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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at
or at least for the next month:

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You brought this to yourself L*te. You wanted to make an imageboard with no rules and now it's a shithole everyone makes fun. Who would have thought. Instead of moving on from soot's dick you decided to make this abomination of a site, something nobody would touch, not even 'corders and spergs. You deserve to be made fun of, never come back nigger. Also soytan will never be a gem or atleast a good goonerslop no matter how hard your clitty gets when you see her. The absoLUTE state. KYS nigger.
Replies: >>164597
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You brought this to yourself fr**t. You wanted to make an imageboard for underage right-wing twitter fags and now it's a shithole everyone makes fun of. Who would have thought. Instead of preserving soyjaks as a medium to make fun of people you decided to make that abomination of a site, something that only obsessed underage discords and spergs post on. You deserve to be made fun of, I hope you die nigger. Also slopjaks will never be IAS or at least funny no matter how hard you spastically spam it. The absolute state. KYS nigger.
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if you came before the sharty becuase a retard hive you'd know everyone considered lute  a rulecuck
fr**t mogged him so hard in ruleclittying he's considered some kind of libertarian freedom loving norulescuck by the standards of today
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die furKIKE DIE you will HANG you will BURN. the wGOD REICH will have you SLAUGHTERED.
Replies: >>164457
Marge when was lute considered a rulecuck?
Replies: >>164460 >>164477
Teeny tiny shitskin mudslime 12 year old nigger award
Replies: >>164463
first cuck to ban DNB in the soysphere and im not kidding
he also banned soyjak log dueling
Replies: >>164477 >>164520
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china-pinyGODS will have you HUNG AND BURN western fur-vaxxed KIKE
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I think the rulescuck-norulescuck dichotomy doesn't really make too much sense. my administration was both rulescucked and norulescucked in different ways in different times for better or worse.

The first day of the jarty was much more restrictive until a 'teen emailed me and wanted me to experiment with the /liberty/-pill. I largely don't regret this, but it was the thing that influenced me to tolerate soylita niggers longer than I should have. They were aids and my toleration of them was a complete mistake, I should have been as hostile to them as I was to gore spammers. 

DNB was off-siter pedo-sadist garbage and I do recall being the first to ban it. No regrets there.

every site is like this, including the sharty. No one wants to get raided even if they do raid.
how much time do we have left (in hours)
Replies: >>164488
I don't have a specific number, i just intent to shut the site off after 6 pm CST on the 20th, will be on a whim at that point. Might set a time for it.
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retarded faggot 
on sharty spamming soyjaks is allowed, forcing new variants is allowed, even when they do ban you it's usually just 30 minutes (unless it's botspam), and they don't just ip delete you unless you posted something really awful 

on j*rty you get 2 weeks ban for the slightest offense such as gore and spam, any new meme that triggers tranny jannies is an "avatar", your site is only free when it comes to anti-sharty discussions and porn
Replies: >>164538 >>164542
>DNB was off-siter pedo-sadist garbage and I do recall being the first to ban it. No regrets there.
bigest gayest faggot award no wonder why your shithole failed
>Cobson 'nvke for speaking the trvth
Shut it down goyim
DNB is gemmy and is chud/soy culture that has nothing to do with pedo/sadism but pure hatred toward niggers. Froot was hated fiercely once he banned it, and soon any dead niggers were banned as overton's window shifted too hard.
I used 4chad /qa/ in 2021 as /pol/ migrant because it was less poisoned with jannies than /pol/ so no, DNB was unironic chuds just baiting and trying to scare off twatter/jewtube migrants, it gas nothing to do with pedo and nobody see it that way. Sharty was always chaotic and aggressive like encyclopedia dramatica, which is why I enjoyed it during 2022-2023 when chudmaxxing materials were allowed to be posted. My favourite were hitlerwave and chud mp4s. You should have both /soy/ and /b/ Lute, one for comfy jakking and other for anything else, or /jak/ and /soy/ where first for only jaks and soy allow chudcels in.
Replies: >>164528
lute thinks showing gay furry soytan porn to kids on matrix is oldfag sharty culture
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>DNB is gemmy and is chud/soy culture that has nothing to do with pedo/sadism but pure hatred toward niggers. Froot was hated fiercely once he banned it, and soon any dead niggers were banned as overton's window shifted too hard.
>I used 4chad /qa/ in 2021 as /pol/ migrant because it was less poisoned with jannies than /pol/ so no, DNB was unironic chuds just baiting and trying to scare off twatter/jewtube migrants, it gas nothing to do with pedo and nobody see it that way. Sharty was always chaotic and aggressive like encyclopedia dramatica, which is why I enjoyed it during 2022-2023 when chudmaxxing materials were allowed to be posted. My favourite were hitlerwave and chud mp4s. You should have both /soy/ and /b/ Lute, one for comfy jakking and other for anything else, or /jak/ and /soy/ where first for only jaks and soy allow chudcels in.
gore ban plus doxing fucking ruined the sharty for me and filled it with annoying newtranny filth
i liked the balance the sharty had between chuds and trannies but when that got tipped over it just wasn't as good for me
Replies: >>164542 >>164563
Brapjos why so leaky today?
the sharty hasn't made any relevant meme that has left its sphere since the kuz era. the site is culturally dead. 

