hours ago 154932 
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
Replies: >>154933
 Chud 5 hours ago 154933 
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Replies: >>154934
 Chud 5 hours ago 154934 
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Replies: >>154935
 Chud 5 hours ago 154935 
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
Replies: >>154937
 Chud 5 hours ago 154937 
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing of value is generated and I'll have to look for specific keywords in the search box (like Asian tgrc) depending on the mood. Or look through my favorites for some old gems.

I've transferred away from regular tf and more into gender change tg. Of course if I see a good tf sequence I'll still goon to it but nowadays I'll beat my meat only to gender change stories and sequences.
Replies: >>154976 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 4 hours ago 154938 
your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?
Replies: >>154940
 Chud 4 hours ago 154940 
>your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?

missed_paypal is hardly attentionwhoring. His fans are doing it for him. Also being anti pedophilia is a good thing
Replies: >>154965 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 3 hours ago 154945 
[] (138.5KB, 938x770) Reverse

 Chud 3 hours ago 154955 
It's called spoke.
 Chud 3 hours ago 154956 
[] (96.3KB, 930x765) Reverse

>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154964 >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 2 hours ago 154963 
[] (325.3KB, 1510x2160) Reverse

[] (395KB, 3348x2512) Reverse

[] (582KB, 1833x1361) Reverse

get better fetishes NOW
 Chud 2 hours ago 154964 
I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies
Replies: >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 1 hour ago 154965 
[] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.
Replies: >>154968 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 1 hour ago 154967 
[] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse

 Chud 1 hour ago 154968 
Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots
Replies: >>154974 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 57 minutes ago 154971 
This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up
 Chud 39 minutes ago 154974 
Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.
Replies: >>154975 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 38 minutes ago 154975 
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
Replies: >>154977 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 37 minutes ago 154976 
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award
Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154977 
[] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though
Replies: >>154979 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154978 
Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154979 
yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do N

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

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jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

Replies: >>155006
Chud Now


Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

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Chud Now

0x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

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Chud Now

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

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Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago

Chud Now


/soy/ - Soyjaks


Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files
No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do N

Chud Now


the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

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jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

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jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

Replies: >>155006
Chud Now


Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

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jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

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Chud Now

0x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

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jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

Chud Now

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
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Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

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Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
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Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

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Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
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Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

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Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago

Chud Now


/soy/ - Soyjaks


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No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

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72 replies | 43 files
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/soy/ - Soyjaks


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Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

[] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154554 
[] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse

[] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154555 
[] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse

[] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse

[] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse

[] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154556 
[] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse

[] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse

[] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse

[] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
 Chud 3 days ago 154557 
[] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!
 Chud 3 days ago 154558 
[] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
 Chud 3 days ago 154613 
 Chud 3 days ago 154614 
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
 Chud 2 days ago 154711 
[] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154712 
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
Replies: >>154713 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154713 
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 17 hours ago 154808 
[] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154819 
[] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss
Replies: >>154930
 Chud 15 hours ago 154820 
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
Replies: >>154868 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154825 
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
Replies: >>154829 >>154910
 Chud 15 hours ago 154829 
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
Replies: >>154910 >>154945
 Chud 14 hours ago 154835 
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
 Chud 7 hours ago 154868 
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes
 Chud 6 hours ago 154910 

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154921 >>154929 >>154945 >>154955
 Chud 6 hours ago 154918 
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
 Chud 6 hours ago 154921 
[] (303.7KB, 2345x2825) Reverse

[] (6.7MB, 2227x3125) Reverse

[] (443.6KB, 3808x2143) Reverse

why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Replies: >>154922
 Chud 6 hours ago 154922 
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
 Chud 5 hours ago 154929 
I love you missed_paypal
Replies: >>154931
 Chud 5 hours ago 154930 
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 5 hours ago 154931 
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Replies: >>154932
 Chud 5 hours ago 154932 
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
Replies: >>154933
 Chud 5 hours ago 154933 
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Replies: >>154934
 Chud 5 hours ago 154934 
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Replies: >>154935
 Chud 5 hours ago 154935 
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
Replies: >>154937
 Chud 5 hours ago 154937 
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing of value is generated and I'll have to look for specific keywords in the search box (like Asian tgrc) depending on the mood. Or look through my favorites for some old gems.

I've transferred away from regular tf and more into gender change tg. Of course if I see a good tf sequence I'll still goon to it but nowadays I'll beat my meat only to gender change stories and sequences.
Replies: >>154976 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 4 hours ago 154938 
your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?
Replies: >>154940
 Chud 4 hours ago 154940 
>your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?

missed_paypal is hardly attentionwhoring. His fans are doing it for him. Also being anti pedophilia is a good thing
Replies: >>154965 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 3 hours ago 154945 
[] (138.5KB, 938x770) Reverse

 Chud 3 hours ago 154955 
It's called spoke.
 Chud 3 hours ago 154956 
[] (96.3KB, 930x765) Reverse

>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154964 >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 2 hours ago 154963 
[] (325.3KB, 1510x2160) Reverse

[] (395KB, 3348x2512) Reverse

[] (582KB, 1833x1361) Reverse

get better fetishes NOW
 Chud 2 hours ago 154964 
I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies
Replies: >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 1 hour ago 154965 
[] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.
Replies: >>154968 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 1 hour ago 154967 
[] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse

 Chud 1 hour ago 154968 
Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots
Replies: >>154974 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 57 minutes ago 154971 
This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up
 Chud 39 minutes ago 154974 
Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.
Replies: >>154975 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 38 minutes ago 154975 
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
Replies: >>154977 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 37 minutes ago 154976 
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award
Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154977 
[] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though
Replies: >>154979 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154978 
Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154979 
yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do wadsdwas

/soy/ - Soyjaks


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24.4MB total
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No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

[] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154554 
[] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse

[] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154555 
[] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse

[] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse

[] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse

[] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154556 
[] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse

[] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse

[] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse

[] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
 Chud 3 days ago 154557 
[] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!
 Chud 3 days ago 154558 
[] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
 Chud 3 days ago 154613 
 Chud 3 days ago 154614 
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
 Chud 2 days ago 154711 
[] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154712 
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
Replies: >>154713 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154713 
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 17 hours ago 154808 
[] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154819 
[] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss
Replies: >>154930
 Chud 15 hours ago 154820 
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
Replies: >>154868 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154825 
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
Replies: >>154829 >>154910
 Chud 15 hours ago 154829 
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
Replies: >>154910 >>154945
 Chud 14 hours ago 154835 
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
 Chud 7 hours ago 154868 
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes
 Chud 6 hours ago 154910 

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154921 >>154929 >>154945 >>154955
 Chud 6 hours ago 154918 
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
 Chud 6 hours ago 154921 
[] (303.7KB, 2345x2825) Reverse

[] (6.7MB, 2227x3125) Reverse

[] (443.6KB, 3808x2143) Reverse

why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Replies: >>154922
 Chud 6 hours ago 154922 
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
 Chud 5 hours ago 154929 
I love you missed_paypal
Replies: >>154931
 Chud 5 hours ago 154930 
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 5 hours ago 154931 
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Replies: >>154932
 Chud 5 hours ago 154932 
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
Replies: >>154933
 Chud 5 hours ago 154933 
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Replies: >>154934
 Chud 5 hours ago 154934 
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Replies: >>154935
 Chud 5 hours ago 154935 
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
Replies: >>154937
 Chud 5 hours ago 154937 
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing of value is generated and I'll have to look for specific keywords in the search box (like Asian tgrc) depending on the mood. Or look through my favorites for some old gems.

