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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at
or at least for the next month:

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I want to remind you something, jakker, friend.
It's not over, and it'll never be over.
You may think the soyjak was special, something to never be replicated again, but this is wrong. It was just one of the first to expand as it did.
there were many memes that had the same editing potential as a soyjak, like spurdo or even troll face, that had the same opportunity to explode.
The only thing we need to do is wait, and see what the next 'soyjak' will be. And it'll be as if /qa/ never left us 
My hope will never die, neither will yours
Replies: >>163526
so is this the wrapping up of soyjaks then? i know its been a long time but i'm still having some fun with it, even if it's nowhere near what it once was.
Replies: >>160880 >>163526
the moment /qa/ died, the meme began to live on borrowed time 
it's past its glory, while still having a bit of use, but for me, that'll die on the 20th
I just ask you to accept the passing of an age, and wait for the creation of a new meme, similar in man ways, for the fun that will be spawned from it will surpass any you have in this dead age
the Internet always evolves, and you should accept its natural cycle
the only way i can see a second coming of soyjaks is if something like covid happens again. 2020-2022 was my favourite time of 'jakking because of all the shit about the vaccine and masks
Replies: >>160882 >>163526
we don't need a second coming
we need something new, to rise from a small community, like /qa/ was
putting jakking on a new life support that lasts as long as the event you've described is not the solution
Replies: >>163526
>borrowed time
Fuck. That hurts to think about it because I've been so invested in this for so long.
>dead age
I was gonna keep posting edits and soyquotes on the shemmy, but I'm starting to reconsider it... but where would we even find this great new meme to spring up? Nothing notable is happening anywhere on 4cuck`, I could browse /bant/ and /s4s/ and /int/ for hours every day and never see any notable new meme start.
Maybe we need to accept this is the end and head out into the real world.
I don't know. I need a sproke.
true, you don't want to be hanging on forever, so i appreciate lute choosing a date as meaningful as the 20th, even if it still hurts and ill probably go back to the shemmy a little after anyway.
Replies: >>163526
the wait may be long and life-draining, but the Internet always spawns something new, and one of those "something new"-s will be edit-worthy to the maximum
that's what kept the meme alive and community flourishing, the edit-worthiness 
if spurdo spawned from the depths of the finnish internet, soyjak was birthed from the mind of a sick swede on /int/, we just need to wait for another place like it
Replies: >>160888 >>163526
i just wonder how we'll even find it at all... the fact i was on 4chan at the right time on the right boards to find 'jakking still amazes me... the next trend will probably pass me by. RIP to an era. I don't even know what to say.
Replies: >>160890 >>163526
>i just wonder how we'll even find it at all
we won't at first, but then you'll see the meme popping up on 4chan's boards, with the poster expecting the other users of it to just 'know'. and by following that, you will find the source, and you will find /qa2/
it always starts with the niche communities, and then it spreads to 4chan proper, where the rest of us will find it
Replies: >>160892 >>163526
i really, really hope so, but deep down i know I'm too old to keep doing this shit. I really have to make the plunge and just drop this shit.
Replies: >>163526
the internet has been dying for years now with shit like discord and normie social media destroying all small website communities but i really feel like this is truly the end. at least i'm going to be spending more time outside now though.
you seem like a really intelligent, measured guy. do you have a cytube username 'teen?
Replies: >>160898 >>163526
Replies: >>160900 >>163526
>at least i'm going to be spending more time outside now though.
there really are ups and downs to everything.
the mainstream internet does feel really dead, i'm just glad i stayed in contact with a few faggots from the soysphere as it died. i'm also glad that sites like the shemmy and especially jarty helped that feeling live on for a little longer before the flame finally died out.
Replies: >>163526
sorry, i didn't realize just how terrible that message sounded.
Replies: >>163526
Replies: >>163526
i've made oc and i will continue to.
sharty was coalier than this site throughout 2023, especially the second half of the year. only this year is when it fell apart.
Replies: >>163526
says the touhoutranny
Replies: >>163526
Replies: >>163526
Everybody should heed this advice.
Jerking off your inflated PPH of FPE spam
It's just some baiting faggot, pay xer dilation no mind.
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and i'm not wrong, sharty already made more oc for jarty's closure than jarty users themselves (0)

i know you faggots too well, you'd rather have a full catalog of wordswordswords about "why sharty is dying" than creating anything of your own GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG
Replies: >>163526
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>and i'm not wrong, sharty already made more oc for jarty's closure than jarty users themselves (0)
>i know you faggots too well, you'd rather have a full catalog of wordswordswords about "why sharty is dying" than creating anything of your own >GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG
Replies: >>163526
This entire thread is just oldcacas growing up. Business remains as usual.
Replies: >>163526
oldgods won though
Replies: >>163526
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>>160877 (OP) >>160878
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as long as pathetic dishreveled nufaggot retrogrades exist soyjakking will always exist in some form or manner, no one is stopping you from mocking fags or ideas again like ye olde /qa/
Replies: >>163588
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