If you enjoy the discords forcing nas that isn't useful for soyquoting though, there is a site for you: 

I sympathize with this, soyjaks are fun when there is conflict and arguments, but the era when the site was just a constant flow of dead child images and doxing literal whos on twitter during the froot administration was abhorrent. the site just devolved the site into edgy discord-tier behavior. 

None of that had anything to do with soyjaks and it wasn't making fun of anything. It was just loser behavior on part of the soyboys soyjaks originally made fun of. At least Kuz's adminsitration, for all the gay admin drama, had IAS soyjaks with soy quotes.
What are you gonna do after the jarty, still gonna post soyjacks?
Replies: >>164555 >>164555
i honestly have no idea how you can come up with these retarded narratives when froot was the one who banned dnb and meanwhile the log was full of dnb back in 2022.
Replies: >>164555 >>164555
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>if i had a nickel for every time a libfart owner who founded an alternative to a rulecucked website with the objective of creating a bastion of free speech actually became a tyrant who bretayed his own values i'd have two nickels
imageboards as a format do not work well with the /liberty/ concept since you can't keep shitters away and the site is easily influenced by discord servers. The jarty was great for awhile until the soysphere as a whole got worse, then it was necessary to impose restriction and that scared people off. The site was never going to be able to last forever realistically given how broken imageboards are as a modern format.

>lute what are your thoughts on godjakking
actually pretty funny.

I can't say too much, but I will still post soyjaks when they're funny to post even if the nusoisphere is god awful.

only because he was forced to by domain hosting providers, he wants it back if you saw the leaks of his discord server. Seethe as much as you want but DNB glorifies child torture as much as CP does and you're no better than the CP spammers who spam that shit to "totally own the trannies". Even kuz eventually recognized this when he posted about it on or whatever his trump larp website was called.
Replies: >>164587
What kind of sick projection is this?
Trvke. All the gore spam for me was like "oh it's gore thread *skip*". I wasn't annoyed or repulsed by it, some 'cado edits were pure gold, an avant-garde tier post-modernism art where gore and gayporn is no more a repulsing shock value post, but a meta-irony joke, like we mock the very nature of gore/gaypornpost by turning it in to a funny meme video which proves us to be so oldfags that we no longer get triggered by it. Did that made us selfish little desensitive spastic sadist pedo spergs? No. It just means being mature and control your inner impulses of repulsion, see it as "is it what it is, we can't change it so we accept it as something that exist". Meanwhile comfy and wholesome soyjaks threads were still welcome, my favourite were interactive adventure threads where anon in next post say new event of a story. Overall, chuddies larping as tranny soyjaks, soyboys larp as chuddies, all had fun.

