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Before this site dies, can someone please explain to me who this nigger us and what it's supposed to mean?
Why FNF is so hated? Why it's associated with niggers and not faggots, trannies or whatever else? How FNF is related to jarty? Why he wears green shirt, is ut reference to board color? Is FNF a separate website or it's just separate board in jarty with green board? Please give me qrd because I never understood this meme.
Replies: >>164341
nusoicaca boogey man that people became obsessed with, got associated with the jarty because they'd call fnf players pedos for no reason and kuz derided this place to nusoicacas as a pedo den.
Replies: >>164351 >>164381
i think it's just extremely severe autism/mental retardation
Replies: >>164339
Apparently one jartycuck was being annoying on the booru so the boorufags made fun of him and now it's associated with all jartycucks
Replies: >>164341 >>164351
meant for>>164326 (OP) 
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Thanks for the answer bros, lute given up on site tbh. Though I wouldn't be reminded of it if not sh*rtytroons being endlessly obsessed with it.
Replies: >>164383
someone posted fnf a lot and a bulgarian guy got angry so portrayed him as the fnf pedo
Replies: >>164381
Isn't kuz was exposed as cp spamming pedo himself? Lol.
I never ever seen fnf being posted on sharty nor jarty ever, other than hatred toward it. I never understood it as I myself find fnf as gay goyslop, although sneed and /v/tan cartoon was good.
Sad that lute given up*
Marge, why he wears a green shirt doe? Almost as if it's a reference to board color, since original fnf protagonist wear completely different clothings.
Guess I will never get answer to this... :(
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