I've transferred away from regular tf and more into gender change tg. Of course if I see a good tf sequence I'll still goon to it but nowadays I'll beat my meat only to gender change stories and sequences.
Replies: >>154976 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 4 hours ago 154938 
your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?
Replies: >>154940
 Chud 4 hours ago 154940 
>your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?

missed_paypal is hardly attentionwhoring. His fans are doing it for him. Also being anti pedophilia is a good thing
Replies: >>154965 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 3 hours ago 154945 
[] (138.5KB, 938x770) Reverse

 Chud 3 hours ago 154955 
It's called spoke.
 Chud 3 hours ago 154956 
[] (96.3KB, 930x765) Reverse

>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154964 >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 2 hours ago 154963 
[] (325.3KB, 1510x2160) Reverse

[] (395KB, 3348x2512) Reverse

[] (582KB, 1833x1361) Reverse

get better fetishes NOW
 Chud 2 hours ago 154964 
I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies
Replies: >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 1 hour ago 154965 
[] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.
Replies: >>154968 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 1 hour ago 154967 
[] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse

 Chud 1 hour ago 154968 
Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots
Replies: >>154974 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 57 minutes ago 154971 
This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up
 Chud 39 minutes ago 154974 
Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.
Replies: >>154975 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 38 minutes ago 154975 
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
Replies: >>154977 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 37 minutes ago 154976 
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award
Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154977 
[] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though
Replies: >>154979 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154978 
Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154979 
yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do nigger
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do N

Chud Now


the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

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Replies: >>155006
Chud Now


Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

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Chud Now

0x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was

Chud Now
] (20.1MB, 1280x720, 00:18)

>this thread

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jschan 1.6.1+LukePatch3.1

Chud Now

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

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Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
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Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

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Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago
] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse
] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse
] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse
] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse
] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse
] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse
] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse
] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse
] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse
] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse
] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse
Chud 3 days ago
] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse
] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse
] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse
] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that

Chud 3 days ago
] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!

Chud 3 days ago
] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic

Chud 3 days ago


Chud 3 days ago

the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation

Chud 2 days ago
] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?

Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820
Chud 2 days ago

Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman

Replies: >>154713
Chud 2 days ago

That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~

Chud 17 hours ago
] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...

Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
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Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago

Chud Now


/soy/ - Soyjaks


Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files
No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB,
Connected for live posts (217ms)
Show Post Actions

/soy/ - Soyjaks


Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files
No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

[] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154554 
[] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse

[] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154555 
[] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse

[] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse

[] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse

[] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154556 
[] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse

[] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse

[] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse

[] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
 Chud 3 days ago 154557 
[] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!
 Chud 3 days ago 154558 
[] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
 Chud 3 days ago 154613 
 Chud 3 days ago 154614 
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
 Chud 2 days ago 154711 
[] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154712 
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
Replies: >>154713 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154713 
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 17 hours ago 154808 
[] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154819 
[] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss
Replies: >>154930
 Chud 15 hours ago 154820 
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
Replies: >>154868 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154825 
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
Replies: >>154829 >>154910
 Chud 15 hours ago 154829 
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
Replies: >>154910 >>154945
 Chud 14 hours ago 154835 
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
 Chud 7 hours ago 154868 
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes
 Chud 6 hours ago 154910 

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154921 >>154929 >>154945 >>154955
 Chud 6 hours ago 154918 
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
 Chud 6 hours ago 154921 
[] (303.7KB, 2345x2825) Reverse

[] (6.7MB, 2227x3125) Reverse

[] (443.6KB, 3808x2143) Reverse

why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Replies: >>154922
 Chud 6 hours ago 154922 
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
 Chud 5 hours ago 154929 
I love you missed_paypal
Replies: >>154931
 Chud 5 hours ago 154930 
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 5 hours ago 154931 
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Replies: >>154932
 Chud 5 hours ago 154932 
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
Replies: >>154933
 Chud 5 hours ago 154933 
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Replies: >>154934
 Chud 5 hours ago 154934 
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Replies: >>154935
 Chud 5 hours ago 154935 
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
Replies: >>154937
 Chud 5 hours ago 154937 
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing of value is generated and I'll have to look for specific keywords in the search box (like Asian tgrc) depending on the mood. Or look through my favorites for some old gems.

I've transferred away from regular tf and more into gender change tg. Of course if I see a good tf sequence I'll still goon to it but nowadays I'll beat my meat only to gender change stories and sequences.
Replies: >>154976 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 4 hours ago 154938 
your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?
Replies: >>154940
 Chud 4 hours ago 154940 
>your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?

missed_paypal is hardly attentionwhoring. His fans are doing it for him. Also being anti pedophilia is a good thing
Replies: >>154965 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 3 hours ago 154945 
[] (138.5KB, 938x770) Reverse

 Chud 3 hours ago 154955 
It's called spoke.
 Chud 3 hours ago 154956 
[] (96.3KB, 930x765) Reverse

>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154964 >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 2 hours ago 154963 
[] (325.3KB, 1510x2160) Reverse

[] (395KB, 3348x2512) Reverse

[] (582KB, 1833x1361) Reverse

get better fetishes NOW
 Chud 2 hours ago 154964 
I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies
Replies: >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 1 hour ago 154965 
[] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.
Replies: >>154968 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 1 hour ago 154967 
[] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse

 Chud 1 hour ago 154968 
Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots
Replies: >>154974 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 57 minutes ago 154971 
This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up
 Chud 39 minutes ago 154974 
Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.
Replies: >>154975 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 38 minutes ago 154975 
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
Replies: >>154977 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 37 minutes ago 154976 
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award
Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154977 
[] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though
Replies: >>154979 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154978 
Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154979 
yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do nig
Chud 15 hours ago
] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss

Replies: >>154930
Chud 15 hours ago
/soy/ - Soyjaks

Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)