Lute, I have nothing against you and your rulecucking, and I will surely miss your website despite almost never using it until recently as that funny boogeyman we had and sure would love if you continue to run it despite all the hate, but you gotta understand that culture balances itself out eventually. Gore spamming chuds will soon get bored if you stop giving them attention and focus on their content, banning only provokes them to ban evade and do raid, thus slopjaks were born. The sad truth is that most of these brown pedotranny distorted jartycuck slopjaks were created and spammed by oldfag jarty users, they got triggered when site got more strict, which is what happened when froot banned DNB - site was spammed with legit CP every day for hours till their sharty domain shut down and they moved to and implemented even more cloudflare captchafaggotry. Maybe some oldfagGOD will buy the domain and jarty will rise from ashes even if Lute be gone, but he will surely be never be forgotten.
furaryanism and homosexuality is jarty culture sweatie…
Replies: >>164571
I always thought that people begging for 'cado and dnb to get banned were baiting but it turns out sharty admins were all retarded enough to listen to it unironically.
>"oh it's gore thread *skip*"
Replies: >>164582
having no website will soon also be 
This thread just proves my point
kek what an awful gay tranny faggot community
2 years it's still just sharty/kuz obsession
this is the biggest difference between sharty and j*rty 
they're actually having fun there while you arguing over why a site you claim to hate isn't good enough for you
Replies: >>164581
>Gore spamming chuds will soon get bored if you stop giving them attention and focus on their content, banning only provokes them to ban evade and do raid, thus slopjaks were born.
I'm very aware of this cycle and I tried to avoid it, but seeing the travesty that was when it was a constant flow was not something I was interested in turning this site into. 

The ban did curb gore posters from posting here, it was successful, but I think it alienated most people who would have been decent posters and would have integrated into the culture. Rather that's good or bad is up to you, but I greatly dislike most of the phases of nusharty culture and didn't want this place to become that.

>sure would love if you continue to run it despite all the hate
I think it's best that the jarty closes to stop being that boogey man. If the culture cannot innovate from here, then it's really dead by all metrics.

>most of these brown pedotranny distorted jartycuck slopjaks were created and spammed by oldfag jarty users, they got triggered when site got more strict, which is what happened when froot banned DNB
I think that's only that skyajos guy who was one of the big pushers for me keeping the soylita posters on the site despite them being an active poison.
BRAPjos, say what you want but i've tried using the nusharty. i didn't have fun on it. the threads were crap, the bait was crap, and there was nothing creative, fresh, or new. The old sharty of creative people using soyjaks is long gone and the userbase was replaced with literal children. you can >HURR DURR MUH SHARTY EPIC AND GOOD AND FUN

all you want, but im not having fun. So I quit posting there. Similarly, i'm not having fun here so im killing this place and won't be posting here again after it's over. 

why are you even so obsessed with this place, anyways? really, it's about to go down and you won't be able to obsess anymore. why spend countless hours spamming slopjaks here only for them to be cleaned up by that bot I made?
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Truth be told, I was in that thread the day before the frootard banned DNB. The thread was talking about gore or 'cado gay shit or tranny mutilation and how it's bad or something, I can't remember. However, it was ME who first compared the gore/whatever to DNB, I said something "how X is le bad when DNB is good and dandy?". Obviously I never wanted DNB to be gone because it was funny and scared tourists away, it was material used by chudchads to REmoralise the hatred toward niggers that they deserve. Many said that they want "if x is gone, then ban dnb as well" as a form of bait, myself including.
I am sorry for what I did, I regret it now...
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>He became what he swore to destroy
>A selfish little fuck.
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This thread proves what your site has devolved into. Started with projecting and ended with discord and faggotry.  It's kinda sad now, because i liked the idea
Replies: >>164598 >>164598
man the sites dying and you gotta spam furry porn. there's a coal thread for you guys, please go there.
Replies: >>164595
Do you still browse 4chan, if so what boards/interests?
Replies: >>164598 >>164598
this is j*rty culture for lute
the more kids who look at this the merrier
Replies: >>164598 >>164598
This is the corniest thing I ever read. Your a 15 year old chronic gooner not a genius unbothered baiter.
Replies: >>164596
link me to the coal thread and I’ll post the stuff on there
tsmt he should go be more normie and jerk off to 15 year olds on instagram
>>164436 (OP) 
the entire soysphere is ending with discord and faggotry, not just this place. I'm just willing to cut my losses since this isn't what I wanted the site to become. 

I use 4cuck more often than I used to since posting quality there is somehow better than on any of the soyjak sites. I used to use /g/ until the jannies just gave up on it (rip install gentoo wiki). /r9k/ is fucking horrible, but I use it to make garbage bait threads. 

Imageboards in general just fucking suck, but somehow the internet sucks more. I may pull a kuz and quit the internet while ranting about it being evil, but I do have hope something better will come eventually, at least for some time.

the site is 18+. I don't know why the sharty has a culture of spamming dead children and porn but isn't 18+. I think it's just absurd that they larp as "based traditional nigger haters" when they do this.

