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where cemmy drawthread go
attentionwhore faggot ragequit after i called him out for his cuckoldry not drawing my gemmy 'lita shoyta shoujo ai request
Replies: >>1244
It wasn’t going the way I wanted to. The draw thread was meant for other drawfags to participate but it ended up just me drawing stuff. So it was a fail thread. 
Gawd you,re so fucking gay.
Replies: >>1246 >>1252
>deletes thread because drawfags(who are already a minority) didnt join his thread in the 0.5pph site
Replies: >>1247
Well yeah. I don’t see why I can’t experiment. I should have known it would be failed from the start doe but it’s all over now. Idc anymore.
Replies: >>1248
draw shoyta and soylita getting changed out of their Soylent Gakuen Girls' Academy seifuku into their cute pink pajamas for the night
Replies: >>1250
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posting this here because you deleted your thread before i could finish it 

also draw this character in your style if you're still taking requests
Replies: >>1253
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artDEITY and shadeGOD I KNEEL. Where you the one who made Sproketan? I seriously like your designs they are so creative holyshit and I like your Soytan stuff too. I drew just a quick scketch. I hope you like it.
Replies: >>1254
it's very cute thanks
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