[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago
] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan

Chud 3 days ago

Chud Now


/soy/ - Soyjaks


Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files
No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB,
Connected for live posts (217ms)
Show Post Actions

Chud Now


/soy/ - Soyjaks


Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files
No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

[] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154554 
[] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse

[] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154555 
[] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse

[] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse

[] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse

[] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154556 
[] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse

[] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse

[] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse

[] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
 Chud 3 days ago 154557 
[] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!
 Chud 3 days ago 154558 
[] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
 Chud 3 days ago 154613 
 Chud 3 days ago 154614 
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
 Chud 2 days ago 154711 
[] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154712 
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
Replies: >>154713 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154713 
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 17 hours ago 154808 
[] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154819 
[] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss
Replies: >>154930
 Chud 15 hours ago 154820 
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
Replies: >>154868 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154825 
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
Replies: >>154829 >>154910
 Chud 15 hours ago 154829 
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
Replies: >>154910 >>154945
 Chud 14 hours ago 154835 
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
 Chud 7 hours ago 154868 
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes
 Chud 6 hours ago 154910 

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154921 >>154929 >>154945 >>154955
 Chud 6 hours ago 154918 
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
 Chud 6 hours ago 154921 
[] (303.7KB, 2345x2825) Reverse

[] (6.7MB, 2227x3125) Reverse

[] (443.6KB, 3808x2143) Reverse

why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Replies: >>154922
 Chud 6 hours ago 154922 
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
 Chud 5 hours ago 154929 
I love you missed_paypal
Replies: >>154931
 Chud 5 hours ago 154930 
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 5 hours ago 154931 
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Replies: >>154932
 Chud 5 hours ago 154932 
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
Replies: >>154933
 Chud 5 hours ago 154933 
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Replies: >>154934
 Chud 5 hours ago 154934 
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Replies: >>154935
 Chud 5 hours ago 154935 
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
Replies: >>154937
 Chud 5 hours ago 154937 
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing of value is generated and I'll have to look for specific keywords in the search box (like Asian tgrc) depending on the mood. Or look through my favorites for some old gems.

I've transferred away from regular tf and more into gender change tg. Of course if I see a good tf sequence I'll still goon to it but nowadays I'll beat my meat only to gender change stories and sequences.
Replies: >>154976 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 4 hours ago 154938 
your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?
Replies: >>154940
 Chud 4 hours ago 154940 
>your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?

missed_paypal is hardly attentionwhoring. His fans are doing it for him. Also being anti pedophilia is a good thing
Replies: >>154965 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 3 hours ago 154945 
[] (138.5KB, 938x770) Reverse

 Chud 3 hours ago 154955 
It's called spoke.
 Chud 3 hours ago 154956 
[] (96.3KB, 930x765) Reverse

>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154964 >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 2 hours ago 154963 
[] (325.3KB, 1510x2160) Reverse

[] (395KB, 3348x2512) Reverse

[] (582KB, 1833x1361) Reverse

get better fetishes NOW
 Chud 2 hours ago 154964 
I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies
Replies: >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 1 hour ago 154965 
[] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.
Replies: >>154968 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 1 hour ago 154967 
[] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse

 Chud 1 hour ago 154968 
Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots
Replies: >>154974 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 57 minutes ago 154971 
This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up
 Chud 39 minutes ago 154974 
Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.
Replies: >>154975 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 38 minutes ago 154975 
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
Replies: >>154977 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 37 minutes ago 154976 
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a

/soy/ - Soyjaks


Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files
No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

[] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154554 
[] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse

[] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154555 
[] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse

[] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse

[] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse

[] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154556 
[] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse

[] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse

[] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse

[] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
 Chud 3 days ago 154557 
[] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!
 Chud 3 days ago 154558 
[] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
 Chud 3 days ago 154613 
 Chud 3 days ago 154614 
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
 Chud 2 days ago 154711 
[] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154712 
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
Replies: >>154713 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154713 
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 17 hours ago 154808 
[] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154819 
[] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss
Replies: >>154930
 Chud 15 hours ago 154820 
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
Replies: >>154868 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154825 
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
Replies: >>154829 >>154910
 Chud 15 hours ago 154829 
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
Replies: >>154910 >>154945
 Chud 14 hours ago 154835 
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
 Chud 7 hours ago 154868 
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes
 Chud 6 hours ago 154910 

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154921 >>154929 >>154945 >>154955
 Chud 6 hours ago 154918 
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
 Chud 6 hours ago 154921 
[] (303.7KB, 2345x2825) Reverse

[] (6.7MB, 2227x3125) Reverse

[] (443.6KB, 3808x2143) Reverse

why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Replies: >>154922
 Chud 6 hours ago 154922 
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
 Chud 5 hours ago 154929 
I love you missed_paypal
Replies: >>154931
 Chud 5 hours ago 154930 
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 5 hours ago 154931 
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Replies: >>154932
 Chud 5 hours ago 154932 
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
Replies: >>154933
 Chud 5 hours ago 154933 
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Replies: >>154934
 Chud 5 hours ago 154934 
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Replies: >>154935
 Chud 5 hours ago 154935 
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
Replies: >>154937
 Chud 5 hours ago 154937 
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing of value is generated and I'll have to look for specific keywords in the search box (like Asian tgrc) depending on the mood. Or look through my favorites for some old gems.

I've transferred away from regular tf and more into gender change tg. Of course if I see a good tf sequence I'll still goon to it but nowadays I'll beat my meat only to gender change stories and sequences.
Replies: >>154976 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 4 hours ago 154938 
your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?
Replies: >>154940
 Chud 4 hours ago 154940 
>your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?

missed_paypal is hardly attentionwhoring. His fans are doing it for him. Also being anti pedophilia is a good thing
Replies: >>154965 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 3 hours ago 154945 
[] (138.5KB, 938x770) Reverse

 Chud 3 hours ago 154955 
It's called spoke.
 Chud 3 hours ago 154956 
[] (96.3KB, 930x765) Reverse

>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154964 >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 2 hours ago 154963 
[] (325.3KB, 1510x2160) Reverse

[] (395KB, 3348x2512) Reverse

[] (582KB, 1833x1361) Reverse

get better fetishes NOW
 Chud 2 hours ago 154964 
I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies
Replies: >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 1 hour ago 154965 
[] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.
Replies: >>154968 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 1 hour ago 154967 
[] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse

 Chud 1 hour ago 154968 
Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots
Replies: >>154974 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 57 minutes ago 154971 
This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up
 Chud 39 minutes ago 154974 
Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.
Replies: >>154975 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 38 minutes ago 154975 
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
Replies: >>154977 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 37 minutes ago 154976 
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award
Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154977 
[] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though
Replies: >>154979 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154978 
Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154979 
yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do nigger123
[Hide] (144.9KB, 423x475) Reverse
Yup it leaked

