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I'm wanting to get into art (outside of soyjakking) and I don't know where to start. Anyone got any good videos or guides? (Ik I'm not smart)
only draw shit from your hyper-fixation so you become a big fish in a little pond
go to drawing improvement generals - /dig/ on 4cuck >>>/trash/ they have plenty of sources (including a folder with a shit ton of books for anything you like) and for poses

other than that start with basics (yeah i know) like shapes and perspective and try to get more complex each time
after that start gesture drawing (if you master anatomy first then all you are gonna draw is a bunch of stupid boring chudcel statues)
then anatomy

as for channels i like david finch and drawlikeasir for drawing humans ect
a nigger that i forgot his name
and stephen travers art if you wanna go full hitler and just draw buildings

try to fill up at least a single (or multiple if you are serious) page/paper a day because consistency is key and your top priority
and "just draw bro" is bad advice, what you should do instead is try to investigate your errors in your previous works and try to avoid them in the future
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