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>I love, and I really mean fucking love, when there's politics in my video games/media/movies/music because it like helps with world building or something (and totally isn't an excuse for my developers to stan trans heckin' rights in they/their games)
I love political activists on the Internet! I looooove it when they bring their garbage into places where it isn't needed! I heckin love reading politics wherever I go
hey did you catch the new politics last night? That was wild haha
you know, im pretty peckish actually. Tempted to heat up some politics and eat it with a glass of racial politics whilst posting about identity politics 
i just love, love, LOVE POLITICS
it reminds me of the time when I watched politics at the cinema or when my political opinions took their first step
i will never forget the day I put a ring on my politic's hand infront of my political family and they were all ecstatic.
anyways, what did you get your little timmy this politchristmas? Ohhh POLITICS! ah, yes, I got my son the new politic station 5 and a copy of call of politics modern culture warfare and the ballet of gay tony for his poltibox series malcom X
no meme arrow therefore you look like nothing but somehow still say this
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>I love political activists on the Internet! I looooove it when they bring their garbage into places where it isn't needed! I heckin love reading politics wherever I go
>hey did you catch the new politics last night? That was wild haha
>you know, im pretty peckish actually. Tempted to heat up some politics and eat it with a glass of racial politics whilst posting about identity politics 
>i just love, love, LOVE POLITICS
>it reminds me of the time when I watched politics at the cinema or when my political opinions took their first step
>i will never forget the day I put a ring on my politic's hand infront of my political family and they were all ecstatic.
>anyways, what did you get your little timmy this politchristmas? Ohhh POLITICS! ah, yes, I got my son the new politic station 5 and a copy of call of politics modern culture warfare and the ballet of gay tony for his poltibox series malcom X
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>OH MY DISCO ELYSIUM I just LOVE taking the 8 VALUES test while my wife gets blacked in the other room! Its so GRANULAR and UNBIASED unlike the chuddy and racist political compass!
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>>I love political activists on the Internet! I looooove it when they bring their garbage into places where it isn't needed! I heckin love reading politics wherever I go
>>hey did you catch the new politics last night? That was wild haha
>>you know, im pretty peckish actually. Tempted to heat up some politics and eat it with a glass of racial politics whilst posting about identity politics 
>>i just love, love, LOVE POLITICS
>>it reminds me of the time when I watched politics at the cinema or when my political opinions took their first step
>>i will never forget the day I put a ring on my politic's hand infront of my political family and they were all ecstatic.
>>anyways, what did you get your little timmy this politchristmas? Ohhh POLITICS! ah, yes, I got my son the new politic station 5 and a copy of call of politics modern culture warfare and the ballet of gay tony for his poltibox series malcom X
what is this spot-the-dot clone ass nigga shit?
dust that annihilated 'jakking
there are no jreg soyjaks
soot i demand jreg soyjaks
the coal that eviscerated the jarty
oc therefore up
who says this?
necrobumo to slide rapefugee breads
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Is disco elysium soy? I liked it, is there something wrong with me?
also I'm trans, if that matters
there is something wrong with you you eat cockroachs
i like all these things but i'm not a soyboy albeit
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>eating bugs le bad because science says it isn't
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