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<I'm not interested in going around in circles in this thread anymore. If you want to change the avatarfag rule, then make a thread requesting for its change and give good reasoning for it. Just insulting the site on /meta/ is the same shit the cobson laughing (also known as fatcat/MarMar, a /qa/fe pedophile) spammer did. It's unproductive and does not belong on /meta/: a serious board related to site quality.

<If you actually care about the state of the site and believe the rule goes too far or its enforcement has been too harsh, then make an earnest thread about it. This concern trolling is not helpful. Until a rule change goes in, I will continue enforcing the rules as is, meaning that soylita avatarfagging is not protected and will get you banned as does every other type of avatarfagging.
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