/soy/ - Soyjaks


Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files
No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

[] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154554 
[] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse

[] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154555 
[] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse

[] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse

[] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse

[] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154556 
[] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse

[] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse

[] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse

[] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
 Chud 3 days ago 154557 
[] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!
 Chud 3 days ago 154558 
[] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
 Chud 3 days ago 154613 
 Chud 3 days ago 154614 
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
 Chud 2 days ago 154711 
[] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154712 
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
Replies: >>154713 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154713 
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 17 hours ago 154808 
[] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154819 
[] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss
Replies: >>154930
 Chud 15 hours ago 154820 
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
Replies: >>154868 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154825 
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
Replies: >>154829 >>154910
 Chud 15 hours ago 154829 
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
Replies: >>154910 >>154945
 Chud 14 hours ago 154835 
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
 Chud 7 hours ago 154868 
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes
 Chud 6 hours ago 154910 

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154921 >>154929 >>154945 >>154955
 Chud 6 hours ago 154918 
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
 Chud 6 hours ago 154921 
[] (303.7KB, 2345x2825) Reverse

[] (6.7MB, 2227x3125) Reverse

[] (443.6KB, 3808x2143) Reverse

why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Replies: >>154922
 Chud 6 hours ago 154922 
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
 Chud 5 hours ago 154929 
I love you missed_paypal
Replies: >>154931
 Chud 5 hours ago 154930 
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 5 hours ago 154931 
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Replies: >>154932
 Chud 5 hours ago 154932 
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
Replies: >>154933
 Chud 5 hours ago 154933 
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Replies: >>154934
 Chud 5 hours ago 154934 
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Replies: >>154935
 Chud 5 hours ago 154935 
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
Replies: >>154937
 Chud 5 hours ago 154937 
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing of value is generated and I'll have to look for specific keywords in the search box (like Asian tgrc) depending on the mood. Or look through my favorites for some old gems.

I've transferred away from regular tf and more into gender change tg. Of course if I see a good tf sequence I'll still goon to it but nowadays I'll beat my meat only to gender change stories and sequences.
Replies: >>154976 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 4 hours ago 154938 
your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?
Replies: >>154940
 Chud 4 hours ago 154940 
>your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?

missed_paypal is hardly attentionwhoring. His fans are doing it for him. Also being anti pedophilia is a good thing
Replies: >>154965 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 3 hours ago 154945 
[] (138.5KB, 938x770) Reverse

 Chud 3 hours ago 154955 
It's called spoke.
 Chud 3 hours ago 154956 
[] (96.3KB, 930x765) Reverse

>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154964 >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 2 hours ago 154963 
[] (325.3KB, 1510x2160) Reverse

[] (395KB, 3348x2512) Reverse

[] (582KB, 1833x1361) Reverse

get better fetishes NOW
 Chud 2 hours ago 154964 
I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies
Replies: >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 1 hour ago 154965 
[] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.
Replies: >>154968 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 1 hour ago 154967 
[] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse

 Chud 1 hour ago 154968 
Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots
Replies: >>154974 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 57 minutes ago 154971 
This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up
 Chud 39 minutes ago 154974 
Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.
Replies: >>154975 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 38 minutes ago 154975 
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
Replies: >>154977 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 37 minutes ago 154976 
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award
Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154977 
[] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though
Replies: >>154979 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154978 
Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154979 
yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it
y'all niggas weird
[Hide] (311.8KB, 1163x877) Reverse
Replies: >>155029 >>155031
[Hide] (374.5KB, 600x600) Reverse
Replies: >>155027 >>155030

/soy/ - Soyjaks


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24.4MB total
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Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

[] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154554 
[] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse

[] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154555 
[] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse

[] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse

[] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse

[] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154556 
[] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse

[] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse

[] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse

[] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
 Chud 3 days ago 154557 
[] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!
 Chud 3 days ago 154558 
[] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
 Chud 3 days ago 154613 
 Chud 3 days ago 154614 
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
 Chud 2 days ago 154711 
[] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154712 
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
Replies: >>154713 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154713 
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 17 hours ago 154808 
[] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154819 
[] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss
Replies: >>154930
 Chud 15 hours ago 154820 
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
Replies: >>154868 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154825 
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
Replies: >>154829 >>154910
 Chud 15 hours ago 154829 
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
Replies: >>154910 >>154945
 Chud 14 hours ago 154835 
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
 Chud 7 hours ago 154868 
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes
 Chud 6 hours ago 154910 

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154921 >>154929 >>154945 >>154955
 Chud 6 hours ago 154918 
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
 Chud 6 hours ago 154921 
[] (303.7KB, 2345x2825) Reverse

[] (6.7MB, 2227x3125) Reverse

[] (443.6KB, 3808x2143) Reverse

why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Replies: >>154922
 Chud 6 hours ago 154922 
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
 Chud 5 hours ago 154929 
I love you missed_paypal
Replies: >>154931
 Chud 5 hours ago 154930 
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 5 hours ago 154931 
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Replies: >>154932
 Chud 5 hours ago 154932 
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
Replies: >>154933
 Chud 5 hours ago 154933 
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Replies: >>154934
 Chud 5 hours ago 154934 
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Replies: >>154935
 Chud 5 hours ago 154935 
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
Replies: >>154937
 Chud 5 hours ago 154937 
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing of value is generated and I'll have to look for specific keywords in the search box (like Asian tgrc) depending on the mood. Or look through my favorites for some old gems.

I've transferred away from regular tf and more into gender change tg. Of course if I see a good tf sequence I'll still goon to it but nowadays I'll beat my meat only to gender change stories and sequences.
Replies: >>154976 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 4 hours ago 154938 
your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?
Replies: >>154940
 Chud 4 hours ago 154940 
>your art is good but why do you have to be such an attentionwhoring antilita fag?

missed_paypal is hardly attentionwhoring. His fans are doing it for him. Also being anti pedophilia is a good thing
Replies: >>154965 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 3 hours ago 154945 
[] (138.5KB, 938x770) Reverse

 Chud 3 hours ago 154955 
It's called spoke.
 Chud 3 hours ago 154956 
[] (96.3KB, 930x765) Reverse

>The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

>So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154964 >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 2 hours ago 154963 
[] (325.3KB, 1510x2160) Reverse

[] (395KB, 3348x2512) Reverse

[] (582KB, 1833x1361) Reverse

get better fetishes NOW
 Chud 2 hours ago 154964 
I'm not an autogynephiliac thoughbeit. I never get hard at imagining MYSELF as the subject of transformation, only other people. I'm also never an integral part of these fantasies
Replies: >>154993 >>154995
 Chud 1 hour ago 154965 
[] (4.8KB, 122x399) Reverse