This is the only place where i see discord and faggotry, stop projecting. Not even shemmy and swinny are this awful
Replies: >>164605 >>164609
>Imageboards in general just fucking suck, but somehow the internet sucks more. I may pull a kuz and quit the internet while ranting about it being evil, but I do have hope something better will come eventually, at least for some time.
I hope people come to realize that social media isn't worth it and ruined the internet so we can all go back to using less pozzed websites
Replies: >>164605
Lute can you drop your 50gb soyjak folder plz
Replies: >>164605
>the site is 18+. I don't know why the sharty has a culture of spamming dead children and porn but isn't 18+. I think it's just absurd that they larp as "based traditional nigger haters" when they do this.
well now thats a big piece of important information i didn't know this place was 18
you should put a prominent disclaimer on the page if you are serious
and yeah most sharty users haven't been traditional nigger or tranny haters for years now
Replies: >>164605
what the fuck is this deader than the j*rty fail?

they literally just had e-drama over an election and now the site's population is debating rather the new dev they got is a tranny. most of the staff are as burnt out as me, from what i'm seeing, and just doesn't care anymore. 

The sharty also has gone through so many rounds of garbage admin discord e-drama that the literal owner of the site's discord was leaked. Cope all you want, but the sharty is literally a discord colony at this point used by unfunny faggots. no amount of cope can save you, the site is culturally dead.

The entire soysphere has terminal discord cancer on every part of it an no amount of "MY DYING SITE IS BETTER" will fix that. The sharty sucks, the shemmy sucks, and the jarty sucks. At least I'm not going to be a faggot and put this thing down.

fact nvke

maybe, I have a folder for jarty OC and stuff I made that may not be archived on any booru. 

its in the rules dipshit.
I wish i found out about the soysphere much earlier. I only found out about it about a year ago but i feel like thats the point where most people would consider it to be “culturally dead” Soot and Kuz era seemed like fun, sad i missed out on it and now the sites just became a cordtroon hellspace
Replies: >>164610 >>164622
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>the swinny(who hold all the newfag opinions i agree with) is... le discord!  
my god, they dont even consider sites that have the exact same rulecuckery as the sharty to be "discord free", they just think any site that isnt the sharty or twitter is "the le heckin evil discord of giggly goonclown or something"
might as well label as discord too
Replies: >>164613
2022 was the peak
2023 was the slow ruining
Replies: >>164612
the new shemmy dev was just albert larping apparenly
Replies: >>164622
Tsmt imagine not having known what the sharty was like before brimstone like fnfpedo or euromutt.
>>164609 is discord because soyteens don’t have jobs
Replies: >>164615
imagine being a discord employee and browsing soy imageboards
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glad you asked
i don't care about you, none of you obsessed liberty trannies mean anything to me
what i do care about is the potential of this domain, jartycuck slopjak is the only good original meme that came out of this shithole and it can't die like this, maybe i can turn the site around with actual good management
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Just shut down this dead nigger of a site already
<Plebbit space
There's absolutely nothing you can do to improve this site other than changing your stupid mind about soy culture, but of course that's something you will REFUSE to do, because of how much of a proud faggot you are
I hate to defend the orange sperg, but xe is a way better admin than you, not in every aspect, of course
Badbye niggers, Gigachad out.
Replies: >>164622
Marge, is this bait?
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I won
j*rtycvcks lost
The site was great during soot's era, but the start of the end was in Kuz's. It was still usable during that time (hell i would cross post every once in awhile), but it just went to shit mid way through his reign.

Just post and have fun where you can. If you're not having fun, don't post. Eventually, with enough experimenting, things will be fun again. 

Some of the most fun besides the sharty i've had has been just fucking around with friends on voice calls and sending people dumb memes. Perhaps the best way to use the internet is to keep it personal and to avoid communities. I'll have to think on that more.

literally larping as a real woman. thats valid as fuck.

im going to renew the domain for awhile just to spite you.
BRAP on you esl fail mutt soylita spamming pedophile.

