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@admin @ragefag @lucykins 
idk if you still think i was gonna abuse my janny power but here's a little qrd for you

>someone spammed loli porn after i leaked adam's info >>>/meta/12240 
>l*te made a shitty soyquote after the loli porn spam >>>/meta/12274 and i think he's portraying me as that yotsuba soyjak
>so i made a post about "if i wanted to raid jarty i could just delete threads (instead of spamming loli porn)" just to tell him that i didn't spam those loli porn 
>i deleted that post because i find it kinda inappropriate
>l*te actually saw that post and then had a schizo meltdown and thought i was gonna abuse my janny power (which i did but only on him >>>/meta/12574 because he likes judging users by their post history)

if i wanted make jarty a 'lita safe space i wouldn't have ignored those spam in 'lita threads >>>/soy/147133 
l*te, ragefag, and stratogem are the actual powertripping faggots what randomly deleted/consolidated threads they don't like 

also dead site geeeeeeeg, where are your "/qa2/ patriots" now ? @JEWT 

also can anyone tell me how to fix thumbnails for videos on the 'ru?
Replies: >>156426
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>To think things could have fallen so far. The soysphere has been completely taken over by anti-loli chuds. It's over...
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*anti-loli trannies
Replies: >>156370
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speaking of trannies...
@everyone did you know that whoever shilled jarty in that thread on shary (likely l*te) said "jarty welcomes all types of trannies"?
that's how desperate this site is, that's how desperate he is 

we already have 4 posters itt though
Replies: >>156371 >>156374
correction 3
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lute used vultr before he moved server back in like 2022, so this is probably him
he is trying so hard to take your site down LOL
Replies: >>156375
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he basically achieved nothing in the past 2 years but trying to take down sharty with muh reports
Replies: >>156376
that thread has so much obvious samefagging when you pay attention to his writing style, it's hilariously pathetic keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Another day of  r/jartydrama
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shouldn't have banned 'lita or became a janny if you never wanted any of this
Replies: >>156379
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It was for the better.
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it's better at your end since you don't actually use this site other than attentionwhoring with your gay porn drawings
Replies: >>156381
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>gay porn drawings
sproke and meds
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>l*te, ragefag, and stratogem are the actual powertripping faggots what randomly deleted/consolidated threads they don't like
I banned you for catty whipping. You have talked all your crap but I let your stuff up. That's all I really have to say 4 your rant.
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>implying you didn't ban me for just replying to that /raid/ thread because you consider yourself "man of a people" >>>/meta/13432 

why are lutecorders so bad at lying? i asked stratogem about his "jarty saving idea thread" >>>/meta/10402 and all he gave me was "i didn't make it" 

your definition of jarty users are essentially "people you like"
Replies: >>156386
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You've had multiple threads revealing info about Lute, me, Ack, and Stratogem(mostly me and Lute). You deliberately omitted the fact that you were ban evading that day and Lute banned you for it, and I decided to do the same. Today, you ban evaded again, and yet I let this slide!
>your definition of jarty users are essentially "people you like"
Iet's say it's a natural selection...
Replies: >>156387
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>Iet's say it's a natural selection...
is that why your site has 4 users?
Replies: >>156388
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There are more repliers than thread makers so your estimate is shit.
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lute banned me for ban evading even though it's not against the rules, you saw it and did the same thing, that doesn't change the fact that you were still powertripping  

>comparing jannying a dead imageboard to shooting up a highschool 
boy oh boy you are cringier than i thought
Replies: >>156391 >>156392
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>lute banned me for ban evading even though it's not against the rules, you saw it and did the same thing, that doesn't change the fact that you were still powertripping  
It's like a unwrtitten rule. Like spambots. They aren't written but we still ban them.
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no it's not 
i specifically asked him about this, you can't ban someone unless they actually posted something that breaks the rule 

at least that's what he said, you have no idea how many random permabans he made
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>I specifically asked him about this
Fair enough, I can’t argue with his words. However, I’ll still ban you for catty whipping. Feel free to keep drama posting.
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nobody asked retard, i can just start spamming again whenever i feel like doing it 

geeeeeg this faggot is thinking about gay porn all day
Replies: >>156397 >>156399
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>I can just start spamming again whenever i feel like doing it 
I don't believe I asked negro.
Replies: >>156398
Give him a whipping for being a bad goy jan jan
Replies: >>156400
self inserted as aryan even though he's a mulatto
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that selfie is megamymy, adam thinks it's me because he's retarded 
i don't live in singapore, swedishfail just dropped a fake ip (they used to call me an indian) 

and your site is still a dead circlejerk consists of one janny and his discord friend sucking admin's cock
Replies: >>156405 >>156411
Are you not "Megamymy"?
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i'm not megamymy but i do like 'zellig and 'lita
Replies: >>156407
On the sharty wiki, it says you hate Joel, why is that?
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i don't hate joel though 
Gigo89 (Vadmir) just added bunch of random shit on that list so it's more entertaining to read or something
Replies: >>156409
Then what's your opinion on him, along with FPE as well?
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so far no proof of that poster being me other than "ragefag says so"
Replies: >>156414
What's your opinion on Kleki, Joel, Satoko etc.?
Replies: >>156415
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Skajyos Q&A thread! GET IN.
Replies: >>156658
Dindu nuffin: The thread
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>so far no proof of that poster being me other than "ragefag says so"
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look it's the zoo 'p spammer 
if you spent at least half as much time moderated the jarty as i did you'd know that poster is megamymy from soyzellig
Replies: >>156422
the absolute state of the j*rty and sh*rty
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>>156364 (OP) 
ok i fixed the video thumbnailing turns out i just need to drop ffmpeg.exe to my root folder
Replies: >>156450
Nobody asked
Did you make
Replies: >>156668
Skajyos made it
dont care + kys skajyos
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