Why do anti lita fags think depicting a smiling soy girl is a horrible thing that should be banned? Makes me think you have some sort of slave electrotorture chip implanted in your brain that fucks up your appreciation of gemmy natural beauty or something.
Replies: >>154968 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 1 hour ago 154967 
[] (72.5KB, 452x363) Reverse

 Chud 1 hour ago 154968 
Jartycuck pedophiles. We transformation fetishists are much more moral than you ’lita loving faggots
Replies: >>154974 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 57 minutes ago 154971 
This is just straight up ’P. Mods please clean this brinstone up
 Chud 39 minutes ago 154974 
Morality is kike zogbot brainslave programming though.
Replies: >>154975 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 38 minutes ago 154975 
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
Replies: >>154977 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 37 minutes ago 154976 
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award
Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154977 
[] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though
Replies: >>154979 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154978 
Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154979 
yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it

Chud 8 minutes ago

y'all niggas weird

Replies: >>155026
Chud 8 minutes ago
] (311.8KB, 1163x877)


Chud 5 minutes ago
] (374.5KB, 600x600)


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86 replies | 47 files
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Replies: >>155030
Replies: >>155030
>154975 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 38 minutes ago 154975 
>Oh I'm a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im larping as a real woman
Replies: >>154977 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 37 minutes ago 154976 
I’ve never used deviantart except for when i’m looking up an artist or i google keywords for specific types of TF i feel like gooning out to. Is it any good? 

The subreddit can be great occasionally since it’ll sometimes have small time artists that make stuff for their own enjoyment at sporadic paces and they can be real gems. Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.

It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.

I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it. I do experience sexual attraction but not that. I’m 1.65m (5’5 for bürger) and don’t get all the “oh height this height that” motherfuckers either. Fucking whores means nothing to me, i’d only just maybe want a partner that i have large overlap in interests and mentality with at which point physical features would mean little to nothing for both of us.

Having this fetish seems to be comorbid with AGP for a lot of folx but mine was never ever anywhere even remotely bad enough for me to troon. When i was 15 it completely disappeared one random day. Which is also why i don’t get those 4chin trooners who say you have to troon as early as possible because “you won’t be able to repress forever and will troon out as a old shitter and will look like a homunculus so troon now to cut your loss” no nigga it isnt always like that

Maybe i’d be a femboy in a hypothetical scenario in which no one would think of it to be weird but that’s not the case. I have no unsatiable urge to be one like some seem to be, just “would be kind of nice if it was possible” kind of thing. Again not bothered over it either.

Sorry for going all out, i was keeping all this in myself and never could talk about it with people i know IRL or online since its a weird topic and finally had a suiting opportunity for it.

>blogposted award
Replies: >>154979 >>154984 >>154991 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154977 
[] (501.5KB, 1242x1175) Reverse

99% of 'lita porn was made on sharty though
Replies: >>154979 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154978 
Oh shit wtf happened here while i was busy with my blogpost💀💀💀
 Chud 36 minutes ago 154979 
yet you keep posting it here
hold on I'm writing a response to that wordwordswords in a minute
Replies: >>154980 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 35 minutes ago 154980 
[] (6.2KB, 250x237) Reverse

and yet you call us jartycucks while contributing to jarty
Replies: >>154981 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 33 minutes ago 154981 
The Jarty has low enough PPH that posts like these can stay up while on the Sharty would be deleted or autosaged
Replies: >>154982 >>154983 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154982 
[] (118KB, 845x1164) Reverse

therefore you are nothing more than a sharty reject just like most posters here
Replies: >>154987 >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 32 minutes ago 154983 
Are you referring to this thread or the soylitas?
Replies: >>154993 >>154995 >>154997
 Chud 26 minutes ago 154984 
> Sometimes i scour up ancient shit i gooned to an eternity ago as well.
I do this too occasionally. However some good shit has completely lost it's charm on me since I've gooned to it too much

>It’s interesting that you say you used to be mostly into TF then got more interested in TG. For me, i was always more interested in MtF TG compared to TF but still enjoyed both. Similarly to you, i used to be not into FtM at all but started to enjoy it a while ago. Also used to be into identity death because it was a form of mental changes but lost interest in it, i prefer regular MC now.
I started off only TF but firstly switched to FTM and MTF and the only MTF. Identity death was always something I enjoyed as long as it was done right.

>I also would wanna ask how sexual you are IRL and if you watch porn, cause i have a pretty unbothered approach to irl sexuality that no one else i know adheres to. When i got into masturbation at 13 years old one of the first things i looked up to beat it to was gender transformation. I knew i was into that kind of thing all the way back when i was around 8 yo but ofc had no idea what sex or masturbation was, let alone a fetish. I’m 18 now and literally never jerked off to actual porn. Just never felt like it. When i was in high school (graduated recently phew) and whenever my mates talked about the types of girls they like i was pretty weirded out because i couldn’t tell whether they were extremely horny or i was extremely un-horny. Like yeah i do have sexual attraction, but i am nowhere near that much bothered over it. I especially don’t get incels. Like i am a kissless virgin that never held a girls hand akin to them but it was because i never made an effort for it and am not planning to make one either in the foreseeable future and that doesn’t bother me at all. I just have no push to do that and am not distressed over it

Chud 14 minutes ago

y'all niggas weird

Replies: >>155026 >>155027
Chud 14 minutes ago
] (311.8KB, 1163x877)


Replies: >>155029
Chud 11 minutes ago
] (374.5KB, 600x600)


Replies: >>155027
Chud 5 minutes ago


/soy/ - Soyjaks


Max 5 files
24.4MB total
Select/Drop/Paste files
No file chosen

Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
All Soylita content that was posted before July 10th will be permitted to stay
(shoyta counts too)
[Index] [Catalog] [Banners] [Logs] [Archive]
 Soytanification general Chud 3 days ago 154551 
[] (164.1KB, 685x535) Reverse

I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
 Chud 3 days ago 154552 
[] (460.3KB, 1000x1417) Reverse

[] (162.5KB, 497x713) Reverse

[] (310.5KB, 894x894) Reverse

[] (503.8KB, 1000x1242) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154553 
[] (569.9KB, 1000x1260) Reverse

[] (91.2KB, 850x805) Reverse

[] (556.5KB, 1200x600) Reverse

[] (251KB, 850x657) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154554 
[] (1.2MB, 2835x1800) Reverse

[] (580.1KB, 2184x3089) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154555 
[] (108.7KB, 850x1133) Reverse

