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Remember to have a source of vitamin k2 if you drink milk since k2 moves the calcium from the bloodsteam to the bones to stop it from clogging up the bloodsteam, I personally have some spinach powder since it's basically tasteless but there are other sources too like: Sauerkraut, collard greens (hood nigga classic), certain cheeses, brocolli, spinach, and blueberries
Vitamin K2 is indeed important for bone and cardiovascular health. It helps direct calcium to the bones and teeth while preventing it from accumulating in the arteries. Including sources of Vitamin K2 in your diet can be very beneficial if you're consuming a lot of calcium-rich foods like milk.

You've listed some great sources of Vitamin K2:

    Sauerkraut: Fermented foods like sauerkraut are rich in K2, especially in the form of MK-7.
    Collard Greens: They’re a solid source of Vitamin K, though they contain more K1 than K2.
    Certain Cheeses: Aged cheeses like Gouda and Edam are high in K2.
    Broccoli and Spinach: These are excellent sources of Vitamin K1, but K2 content is lower compared to fermented foods and aged cheeses.
    Blueberries: They have a bit of K1 but are not as rich in K2.

It's great that you’re incorporating spinach powder for its Vitamin K benefits! Balancing different sources can help ensure you're getting a good mix of K1 and K2.
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