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w7-890 here officially speaking sorry for the plebbit lingo stratokike this is VERY important please dont delete it
this serves as a rudimentary thread for discussing pirate websites and accessing paywalled content in general (not just porn and cheap steam games)
it might not come handy for now but if you were to ever get banned or your posts magically deleted on IBs for no reason at all this is the right place to come and all forms of schizo posting is welcome here (i will update this thread as needed)
bonus points for including drama from "imageboard furries" and japs as necessary (looking at you u18chan and fakku) plus feel free to add screencaps images for proof or if xe/xem goes damage control mode in our little /bunker/ board
plz dont bully this is my first time making a shitty general i might edit this later on if i get mod access also i HATE /co/ and /ic/ so much its unreal its almost like the mods there are wannabe tumblrites pretending to be adobe experts
as much as possible please refrain from witch hunting jewish artists or blatantly shitting on the admins for their past wrongs i want this thread to be as unbiased as possible free from tranny janny censorship thanks to lutes neutral stance

>>909 (check this one out)
ooh thanks ill keep those fresh catbox links and thanks for the amazon free book
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the kemono party furshit oc will NEVER be a jak
we all know you are sad that ktan didn't get more fanart no need to shill it here
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geg the filipnigger really is a furfag
he's begging you all for information on furry pirate sites so he can goon to getting FURRED
> (copied from)
Anonymous 10/31/23 (Tue) 15:40:49 No.32836
there is exactly one mod on this chan who mostly says everything is fine and deletes posts maybe not after all amirite

moving over to kaguranon asap, lets hope will be smart enough to not parade on twitter and not name it after furries while pretending its a yiff namesake and nothing more and stays the hell away from kemono as a whole ban and delete at will powertripping AnonMod "Future Alpha Tester" RedditJojo Soyjamie, you the bird and the cat ruined this place with sheer laziness and muh depression i dont enjoy banning people pls understand its a mask lmao get bent no more imports from me for this long-dying site and ill make sure to pass the word everywhere
so what exactly did he mean by this?
the jannies appear to be deleting comments pertaining to takeaticket keep this in mind for future mentions
also what is this new paysite about? i did not archive the google cache in time WELP
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