
No NAS /soy/ - The first ever - MJGA - Make Jarty Great again - Make Jakking Great Again

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>Board bump
>This post will self destruct
>>Also what the fuck is going on in here
No nas. thats it.
>alpha bux, beta bux
>why the long face?
>>/soy2/ - No NAS /soy/
>>No NAS /soy/ - The first ever - MJGA - Make Jarty Great again - Make Jakking Great Again
>>This board won't always be moderated so most catty cleansings will be done by bulk deletions. If you want to be a janny tell me how because i'm too retarded.
>quoting your own thoughts isn't real soyjakking even doe you have the thoughts of a soiboi wojak
>i will be lenient but i can't even tell if this is a jak or not and it's not high quality anyway so i'm deleting it
>future jaks will be treated more leniently but this guy is just posts the same coal day after day
>im giving you some notice before i delete it so you can know why your post got deleted statist bastard son of bitch
>i am the night
bumping the board

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