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>>if you browse sharty now you will find out how loose their no avatarfagging rule is compare to yours.
>then go there, avatarfag, and post soylita.
>you won't because that site is a worthless cesspit of booru & discord attentionwhores forcing memes in a permanent brimstone winter.

>>lute please just hashban soylita
>A downright soylita ban is something i'm trying to avoid as it:
>1. doesn't attack the root of the problem, which is users avatarfagging with this nas coal, posting loli porn with this nas coal, and excessively spamming this nas coal. Other rules already cover these offenses.
>2. harms bypassing users who may post an actual soyjak-related piece of content that happens to have soylita in it.

>I'm merely trying to enforce the rules as they are, I don't want to add anything more if it's not necessary.

>This site isn't trying to be /b/ 2, it's attempting to continue the spirit of the old sharty before Kuz took over. Part of that is keeping the site a largely anonymous, soyjak focused website that generates OC. People forcing memes, like with Cobson and now Soylita, did damage to the site and was not what made soyjak.party an actually funny and good place to post. The jarty was only a /liberty/ site because Kuz was an over-bearing moderator who banned the letter "E" at one point because it made him mad. These days, the sharty has zero quality control and that lets any discord tranny wishing to force a meme and become a z-list micro e-celeb dictate site culture by spam alone. If you want to be able to spam soylita and have a proper user base where people who care about quality can filter your garbage out, please contribute to peerchan to make it a viable alternative jschan.

>If you want /b/ 2, then go to 4chan.org's /b/ and witness that it's a worthless porn dump. If you want sfw /b/, then go to /bant/ and see how utterly cancerous, unoriginal, and worthless that board is. If you still want more rules to make it "muh soyjak website" (really in name only), then go to the nu-sharty, which is just a namefag hell where discord and booru kikes force the coal of the week in a failed attempt to emulate the success of forcing Cobson for the 2 billionth time.

>The rule against avatarfaging and excessive spam is to prevent people from forming identities on the site and from being able to coat the entire catalog in whatever unfunny coal of the weak their 'cord comes up with. This has been the goal since the first day this site came online (with my original rule set being even more rulescucked than this until a 'teen emailed me suggesting I add more /liberty/ to allow 'teens to compete in peace, which is what I have largely stuck to). This will continue to be the rule so long as it's necessary to protect the limited catalog space from being wiped or manipulated. 

>jakparty.soy is a soyjak website, dedicated to soyquoting and poking fun at people. It always has been and it always will be. Soylita self-insert NAS is merely tolerated and is not exempt from the rules regarding avatarfagging and excessive spam. If the soylitafag's attention seeking behavior continues, they will only be met with harsher and harsher punishments for doing so. If you do not like this arrangement, then please leave. Your presence on the site is both new and unwelcome.
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