i don't like nusoi culture and don't owe anyone my time or money to run it.
Hi lute, I used to use this place during the kuz era, but it became pointless once he got booted
Replies: >>164626
>dodges the question and rambles about shit nobody cares about
Only in singapore maneeee
Replies: >>164642
that's fair. did you have fun when you posted here or nah. do you still use soyjak websites? if so, how do you have fun with the 2024 sharty?
Brappy, bro, please tell me, why are you so obsessed? Genuine question. I don't try to offend you or anything skayjos, but why are you so fixated on jarty? Is soylita something that you can't live without?
Replies: >>164642
you're ugly
Replies: >>164642
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i love you lutey
do you think the “rapid degeneration into troonjak spam” in the last days of /kwah/ was a ‘cord takeover?
One thing I do have to ask exactly is, why did you have to thrn this site into a porn-addict gooner hellhole? I never used this site prior to finding out about the soysphere but from what I heard this site was good at one point but why the fuck did you so openly allow soylita and soytan porn? Also why did you decide to make the mascot of this site Soytan? Did you find xer to be like a good mascot or was it something else?
Replies: >>164652
Been around since 2019 /qa/, I enjoyed this place more because child porn wasn't left up for hours

I do still use soyjak sites

I do have fun with 2024 sharty, cultures change, it's a natural progression, so I've grown used to it. It's great if you just ignore the admin drama, the only people who care about that stuff are actual children or discord trannies. I like the way their staff is now too, the new manager regularly interacts with us, unlike any previous ones! It's also the most CSAM resistant site in the entire soysphere, which is something any splinter really struggles with


I'm unbothered and having fun, I do give a fuck
Replies: >>164638 >>164652
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Also lute, do you like pepelaugh?
Replies: >>164652
pedophile grandpa who's WAY out of his element. You still think kuz runs sharty, don't you? Just step down and stop capcoding you faggot
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whatever, i wouldn't be surprised if you randomly put j*rty back online in the future, you are too obsessed to let it go

i'm not singaporean, the age of consent in my country is lower than 15 so take a wild guess 

soylita will always be a gem 

that photo isn't me though, you don't know me yet
stay luuuute stay
lute genuine question right here right now how much would it be for me to buy the domain?
Replies: >>164646 >>164652
enough for him to buy a soylita themed sex doll
dont let them buy the domain
make sure to archive this thread before you shut the site down
Replies: >>164652
dude im so sick of people equating DNB to CP, its literally on twitter
i don't like dnb at all because i don't like gore
but if you allow gore you should allow dnb - it makes no sense to me
it's ok for an adult to be tortured and skin flayed but not a child?
they're both human beings you fucking freak
Replies: >>164652 >>164653
>but why the fuck did you so openly allow soylita
I did not want to step on toes and piss more users off. BRAPJos got mad at me when I wanted to remove it. I did not want to punish innocent usage of soylita and also had removed the avatarfag rule that prevented much of the self-insert coal that killed the sharty. I also foolishly thought they could be integrated into the site. 

I was clearly wrong and it was a mistake to tolerate them. They're banned now and my only regret was not doing it sooner.

>and soytan porn
The same reason that I allowed nickacado coinslot: It was shock coal, but shock coal that could be contained and be used to create fun fighting. The soytan obsession stuff was rather funny because people would soy quote each other about being coomers and make fun of each other. It was like the sharty boogey man stuff but a bit more IAS. In small quantities, it was fine.

>why did you decide to make the mascot of this site Soytan
It was the mascot during the soot era until kuz changed it to the swedejak. Since the idea of the jarty was to be a sootist splinter, it made sense to use soot's mascot.

If you're having fun, go ahead and do it. I would just remain suspicious of the admins given their awful track record. Also the horrible data mining scripts froot openly puts on the site are just abysmal.

pepe laugh is funny and the culture around making fun of nusoicacas feels like more of a progression of the sharty's anti-janny flare then whatever the fuck the sharty is now. 

>the age of consent in my country is lower than 15 so take a wild guess
>soylita will always be a gem 

make an offer, i'm not above selling it, but it'll have to be something so great it somehow surpasses my desire to keep promises (I told stratogem and prizma I would rather shut the site down than sell it, I would like to keep that promise).