[] (205.1KB, 1200x791) Reverse

[] (292.9KB, 850x1314) Reverse

[] (494.9KB, 1280x823) Reverse

 Chud 3 days ago 154556 
[] (428KB, 1175x850) Reverse

[] (629KB, 1280x1280) Reverse

[] (325.3KB, 1043x668) Reverse

[] (164.1KB, 868x597) Reverse

FYI the chud in the fourth image is supposed to be Soytans null bulge (crotch) because hes a seething clittycel who deserves to be transformed like that
 Chud 3 days ago 154557 
[] (674.2KB, 1024x1280) Reverse

Soytan cosflation!
 Chud 3 days ago 154558 
[] (361.9KB, 894x894) Reverse

Thats the all the images I made so far, if you guys want maybe I'll pick up drawing these again. Also here's a bonus jartyfication pic
 Chud 3 days ago 154613 
 Chud 3 days ago 154614 
the star wars skywalker saga didn't need this as part of its epic story told through film and animation
 Chud 2 days ago 154711 
[] (424.2KB, 1000x906) Reverse

New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
Replies: >>154712 >>154808 >>154820 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154712 
Why would troonella be unhappy about being turned into a woman
Replies: >>154713 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 2 days ago 154713 
That's what I'm wondering too! Xhe wanted to be a girl, so I restrained xher and forcefully coated xher in Soytan goop. Now xhe's complaining, really ungrateful. Thankfully it's easy to ignore the muffled noise under the squeaky rubber~
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 17 hours ago 154808 
[] (34KB, 800x600) Reverse

I love how the speech bubbles slowly turn into Soytan's colors and gradually stop resisting implying that Troonjak is embracing it and accepting that xhe's now Soytan forever~ I wish I could get covered in some Soytan goop too, iwn...
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154819 
[] (1.4MB, 3115x1027) Reverse

Another brand new stonetoss
Replies: >>154930
 Chud 15 hours ago 154820 
i can ALMOST goon to this, but i just can't. It just doesn't work, needs just a little bit more to push over the edge. it's so annoying
Replies: >>154868 >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 15 hours ago 154825 
how do i goon to this explain the fetish appeal in detail so i can understand and goon to it
Replies: >>154829 >>154910
 Chud 15 hours ago 154829 
It's basically the idea of your identity being replaced by that of Soytan. Imagine your thoughts and memories being rewritten in real time while you look down and see yourself transforming into her, knowing you can do nothing to prevent it. If there's rubber/goop involved then you have to think of how tightly it would wrap around you, eventually looking externally like just another Soytan but internally you are trapped, your mmmpfing muffled by the rubber while desperately tugging at it.
Replies: >>154910 >>154945
 Chud 14 hours ago 154835 
tranny nigger dust from nigger hell
 Chud 7 hours ago 154868 
I think the speech bubbles that show the mental changes is a pretty good one. I fw mental changes
 Chud 6 hours ago 154910 

The mental changes are a big part of it, going hand to hand with the transformation itself. Dunno about others but i like transformations that involve the mental changes making the unwilling transformee embrace the new form and the new thought patterns, being turned into something with the mindless, dogmatic, almost hypnotized mental state of a form they wouldn’t like pre-TF (especially if its something they hate or annoyed or weirded out by) but the mental changes are making them enjoy it. 

So that makes soytan a pretty good choice for such a TF. I feel like lita and non-cacao soytans as well as spritetan (its soytan but as sprite instead of soylent, idr what it exactly was called tho. Saw it a couple times on the booru. Note that it was sprite not sproke) would be pretty good for a change, and maybe some short stories would be cool as well instead of drawings only. If we’re gonna make some MtMs or FtMs i feel like twinkjak would be a good choice.

>fetishposted award
Replies: >>154921 >>154929 >>154945 >>154955
 Chud 6 hours ago 154918 
Just remembered that lita is banned now (good riddance ngl) so if anyone wants to do that do so in . Issa good centric point to gather all soytan and other gemmy TFs in one place and these threads can get struck down so it’s important to know. I think it would be pretty funny to crosspost them to r/transformation to confuse all the AGP plebbitors
 Chud 6 hours ago 154921 
[] (303.7KB, 2345x2825) Reverse

