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the coaliest, most tranny horrorfags are about to infest some 2000s internet aesthetic kino. it's so fucking over.
eric wise.... guy used to read some classic internet creepies that you could just >SOYFACE at but now is just another sponsor-ridden faggot thats immediately forgotten after the next goyslop video plays, as shallow as it gets, shame really
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Replies: >>605
It's just a bunch of shitty 240p flipnote animations but it's miles better than the current crop of "ARGs" that all revolve around gay sex with puppets (welcome home, walten files) or discord drama (the rest)
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>It's just a bunch of shitty 240p flipnote animations but it's miles better than the current crop of "ARGs" that all revolve around gay sex with puppets (welcome home, walten files) or discord drama (the rest)
Someone ask Charles Stiles to release the drone
>the video the monster under my bed depicts the main character laying in bed then being killed by something. this demonstrates a stereotypical fear kids had when growing up of a monster under their bed
No shit? Why do soytubers state the obvious?
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>I hope that you're doing ok. you're one of my favorite artists right now and I love the work that you're doing. If you are struggling right now just know that we all support youand look forward to whatever you're going to do next thank you for watching and I will see you on the flip side
Replies: >>567
>everyone who makes le creepy animated shorts is mentally ill/depressed because I said so
does anyone have the copypasta about being a psychopath because you le twitched an eye
The worst part is she accidentally made some pretty good guro and piss play stuff.
Replies: >>600
trvthnvke, but you didn't have to say it
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never said it was good as in enjoyable, but its just that he's right that the nia person did that.
How are rape victims always the best artfags
Replies: >>606 >>607 >>608
Trauma or something
>rape victim ev&0e the series is made by some russian edgelord who manages another art channel with a similar style
Replies: >>611
>How are rape victims always the best artfags
because rape victims, in a sick irony, make the best women
they're fidgety, clingy, need care, attention, and protection
they also pee themselves a lot due to trauma and stress (science to back this up: and that's cute
Replies: >>609
>piss fetish
Nigga you nasty
Replies: >>610 >>615
>caring for a cute, fragile woman in her most embarrassing and humiliated of moments is le bad because like... piss is bad and like... you just have to abuse her and choke her like the rest of us or you're le weird or something okay?
Replies: >>612
cite your source
Replies: >>613
Pee pee is gross i don’t know how that’s a abusive
Replies: >>615
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Sorry had to go shit and was in kind of a rush, this is the channel I was on about
Replies: >>614
>first vid uploaded 5 years ago
>I can’t sleep first uploaded 2 years ago
Holy shit Xhes right
>pee pee is gross even though it's mostly water and some other chemicals and contains less bacteria in it than spit (which you happily put into girls mouths all the time)
pee is not even that bad, especially if you have a well-hydrated girl
>i don’t know how choking women is abusive because im a retarded little fuck who thinks hurting people during sex is le good
Replies: >>616
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>not liking women who piss themselves means you’re AN ABUSER
Replies: >>618
>liking women who piss themselves le bad because i HATE caring for women
As good as it is animated, it's nothing special, really.
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People really getting riled up over some Newgrounds-ass looking 
horror cartoons.
Replies: >>684
4cuck  /co/ niggers love this gay edgy brimstone for some reason
Replies: >>883
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they like it because its "hecking old 2009 internet so KINO KINO gold! so nostalgic even though i wasnt even alive then  it makes my twp twitch in my clitty cage its so old horror KINO KINO amazing scary woooo!!! i miss when internet was decentralized and no racist pricks used it and hidden obscure gems whatsoever!!!" and "woahhh why would this happen this is so mysterios like... some sort of puzzle we have to solve wat the meaning of this omg omg omg ??" to them
Replies: >>685 >>686
no meme arrow...
Replies: >>687
i loathe these kinds of people
thats what i looked like typing that post
Artificial nostagia, you know
Replies: >>884
irs good though
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