I'll likely turn off posting when im done with the site and do one final archive in its final state before setting up the final static page and getting the jartchive torrent online. I'm still sorting through a lot of stuff for that, but I hope to make it happen in time. I'll just have to figure out a way to lock everything, I'm guessing i'll just write a script to lock every board.

child suffering lover cacas... what is this?
posted it again award
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goodbye my baby blue
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Replies: >>164657 >>164672
sorry to interrupt saars but just know that if ur horny you can go to my thread and edge to furboys :3
it’s all handpicked from my e621 favorites
Replies: >>164661
aw hell nah
Replies: >>164660
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Would you rather have £0 or £50?
Replies: >>164662
you WILL ignore this fail
I want zero europoor dollars because I promised stratoGOD something and that's more valuable to me than your ESL money.
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lute is NOT jewish confirmed
i don't care for the suffering of children, but i don't care for the suffering of adults either. i think no matter what you have a human dying and it's abhorrent, but it makes no difference to me if it's a child or not. so the question is, why do you enjoy human suffering?
Replies: >>164736
i'll buy it for $1000 in btc
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this is a very financially irresponsible decision
Replies: >>164670
Wallet address?
Replies: >>164670
yap yap yap
just kys fnf pedo nigger
i was a crypto millionaire it's nothing to me
no you aren't doxxing me
Replies: >>164671 >>164673
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Replies: >>164674
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£100, it's charity for a joke site like this 

both soylita and soytan are gems nusoyfags are just gay
Replies: >>164677 >>164733
bro made it vanish in blow blackjack and hookers
i still have a high 6 figure sum
but the feds seized most of my money
Drop the wallet address you skinny nigger
Replies: >>164682
my wife arisu though
i find it kind of weird how much newfags have demonised soylita albeit there is nothing pedophillic about the jak
you could have banned porn of it and be done with it
says a lot about how they view children
Replies: >>164680 >>164684
the pedo scare hath gone too far...
>feds seized your money
tell us more
tax evasion? ponzi scheme?
Replies: >>164682
i hope someone pours acid on your mother's face in real life chainalysis kike
I will miss you faggots like you can't believe it, the skayjos vs lute fight is the most hilarious shit I heard in awhile. Someone please draw a fanart of of lute and skayjos french kissing while natecuck, shemmycuck and swinnycuck obsessively fap to them, I am getting horny reading your little sexy brawl.

Also skayjos you're probably japgook if your aoc is beyond 15.
When shitlita wasn't banned it was used for pedophilia 90% of the time
keeping the site up to attentionwhore award
lute i am not gonna bother emailing you i know you're reading this thread
if i seriously offered you $1000 would you consider selling it?
surely he would
i would contribute to this as well
i will pay you in almost any cryptocurrency if you wish, but i prefer xmr
if you buy it what will you do with it btw
Replies: >>164696
mid ahh sum
Anyways lute when exactly are you pulling the plug?
Replies: >>164695
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read the blotter bruh
idk maybe just keep it running. but i promise you it will be much much gemmier than whatever the fuck we have right now
Replies: >>164698
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None of you discord immigrant sh*rty trannies can read.
Replies: >>164703
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make me a janny if you do cryptogod
Replies: >>164701 >>164704
lute dont sell the site to that nigger
keep it down
Replies: >>164702
just give the site to kuz lil bro 💀
Replies: >>164705
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rejecting $1000 for the jarty would be delusional tbh regardless of principles
I'm just here for the shutdown
jarty needs a lot more janitors
sure thing provided you do your job properly
luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute answer xim
Replies: >>164712
Zmy favouri min abit tshi sihh ii thi thines
i don't think he wants to sell and i am being completely serious.
even willing to go up to 2k and i think paying just $100 for this domain is cringe.
i'm leaving in a bit but i'll leave this thread open on my pc to see if he replies here and then i'll email him
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Replies: >>164736
saar what should we call you if you buy it
>telling him the max you'll pay
now he's gonna charge you 2k retard
worst negotiator award
Replies: >>164720
i know he's here but doesn't want to reply
Replies: >>164722
Artgods, please do it!
if he leaves you here alone with your thoughts for much longer you're more likely to offer more
lute do not sell this website to a random faggot
let the jarty rest in peace, soy culture died in late 2022
Replies: >>164725 >>164731
brimstone nushartycuck forced meme
lute give the site to luke smith
Replies: >>164727 >>164729
wtf actually do this
offer it to him for the maymay
Bro what are you even gonna use jarty for, cartel offshore money laundering website or add secret board to sell tickets to Epstein island?
>j*rtycvcks still haven't realised that he IS Luke Smith and the "LARP" is a double bluff
gemstone oldjartygod organic meme
Skayjos, will you compete with this anon >>164712 for the site's domain?
What would you do if you buy the website or domain?
Replies: >>164767
I don't and that's why I think gore is bad