[] (6.7MB, 2227x3125) Reverse

[] (443.6KB, 3808x2143) Reverse

why cant you have a normal fetish like feet though
Replies: >>154922
 Chud 6 hours ago 154922 
Ew. Get this shit out of my face.
 Chud 5 hours ago 154929 
I love you missed_paypal
Replies: >>154931
 Chud 5 hours ago 154930 
I know the artist this is traced from. Xhe always made the worst mass produced sequences in my opinion
Replies: >>154999 >>155002 >>155003 >>155004
 Chud 5 hours ago 154931 
Nay, i’m not missed paypal. Just a fan. But i do love him too (no homo).
Replies: >>154932
 Chud 5 hours ago 154932 
Favorite DeviantArt tftg artist?
Replies: >>154933
 Chud 5 hours ago 154933 
I don’t like any of the big hitters. I think Chadtow and crowncosmo are good.
Replies: >>154934
 Chud 5 hours ago 154934 
Chadtow is great artist but xhis sequences are too quick/have very little material. The other one I've not heard about
Replies: >>154935
 Chud 5 hours ago 154935 
Yeah, agree about that. I don’t usually check out specific artists (except those two every once in a long while) and just browse what’s on r/transformation and some C.AI bots. Crowncosmo also does that short form thing but they usually have more stuff going for it, and sometimes the primary selling point in a TF sequence isn’t the substance but the theme (e.g that one coffee sequence cosmo made). Xhey also have a longer form comic (school spirit is a gem), can’t remember if zhey had more or if it was a one off thing
Replies: >>154937
 Chud 5 hours ago 154937 
I basically follow over 25 different artists, and then check my follows page for any gems for the day. If I see an artist on the home page that makes good art then I'll follow xhem. Some days nothing
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Well this thread went to shit quick. Here's a new 'tan, but if you want to see future ones go to r/soytanification. The only way to ensure proper moderation is to be a janny yourself these days
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nigger what?
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Replies: >>155100
[Hide] (176.4KB, 665x670) Reverse
Behead jannies. Truth is illegal for these who fear the Truth. We need to establish absolute anarchy, for Truth triumph in the chaos.
[Hide] (91.3KB, 452x363) Reverse
>>doll stopped complaining right after ragetroon became a janny here 
>really makes you think
[Hide] (1MB, 200x151) Reverse
>Behead jannies. Truth is illegal for these who fear the Truth. We need to establish >absolute anarchy, for Truth triumph in the chaos.
Replies: >>155108
Klebold actually says this
[Hide] (5.4KB, 437x85) Reverse
i'm legit confused. wtf does logan have to do with it?
Replies: >>155114
Nothing. It's just a meme that skajyos is trying to push.
Replies: >>155115
why does their post show up as mine?
Replies: >>155116
Lute did a rollback again.
lol frootcord is so obsessed with influencing all the splinters. then they all call everyone else a pedo. you just know they refresh jarty all day loooool. they probably post the cp "bot" spam too. i just love the timing of everything. it's like good old days with kuzzy all over again.
Why were you a janny doe?
Are you ragetroon yourself but larp as if you're not? The only bans that are handed nowadays is by ragetroon
Replies: >>155129
Skajyos got fired lol.
Replies: >>155131
Only because he started posting red pills and trvkes about the jannies.
Are you Skajyos? Is lute even active nowadays? I don't know any other place to migrate, swinny and geymy are as bad as shitty.
Replies: >>155140
[Hide] (75.6KB, 508x278) Reverse
If you migrated here for soylita this isn't a good place(GTFO). Lute is semi-active in the Jarty but not active enough to prevent happenings like the shit that happened on /meta/ today.
Replies: >>155150
>jarty was a 'lita refugee site before you came in though
No I was there when they migrated. Oldfag Jartycucks were hostile to soylita posters so I doubt your story.
Replies: >>155149
They didn't care about soylita until kuz blogposted on his other website
Kys tranny
Replies: >>155153
Wait, are you actually saying lita is allowed on shemmy? I think I got banned for posting adult version of 'lita, banned again for posting gassy, and basically got banned for any variant that these faggots deemed "coal". It seems like yet another shartyshit clone site, unless they changed overtime. Last time I saw they abandoned/soy/, does that mean the /qa/ is just a 4chan /qa/ that is just a /b/ without dickpix?
[Hide] (5.4KB, 250x250) Reverse
Cope and Seeth.
Replies: >>155157
You're so ugly with jewish hair, you should blow your brains out asap troon.
Replies: >>155159
back then lute was scared of avatarfags being discord and ruining the site. so he banned it super strictly all while letting kuzzy do his ama in meta. (the biggest cord avatarfag of all) this was back when everyone here was super obsessed with hating him, so lute wanted to calm down the people who were posting death threats by letting him explain his side of the story.
Replies: >>155161
[Hide] (325.9KB, 665x618) Reverse
>doesn't know who Aggie-chan is
You have to be some Twittard immigrant
You said this 
>after shemmy's creation? basically a 'lita site since j*rty oldfags just stopped posting or migrated to
You made it sound as soy>>155159
lita posting chuds moved to shemmy
Is kuz even alive?
Didn't demy that you're jewish and uhly, kys nigger
Replies: >>155164
[Hide] (31.8KB, 480x480) Reverse
Most sharty users haven't even used 4chan or been to the 4chan's /qa/. Are we really suprised? I bet those fucking zoomers over at gooktook making those hikki chan edits know who she is.
holy fail geg
So where litaGODS should go if you can't post lita even here? If posting lita and 'p leads to same amount of punishment l, why anyone would choose lesser evil?
I wish shartypedos could make proper bants like this, slopjak is just absolute niggertier coal from niggerhell that just kills board with toddler tier cringe where it is posted the most, i.e. sharty.
I wish jarty could grow a sack and remain loyal to it's principle, not bent knees toward pressure. You need to be a real spinless flabby faggot to allow haters to shape you; instead jarty could just wear haters as a crown of honor and ban low effort spam instead.
Where are you mostly posting yourself if you hate jarty now? All the good alts been closed recently. 8chan, ninechan, frenschan, catchan, 3ch,, etc...
Do you have complete collection of soylita killing soyjaks? I would like to have whole archive if possible, please.
Replies: >>155194
Reported for child gore and child porn
I guess? I find them the most fun and they are of highest quality, I didn't know they were referred as soylita gore
Please upload all of them. Make sure you give them specific category so it's possible to find them.
[Hide] (1MB, 536x706) Reverse
>I swore off the jarty ever since the last thread was spammed by litapedos, but it seems like she's (temporarily) banned now, so here we go. Post how you want to forcefully assimilated into Soytan
[Hide] (1.5MB, 1920x1798) Reverse
>New drawing after a very long time. Still not sure if I'll do it regularly again. Thoughts?
[Hide] (377.4KB, 1920x1798) Reverse
Yo, this is how people sing in
Check it out
Only in Jarty, oh, oh
Only in Jarty, oh (hee-hee)
Only in Jarty, oh, oh
Only in Jarty, oh
Hey, I heard you wanna see Jakparty Soy (only in Jarty, oh, oh)
If I were you, I would maybe think twice though (only in Jarty, oh)
'Cause I've been livin' out here for a mighty long time (only in Jarty, oh, oh)
And it ain't a great site, here's why bro (only in Jarty, oh)
Yeah, it may be the home of 'p (only in Jarty, oh, oh)
But he left before it all went down into flames (only in Jarty, oh)
'Cause sticks and stones break no bones (only in Jarty, oh, oh)
And the rain here melts my clothes (only in Jarty, oh)

You can't even raid
You can't even never goon
You can't even post soyjaks
You can't even ban a 'litaposters
You can't even go back once you're in Jakparty soy

Only in Jarty, oh, oh
Only in Jarty, oh (in Jarty only)
Only in Jarty, oh, oh
Only in Jarty, oh

If you want to talk to the 'p
If you want a gooners comin' by your home
Then you're gonna wanna stay for a while (cuck)

Where the website is dead
Jartycuck grows old
Where your daddy went to go get milk (hey-ya!)
Ain't nobody you can call
You can't even call Jannies
We're all being held against our will
No Nate dream, it's a nightmare
Moon by day, and the sun in the night air
My wife Soytan, he ballin' with a jartypedo
Tweakin' with the light stare, mans don't fight fair

Make an jartycucks angry
All jartycucks are on the floor
Shemmypedos in the sky
There's an FNF pedo nigger at your door
We live in a lie
Nothing here is real for sure
Don't let intrusive thoughts win anymore (I like ya cut, G)

Only in Jarty, oh, oh
Only in Jarty, oh (what the hell?)
Only in Jarty, oh, oh
Only in Jarty, oh
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i love soytan 'p o o algo
derailed thread award
stop avatarfagging, tranny
the real brimstone is yet to be revealed. the real sharty killing brimstone is loli soytan, when she appears it will be over
Replies: >>155274
the real sharty killing brimstone is froot and his janny sisters
Huh? It's not on your jartybooru, I am missing something?
Rip Skajyos
May whoever faggot that banned him burn in eternal flames in hell.
Replies: >>155374
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he will always be rent-free lol
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Spotted a reference to soytanification in the wild!
In a medical log detailing Rapeson’s sons treatments, Rapeson VI is listed as having been “turned into soytan”
Timestamp is 1:32
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Posting again because the litacuck is hopefully gone now.
What do you think of inanimate TF?
Certanly seems a lot of fetishy
Replies: >>156439 >>156504
Not my kind of thing. I also prefer normal TF over that “getting-encased-in-goo” thing. I do somewhat like it but not as much as the conventional way.

