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muh oldjart culture

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Would you like to live in a farm or a village?
Replies: >>415
I think I would be like hawthorne where I think I'd want to but quickly change my mind after trying it
both are viable options, but villages with farms are where its at
certainly not a village from my own experience
>live on top of a mountain
>at least 30 minutes of driving through dangerous road to nearest central settlement
>nearly unhabitable and hardly reachable during winter
>entire population is compromised of 70 year olds with dementia
>not even a fucking market so you have to make sure you buy everything along the way before you get there

but small towns are pretty comfy, especially if you live in an older neirgbhood that doesnt support much infistructure so that nobody can build a apartment in your street
Replies: >>414
ev&o the cool guy next door has chickens and you can buy eggs and meat from him
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>>410 (OP) 
a village
farm aldoe I probably wouldn't farm anything and wouldn't keep animals I just want the land
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