send your wallet address to prove you have the money

the final coal of the jarty

brapxico furkike fail
Replies: >>164737 >>164738
Lute notice me
ok i will email you if you will not be taking down your email server as well? or is there better way i should contact you?
Replies: >>164739 >>164741
what will you do with the website if lute lets you buy it? what will be the rules
the email server will be fine for a month. I was planning on putting this out for when the site closes, but here:

that's my xmpp address.
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luuuuute there's fucking 'p in the thread
luuuuuute the 'p is still up
i know theres like one janny left but still its been 5 minutes
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>luuuuuute the 'p is still up
>i know theres like one janny left but still its been 5 minutes
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Lute, if you're still here, can you please explain the Jarty-user mascot? Not the jartycuck slopjak, but the original Jarteen, the white guy with black hair and blue-black t-shirt. I know he's based of nate, but why blue tshirt, and why hair was black? What Jarteen supposed to represent?
Replies: >>164763 >>164767
my guess
nate had a red shirt, so the rival to nate would obviously be blue
black hair probably also to provide contrast to nate being blonde
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no way i'm paying 2k for this domain but here's my idea >>159401 
there're too many alternatives now no matter who buys the domain j*rty would be just as dead without anarchy 

it's forced by that one faggot who also invented sean (originally mascot) and many other splinter recolors, they don't have meanings
Replies: >>164772 >>164780
I seen that post being screencapped on sw*nni, unless it's you who made screencap thread.
Brappy, why can't you just make your own splinter with blackjack and 'p?
How do you plan to buy domain once jakparty one expires?
What would you do if that one anon buy the jarty for 1-2k, continue spamming slopjaks?
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finally, discord 'p from our our BRAPyrian GOD
also i originally made sean for a made up splinter that didn't exist and then posted it once on the shemmy and it caught on.
Replies: >>164781
lute did you accept that guys offer
Replies: >>164782
he never sent me it
Replies: >>164783 >>164788
TBH even if someone buys the jarty the only way to save this site in my opinion is to completely nuke everything and start over so you may as well just make a new site.
Replies: >>164787
Also since most gemmy users are too busy to run an imageboard or have moved on it probably wouldn't be as fun as the first year of the jarty
Go make the glarty o algo
remember when you made code to auto reply to all soylita posts 1 month ago? you should make that code public so it can be used to auto delete soylita posts like your slopjak moving bot
Replies: >>164924
Replies: >>164940 >>165004
cheers mate
so that's the whole filter? you just write stuff like "deformed brown person with big lips", "young blonde girl wearing blue dress", etc?
Replies: >>165011
yeah basically, just describe the coal you want to get rid of and it'll hook into the site and get rid of it. It's not perfect, but it was based on the same tech used.
Replies: >>165015 >>165022
actually for a funny, I will drop the the anti j*rtycvck phrases I use:

"a distorted drawing of someone with brown skin",
"contains a distored drawing of someone with brown skin",
"a distorted drawing of someone with brown skin with badges",
"contains a distored drawing of someone with brown skin with badges",
"a drawing of a someone with brown skin vomiting while wearing a pastel shirt",
"contains a drawing of a someone with brown skin vomiting while wearing a pastel shirt",
"a warped image with pastel colors",
"a drawing of a someone with someone with giant lips, brown hair, and white liquid on his lips.",
"contains a drawing of a someone with someone with giant lips, brown hair, and white liquid on his lips.",
"a drawing of someone who has buck teeth and a noose around his neck and a speech bubble.",
"contains a drawing of someone who has buck teeth and a noose around his neck and a speech bubble.",
"a drawing of a someone with blue skin and a black beard with a speech bubble above his head.",
"contains a drawing of a someone with blue skin and a black beard with a speech bubble above his head.",
"not a drawing",
"image only contains text",
"a drawing where the subject does not have brown skin"


Ultimately its a cat and mouse game for this kind of stuff since bans just don't work on imageboards.
Replies: >>165022
that's actually quite advanced for an imageborard
geeeeg do you think the reason it didn't work is because you spelled 'distorted' wrong?
Replies: >>165032
wow I did, esl fail on my part.
the tool was originally made for CP and it just wasn't good at telling if something was CP in most cases. It was mostly due to being terrible at detecting children. My theory is that it was due to the 'p spammers having adults in the mix and it tripped up the bot, even when I said "It contains one child" it would skip actual CP when a spammer or bot posted it on the site.
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