Because it is one.
Replies: >>156504
It's called a null bulge. Basically a it's a rubbery orb that replaces your genitals and is extremely sensitive, but you can never quite orgasm with it. So you spend your days desperately rubbing and squeezing it trying to get that last 1% but it never comes no matter how hard you try.
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>Chud 1 day ago 156430
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>Posting again because the litacuck is hopefully gone now.
>What do you think of inanimate TF?

>Replies: >>156431 >>156439 >>156443
>>154551 (OP) 
I wanna be soytanned
Replies: >>156875
soytan me
>>154551 (OP) 
this thread is amazing
i need more
im gonna draw myself being soytanned
need more
>>154551 (OP) 
upping this gem
>>154551 (OP) 
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made some REAL gems out of these
Replies: >>157260 >>157474
my timbers are shivered
>>154551 (OP) 
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Sorry for the inactivity, here's Chudjak swapping bodies with Soytan. Seems like she's not happy with it, but there's nothing she can do now~
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I am not sure what variant I wanna use but I wanna get soytanned
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Froot has been trapped in a large Soytan casting mold! Now there is nothing he can do, as the soytanification goop gets pumped in, coating him in sticky rubber that immediately feels like a second skin. Hours later the mold releases him, or rather her… after the brainwashing sessions that won't matter anyways~
Replies: >>158539 >>160142
morning jarty
>>154551 (OP) 
You are not white.
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>this thread
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>Froot has been trapped in a large Soytan casting mold! Now there is nothing he can do, as the soytanification goop gets pumped in, coating him in sticky rubber that immediately feels like a second skin. Hours later the mold releases him, or rather her… after the brainwashing sessions that won't matter anyways~
Replies: >>158551 >>158619
Slopjaks don’t say this doe
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If you train your posture you will gradually turn into Soytan~
Replies: >>158651
I think it would be kinda funny to crosspost these onto r/transformation to confuse the plebbitors. The sub can be switched to approved comments and posts only by going into the settings and turning the spam filter to all which will prevent chuds from posting no-no content that the plebs might report.

Also, while i enjoy this content, i am starting to think you have autism. It’s a bit weird to be making hyper specific TGTF content for this long. Not that i think you should stop, do whatever you wish.

I think it also might be a good idea to make an AI bot for soytanification. If no one here is familiar with that i could give it a try.
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Blue archive is cemmy doe
Replies: >>158694
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Soytanification has even spread to the Max Design Pro videos now...
Replies: >>158668
lute fucking ban him
kys blue archive shitlita pedo nigger
Necrobumpers will never be women
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New 'tan
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Tried something with kig suits, like it?
Replies: >>159193
I’ve seen the original image you traced this from, lmao. I do like it, but as i’ve said before as well, i prefer typical transformations (especially those that highlight mental changes) over suits and goo and whatnot. But this is just what i think and may not be representative of the majority opinion, so i think enjoyers of soytanification should respond below with the types of TFs they enjoy to map out what’s more popular and what’s not.
Replies: >>159195 >>159196
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kill yourself autist
live yourself normalfag
They're not meant to suffocate when their face gets encased. Just think of it as hyper advanced nanotechnology or something idk it's porn logic
Replies: >>159369
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^Leaking clitoris above me, also yes I did another encasement drawing but the next one will be regular TF, promise.
Who would you like to see stuck inside a suit like this?
Replies: >>159322 >>160141
Actually do this
Replies: >>159322
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Reddit just banned a bunch of soyosphere subs wiping r/soytanification alongside r/soyjak and r/chudart. This is the second worst banwave since june 2020. It’s over.
Replies: >>159319 >>159322
They just denied my appeal too without even giving me a reason.
I'm working on a deviantart account as a new place to dump art, some of the stuff will have to be censored but it's the best place to share it I think. More details tomorrow
Replies: >>159321 >>159322
Censored? I thought deviantart allowed all sorts of wild shit. If DA is problematic furaffinity should work too, i know some non-furry TF artists that post there. 
Normally i’d say cord would be fine too but for some fucking reason whenever people of the soyosphere are in one they become wild untamed beasts and start grooming minors.
Replies: >>159322
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> Chud 1 day ago 159215 
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>^Leaking clitoris above me, also yes I did another encasement drawing but the next one will be regular TF, promise.
>Who would you like to see stuck inside a suit like this?
>Replies: >>159216
> Chud 1 day ago 159216 
>Replies: >>159217
> Chud 1 day ago 159217 
>Actually do this

> Chud 1 hour ago 159318 
>Reddit just banned a bunch of soyosphere subs wiping r/soytanification alongside r/soyjak and r/chudart. This is the second worst banwave since june 2020. It’s over.
>Replies: >>159319
> Chud 50 minutes ago 159319 
>They just denied my appeal too without even giving me a reason.
>I'm working on a deviantart account as a new place to dump art, some of the stuff will have to be censored but it's the best place to share it I think. More details tomorrow
>Replies: >>159321
> Chud 3 minutes ago 159321 
>Censored? I thought deviantart allowed all sorts of wild shit. If DA is problematic furaffinity should work too, i know some non-furry TF artists that post there. 
>Normally i’d say cord would be fine too but for some fucking reason whenever people of the soyosphere are in one they become wild untamed beasts and start grooming minors.
you will die alone faggot
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>>154551 (OP) 
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Replies: >>160137
how r u that fast? is this a bot?
I love these.
I wanna be in a suit like this >.<
please make more, love your work. I wanna make some 'tanification gems myself
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I return with an FTF transformation. Girls aren't safe from the soytanification! Cobbess has to learn this the hard way~
Replies: >>160155
At least it ain't mtf. Mtf feels too spooky.
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>At least it ain't mtf. Mtf feels too spooky.
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Your device clock is set to a wrong time or this challenge page was accidentally cached by an intermediary and is no longer available
Replies: >>160313
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Dude, you are into mtf garbage.
Replies: >>160338
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My first art of someone transforming into someone other than Soytan! Hopefully that makes you >>160313
It seems Soytan will be stuck as a guy quite permanently...
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Neutralplier turning into a Boykisser!
My first direct commission, if you can call it that. If you have any (serious) requests feel free to ask
Replies: >>160605 >>160618
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bleed out and die tranny
Replies: >>160607
hi ILV get off the jarty
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how does one man make every soytranny seethe so hard?
jewish thread dni
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